Tag Archives: President Joe Biden

‘Save our cars’ is a winning message in the age of EV mandates


By Kevin Mooney

Automobile consumers who treasure the open roads during the summertime could upend the presidential campaign and U.S. Senate races in surprising places if public opposition to electric-vehicle mandates and other regulations continues to rise.

That is what some recent polls suggest, and it certainly helps to explain why the Biden administration is poised to artificially reduce fuel prices by selling one million barrels of gasoline from an energy reserve in New England timed with the summer driving season and in anticipation of the November elections.

Since the East Coast consumed in excess of three million barrels a day of gasoline last June, it is not evident that having an additional one million barrels on the market will make an appreciable difference.

Moreover, there is an argument to be made that by tapping into the reserve, Team Biden is leaving the region open to cyberattacks that would disrupt energy supplies. (Recall, that is precisely what happened throughout the southeast in 2021 when a ransomware attack hit the Colonial Pipeline.)

But even in the absence of any cyber drama, the cumulative effect of President Joe Biden’s anti-energy agenda is already registering with consumers who benefit from affordable, reliable energy. This is particularly true where conventional, gas-powered cars are concerned.

On holiday weekends, cars erase differences, bring families together, and improve the quality of life. The American Automobile Association (AAA) predicts almost 50 million people will travel 50 miles or more from their homes to celebrate Independence Day over the weekend of June 30 to July 4.

This would represent an increase of 3.7% from 2021, bringing travel volumes to where they were prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019. This increase will be particularly acute, with AAA expecting 42 million Americans to hit the roads this coming Independence Day.

But what about those EV mandates?

President Biden and California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a fellow Democrat, remain undeterred by the paucity of charging stations, the limited range of EVs, their exorbitant costs, and the vulnerability of foreign supply chains leading back to China as they press ahead with new regulatory initiatives. Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency finalized a tailpipe emissions rule in March aimed at coercing automakers into selling more EVs, while the California Air Resources Board is pressing ahead with a “zero emissions” rule the board approved last year to meet Newsom’s stated climate goals.

California is clearly working hand in glove with the Biden administration to achieve zero emissions goals for vehicles by 2035. This effort will most certainly limit consumer choice and raise costs.

Despite all the subsidies and regulatory schemes developed to favor EVs, they represent only about 1% of the 290 million vehicles in the U.S. today. Meanwhile, EV costs continue to soar.

Recent studies also show that EVs, on average, are more expensive to own and operate than their gas-powered counterparts. So, how should consumers respond to the regulatory onslaught?

Enter the “Save Our Cars Coalition,” which includes 31 national and state organizations devoted to preserving the ability of consumers to select the vehicles most suitable to their needs.

Tom Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research, a coalition member that favors free-market energy policies, views cars as an integral component of American life. The Biden-Newsom regulations amount to what Pyle describes as “an assault on American freedom.”

“In a nation as expansive as the United States, cars are not merely vehicles, they are integral to the American way of life,” Pyle says. “They play a pivotal role in our daily lives, especially in suburban and rural settings. This modern-day prohibition would outlaw a product and a value–in this case, gasoline-powered cars and trucks that have created personal mobility on an unprecedented scale – that it cannot persuade people to forego themselves.”

The coalition is perfectly positioned to make EV mandates a campaign issue in areas where the affordability of cars capable of traversing long distances without frequent stops is very much on the minds of voters. State officials who continue to double-down on California-type regulations will only serve to bolster the coalition’s arguments.

By contrast, states that break free from California’s emissions standards could become surprisingly competitive in the presidential race. Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, recently announced that he would end California’s EV mandate in his state by the end of this year. Although Virginia hasn’t backed a Republican for president since George W. Bush was re-elected in 2004, polls show Biden and  Donald Trump are in a dead heat. The former, and perhaps future Republican president, is on record opposing Biden’s EV mandates.

By contrast, Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey, a Democrat elected in 2017 and re-elected in 2021, is moving full speed ahead with a California-type mandate requiring all new car sales to be electric by 2035. Polls show Murphy’s Jersey constituents are not keen on the policy change. In fact, more than half of state residents say they are not inclined to buy an electric car even with the mandates.

New Jersey has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since George Bush Sr. won the state in 1988. But fresh polls show Biden leading Trump by just seven points in the Garden State. It is worth noting that New Jersey has a large block of unaffiliated voters that can be pliable in tight races such as the most recent gubernatorial campaign.

Murphy almost lost his re-election bid to Republican Jack Ciattarelli, a former assemblyman and businessman, who came within a few percentage points of pulling off an upset. Trump’s campaign rally in Wildwood, N.J., which attracted more than 100,000 people, could also serve as a barometer for a potentially close election. A beach resort community, Wildwood is practically inaccessible without the kind of vehicles Biden and Newsom are attempting to ban.

The big prize, though, may be Pennsylvania, where Trump is leading Biden in recent polls. There is also a competitive U.S. Senate race in that state between Sen. Robert Casey Jr., the Democratic incumbent, and Dave McCormick, the Republican challenger.

Polls show Casey is only ahead by six points. So far, Casey has been ducking and avoiding any questions about his position on EV mandates. With Trump already leading and McCormick gaining in the Keystone State, anyone running on a platform of “Save Our Cars” could have a field day.

This article originally appeared at The Daily Caller

Air Conditioning Costs Are Expected To Skyrocket This Summer, Thanks To Biden

From ClimateRealism

*Editors’ Note: This article, written by The Heartland Institute’s Chris Talgo, describes how air conditioning costs could spike this summer, due largely to president Biden’s energy and climate policies. Climate Realism has previously covered the folly of this administration’s approach to energy herehere, and here
By Chris Talgo

According to a new report by the National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA), “The financial burden to families of keeping cool this summer will increase by 7.9% across the nation to an average of $719 from June through September, up from $661 during the same period last year.”

The report, “Summer Residential Cooling Outlook: Residential Electric Utility Expenditures Projected to Reach Record Levels, Highest in 10 years,” begins with this ominous sentence: “Home energy is becoming increasingly unaffordable for low-income families.”

Making matters worse, NEADA notes, “Summer cooling costs are coming right on top of this winter’s higher heating season costs.”

And, “The level of utility consumer debt – the amount consumers owe their utilities – has increased from $17.5 billion in January 2023 to $20.3 billion in December 2023, and NEADA estimates that 16% (21.2 million) of all U.S. households are behind on their energy bills.”

Obviously, this is terrible news for hardworking Americans, most of whom are already struggling to make ends meet under Bidenomics. As of late 2023, 78 percent of Americans said they are living paycheck-to-paycheck, per a payroll.org survey.

Needless to say, it is also yet another economic black mark against the Biden administration. As the report shows, the sudden and steep rise in home energy costs happens to coincide with exactly when Biden entered the White House and launched his war against affordable and reliable energy.

In 2017, the first year of former President Donald Trump’s term, the average U.S. electric bill for June to September was $502. In 2018, it increased slightly to $531. By 2019, it had decreased to $527. By 2020, when most Americans were stuck indoors due to COVID-19 lockdowns and probably using their air conditioning more than ever, the average electric bill for the summer months had increased slightly again to $556.

All told, during the four years of Trump’s presidency, Americans paid, on-average, $2,116 to keep their homes cool and comfortable during the height of summer.

On the other hand, the average electric bill for June to September under Biden has increased substantially. In 2021, Americans paid, on average, $573. In 2022, this jumped to $660. In 2023, it rose slightly to $662. In 2024, as mentioned above, it is expected to surpass $700 for the first time ever. During Biden’s term, Americans will pay, on-average, $2,614 to keep their homes cool and comfortable – nearly $500 more than Trump’s term.

Unfortunately, Biden’s war on affordable and reliable energy has impacted Americans far more than just their air conditioning bills. Since Biden took office, the cost of a gallon of gasoline has doubled and the total cost of energy has increased by 37 percent.

As mentioned in the report, high energy costs have a disproportionate impact on low- and middle-income Americans simply because they spend a higher proportion of their income on electricity, gasoline and other energy-related items. Whereas wealthy Americans have the disposable income to offset these price spikes, hardworking Americans do not have that luxury.

This means low- and middle-income Americans are being forced to make difficult daily decisions in terms of their spending habits. In real life terms, this means they have to constantly consider trade-offs. Can they afford to fill their car with gasoline this week? Or, would that money be better spent on groceries? Do they have enough money to pay the utility bill at the end of the month? Or, has that money already been allocated to pay rent?

These are the actual hardships that Americans are increasingly facing because President Biden foolishly believes that affordable and reliable energy, in the form of fossil fuels, must be replaced with so-called renewable energy. Never mind that wind and solar – Biden’s preferred replacements for oil, natural gas, and coal – are neither economically viable nor scalable.

By the looks of it, Biden is stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he were to abandon his climate change agenda and embrace affordable energy, his donors and left-wing base would go apoplectic. However, if he refuses to acknowledge that his anti-fossil-fuel agenda has made life significantly worse for vast swathes of Americans, he will likely lose precious votes come November.

With less than five months before voters start heading to the polls, it might not even matter at this point. Americans have lived and struggled under Bidenomics for more than three years. They should know that four more years under Biden’s misguided energy policies would likely result in more pain and suffering.

Chris Talgo (ctalgo@heartland.org) is editorial director at The Heartland Institute.

Originally posted at The Center Squarereposted with permission. 

Hidden Behind Climate Policies, Data From Nonexistent Temperature Stations

From Watts Up With That?

Hundreds of ‘ghost’ climate stations are no longer operational; instead they are assigned temperatures from surrounding stations.

This article in the Epoch Times is behind half a pay wall depending on whether or not you’ve used up your free subscription. It is a summation of issues we’ve talked about on this site for years.

“Earth’s issuing a distress call,” said United Nations secretary-general António Guterres on March 19. “The latest State of the Global Climate report shows a planet on the brink.

“Fossil fuel pollution is sending climate chaos off the charts. Sirens are blaring across all major indicators: Last year saw record heat, record sea levels, and record ocean surface temperatures. … Some records aren’t just chart-topping, they’re chart-busting.”

President Joe Biden called the climate “an existential threat” in his 2023 State of the Union address. “Let’s face reality. The climate crisis doesn’t care if you’re in a red or a blue state.”

In his 2024 address he said, “I don’t think any of you think there’s no longer a climate crisis. At least, I hope you don’t.”

When recalling past temperatures to make comparisons to the present, and, more importantly, inform future climate policy, officials such as Mr. Guterres and President Biden rely in part on temperature readings from the United States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN).



The problem, say experts, is that an increasing number of USHCN’s stations don’t exist anymore.

Shewchuk goes on to describe the problem.

“NOAA fabricates temperature data for more than 30 percent of the 1,218 USHCN reporting stations that no longer exist.”

He calls them “ghost” stations.

Mr. Shewchuck said USHCN stations reached a maximum of 1,218 stations in 1957, but after 1990 the number of active stations began declining due to aging equipment and personnel retirements.

NOAA still records data from these ghost stations by taking the temperature readings from surrounding stations, and recording their average for the ghost station, followed by an “E,” for estimate.

The addition of the ghost station data means NOAA’s “monthly and yearly reports are not representative of reality,” said Anthony Watts, a meteorologist and senior fellow for environment and climate at the Heartland Institute.

“If this kind of process were used in a court of law, then the evidence would be thrown out as being polluted.”

Mr. Shewchuk said the USHCN data is the only long-term historical temperature data the United States has.

“In these days of apparent ‘climate crisis,’ you would think that maintaining actual temperature reporting stations would be a top priority—but they instead manufacture data for hundreds of non-existent stations. This is a bizarre way of monitoring a climate claimed to be an existential threat,” he said.

Emphasis mine in the following quotes from the article.

“For various reasons, NOAA feels the need to alter this data instead of fixing equipment problems they think exist,” Mr. Shewchuk said.

“Fixing temperature reporting stations is not rocket science. If we can go up to space to fix the Hubble telescope, we can surely come down to earth to fix a few thermometers.”

NOAA’s use of ghost temperature stations isn’t a recent phenomenon. In 2014, Mr. Watts raised the issue of ghost stations and bad data with NOAA’s chief scientist at the National Climatic Data Center, Tom Peterson, and Texas’ state climatologist, John Nielsen-Gammon, who confirmed there was an issue.

“Anthony – I just did a check of all Texas USHCN stations. Thirteen had estimates in place of apparently good data,” Mr. Nielsen-Gammon wrote in an email to Mr. Watts, according to a report on the latter’s website.

“It’s a bug, a big one. And as Zeke [Hausfather] did a cursory analysis Thursday night, he discovered it was systemic to the entire record, and up to 10 percent of stations have ‘estimated’ data spanning over a century.”

At the time, Mr. Watts reported on his climate website, “Watts Up With That,” that NOAA was taking the issue seriously and expected them to issue a fix shortly.

That fix never materialized. “They’re still doing it, and it’s even worse” he said.

Anthony is quoted further in the article.

NOAA’s Cooperative Observer Program, which includes the USHCN stations, is a network of daily weather observations taken by more than 8,500 volunteers, its webpage states.

Mr. Watts said the process for volunteers is “labor intensive.”

(L–R) Philippe Papin, hurricane specialist at the National Hurricane Center, and Richard Pasch, senior hurricane specialist, work on tracking unsettled weather over the eastern Gulf of Mexico in Miami on May 31, 2023. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

“It requires people to record high and low temperature, rainfall, the temperature at the time of observation, and do it at a very specific time, every day. And this has to then be recorded and sent to the National Climatic Data Center in Nashville, now known as the National Center for Environmental Information,” he said.

“Some of it’s still done on paper, some of it’s still done with touchtone over the telephone. It requires a lot of dedication and effort on the part of the observer. It’s a thankless job. And as a result, observers have been disappearing. A lot of them have left due to attrition by death. And then there’s no one to take on that job.”

Mr. Watts explained that when that happens, instead of subtracting the unmanned station from the overall number of USHCN stations, NOAA creates a number from surrounding stations.

“As a result, we end up with this milkshake of data that is basically a hot mess, and isn’t real in most cases,” Mr. Watts said.

And further down.

The Bigger Issue

According to Mr. Watts, ghost stations are problematic but are only part of a much bigger problem.

He explained that several different entities—such as the European Commission’s Copernicus, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), Berkeley’s Earth Surface Temperatures (BEST), and NOAA—publish monthly and yearly climate data and advertise themselves as having “independent data.”

“That is a lie,” Mr. Watts said about the independent data claim.

“The USHCN data set and the [new] nClimDiv climate division data set [which uses the same stations and has the same problems] comes from the Cooperative Observer [Program] in the United States.

“Similarly, in the rest of the world, there is a Cooperative Observer [Program] that suffers from the same problems of attrition and incompetence. And it’s called the GHCN; the Global Historical Climatology Network.

“All these different entities out there, like NOAA, GISS, BEST, all the entities I listed, use the same data from GHCN. And they all apply their own set of ’special sauce’ adjustments to create what they believe is true.

“It’s almost like each of these entities is creating their version of the real, true God. You know, it’s like a religion. They’re using different mathematical and statistical techniques to produce their version of climate reality.

“And it all goes back to the same original, badly-sited, badly-maintained ghost station dataset around the world. USHCN and GHCN are the same stuff. So, there is no independent temperature dataset. It’s bogus that anyone claims this.”

The California Energy Scam: Newsom’s Actions Of “Leaking” Emissions To Poorer Developing Countries.

From Watts Up With That?

Cleaning up emissions in-state increases worldwide emissions by “leaking” manufacturing to poorer developing countries with miniscule environmental regulations.

Published February 12, 2024, at America Out Loud NEWS


Ronald Stein  is an engineer, senior policy advisor on energy literacy for the Heartland Institute and CFACT, and co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations.”

In California, Governor Gavin Newsom has been vocal about his commitment to reducing in-state greenhouse gas emissions, but much of his “success” has been accomplished by “leaking” those emissions to offshore locations with miniscule environmental regulations compared to California.

California is probably the most environmentally regulated location on the planet. The state also has the highest poverty rate in the nation, the highest state income tax in the nation, the highest gas taxes in the nation, and record homelessness. The challenges are that:

  • The states’ population needs cost effective products in their daily lives.
  • The Governor supports manufacturing in poorer developing countries with minimal environmental regulations, i.e. “leakage” of emissions to others to achieve cost effective products for its population.

By “leaking” emissions to other countries, California successfully reduces its in-state emissions, but effectively induces net increases to the world’s emissions!

Newsom’s actions of “leaking” emissions to poorer developing countries violate many sections of the written legal framework of The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB32).

The written legal “green” framework statutes in California that Newsom circumvents are:

  • A California statute passed in 1970, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), that was signed into law by then-Governor Ronald Reagan and was the beginning of the State’s “green” movement.
  • Then in 2006, the passage of the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) marked a watershed moment in California’s history. By requiring in law, a sharp reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, California set the stage for its transition to a sustainable, (in-state) low-carbon future. 

Of those two voluminous documents, CEQA and AB32, Governor Newsom has chosen just five words from AB32 Section 38562 (4) “reduce toxic air contaminant emissions” as the foundation of his mandates, and his personal emission policy to clean the “air bubble” inside California borders by leaking those emissions to others outside the boundaries of California.

Here are a few sections from AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act that demonstrate the Governor’s actions that increase the “leakage” of emissions to developing countries to clean the “air bubble” around California:

  1. AB32 section 38564 states: “The state board shall consult with other states, and the federal government, and other nations to identify the most effective strategies and methods to reduce greenhouse gases, manage greenhouse gas control programs, and to facilitate the development of integrated and cost-effective regional, national, and international greenhouse gas reduction programs”.
  2. A consequence of the renewable electricity (RE) movement is that most of the exotic minerals and metals needed by EV batteries, wind turbine, and solar panels are being mined in developing countries with virtually no environmental laws nor labor laws, thus the exploitation of people of yellow, brown, and black skin, and the environmental degradation to their local landscapes, all “unseen” by California eyes.
  • Contrary to the wording in AB32 section 38564 “facilitate the development of integrated and cost-effective regional, national, and international greenhouse gas reduction programs”, government sponsored “SUBSIDIES” are providing financial incentives for those poorer developing countries to CONTINUE their unabated emissions, humanity atrocities to citizens of yellow, brown, and black skin, and environmental degradation to their lands, again “unseen by California eyes!!!!
  • AB32 section 38562 (2) states: “Ensure that activities undertaken to comply with the regulations do not disproportionately impact low-income communities.”
  1. Back in 2021, the Pulitzer Prize nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations – Helping Citizens Understand the Environmental and Humanity Abuses That Support Clean Energy.  The discusses the lack of transparency to the world of the green movement’s impact upon humanity exploitations in the developing countries that are mining for the exotic minerals and metals required to create the batteries needed to store “green energy”. In these developing countries, these mining operations disproportionately impact low-income communities and exploit child labor and are responsible for the most egregious human rights’ violations of vulnerable minority populations. These operations are also directly destroying the planet through environmental degradation.
  • One year later in 2022, President Biden provided validation to the books’ message when the Biden administration declared October 4, 2022, that batteries from China may be tainted by child labor, a move that could have upended the electric vehicle industry while giving fresh ammunition to critics of the White House’s bizarre climate policies. However, our government leaders believe that zero emissions at any cost is more important than the environmental and humanity abuses that support “clean” electricity.
  • AB32 section 38562 (8) states: “minimize leakage”.
  1. Newsom, by continually decreasing in-state oil production, Newsom’s emissions policies continue to force California, the 4th largest economy in the world, to be the only state in contiguous America that imports most of its crude oil feedstock to refineries from foreign countries. That dependence, via maritime transportation from foreign nations for the state’s crude oil energy demands, has increased imported crude oil from 5 percent in 1992 to almost 60 percent today of total consumption.
  • Since 1995, California’s crude oil demands have been increasing year over year, except for pandemic years. But given that maritime transportation is one of the greatest contributors of GHG emissions, the state continues to “leak” emissions to others outside the California clean air bubble.
  • Rather than drill for oil in California or access the oil offshore via “slant drilling” techniques from land, in 2021, imported foreign crude oil approached 300,000 barrels per year. It took 150 Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs) oil tankers, each with 2 million barrels of crude oil, which were required to meet the demands of California. Just another example of “leaking” emissions to others just to keep in-state emissions low.
  • More to the point, why aren’t we drilling in California? Won’t our drilling practices be more environmentally responsible? And won’t it benefit the environment to not have dozens of oil tankers perpetually belching bunker fuel exhaust off the coast of Long Beach, and that only after they’ve belched their way across the Pacific Ocean?

Is it ethical for the California Governor to blatantly not abide by his own laws and violate his own states’ legal framework to set his personal emissions policies?

His actions have raised concerns among legal experts and environmentalists, as they conflict with the state’s existing legal framework statutes which prioritize the affordability of products over their international environmental impact.

President Joe Biden and California’s Governor Newsom continue to support subsidies to procure products from locations around the world that have minimal environmental regulations, when those subsidies are providing financial incentives to increase worldwide emissions by manufacturing offshore to countries where there are no environmental regulations and emissions are rampant.

I personally thought that President Biden and California Governor Newsom had higher moral and ethical standards that would stop them from financially encouraging developing countries from continuing their exploitation of the poor with yellow, brown, and black skin, and further environmental degradation to the landscapes in those distant developing countries, and uncontrollable emissions “over there” just to support clean air in “our backyards”!

Ronald Stein P.E.

Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations”, policy advisor on energy literacy for The Heartland Institute, and The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and National TV Commentator- Energy & Infrastructure with Rick Amato.

Ronald Stein, P.E. is an engineer, energy consultant, speaker, author of books and articles on energy, environmental policy, and human rights, and Founder of PTS Advance, a California based company.

Ron advocates that energy literacy starts with the knowledge that renewable energy is only intermittent electricity generated from unreliable breezes and sunshine, as wind turbines and solar panels cannot manufacture anything for the 8 billion on this planet.

Offshore wind and the stress on commercial fishermen


By Craig Rucker

Congressional Republicans are sounding the Mayday alarm this weekend to the grave challenges commercial fishermen face resulting from the Biden administration’s offshore wind agenda.

Offshore wind development is placing enormous stress on the American commercial fishing fleet, which may not survive these challenges. A trio of coastal lawmakers, Reps. Andy. Harris (R-Md.), Chris Smith (R.-N.J.), and Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) will explore offshore wind farm interactions at an upcoming hearing, which their colleagues and the public should heed.

President Joe Biden casts himself as a friend to American workers, but his poor treatment of fishermen and their communities puts the lie to this claim. Biden’s plan to produce 30 GW of offshore wind energy by the year 2030 is based solely on political goals, not any actual scientific investigation of our ocean’s offshore ecosystems. The science is unresolved. Coastal economies are forgotten. Energy and food security questions are ignored. And that’s just for starters.

There are many significant gaps in our understanding of offshore wind’s interactions with all facets of the marine environment, as an exhaustive research document from the Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA) reflects.

What will the well-documented wind-wake effect do to ocean primary production – the upwelling and downwelling of the ocean – which is the building block of marine food webs? What of European modeling that shows increased sea surface temperatures relative to offshore wind turbines? Those models indicate that said warming mimics the effects of climate change and could extend up to 60 miles past lease areas. Would that hurt the ocean?

Wind turbines in the UK (such as the Thanet wind farm) have created continuous sand sediment plumes underwater that extend for miles and destroy fishing grounds. Could that happen in the U.S.? How do electromagnetic fields that subsea cables generate affect fish migration? Could it affect species development?

We don’t know the answers to these questions, and the administration has not made even a good-faith effort to do the science required before leasing began.

Despite the uncertain science, the administration is speeding ocean industrialization along to the benefit of foreign entities and governments. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) offers a 30% tax credit for projects that begin construction before 2026 as a way to turbocharge offshore wind development.

Nearly all the leaseholders are multi-national entities, in some cases majority-owned by foreign governments. For example, administration officials in November trumpeted federal approval of two offshore wind farms south of Long Island, Empire Wind 1 and Empire Wind 2. The developers behind these projects are British Petroleum and Equinor, a Norwegian government-owned energy company.

These projects, and others like them, will undermine and perhaps destroy local commercial fishing fleets coastwide. We know from experience that offshore wind infrastructure is not compatible with their fishing gear. Radar scatter and false targets create such dangers that fishermen cannot safely access lease areas if the entrance is allowed at all.

But instead of the Biden administration removing commercial fishing grounds from offshore wind lease areas first, industry backers in the U.S., such as Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), have crafted bills to instead compensate fishermen for lost catch.

But that doesn’t solve the problem. Fishermen don’t want a hand-out. Cutting checks for destroying a sustainable heritage industry is technocracy at its ugliest.

That approach will also force us to rely more heavily on farmed and wild-caught seafood from places like Russia and China with non-existent environmental and public health oversight. Didn’t the pandemic teach us that domestic food production and national food security matter?

Put simply: the Biden administration is offering tax credits to foreign-government-owned energy companies and/or foreign developers (or their U.S. subsidiaries) who will put US commercial fishermen out of work, seed dysfunction in US coastal fishing communities, risk destroying the ocean’s productivity and replace a sustainable domestic wild-caught high protein food source with subpar and sometimes unsafe foreign products.

Unfortunately, so far, many Republicans have missed the boat on this poignant story about the systematic destruction of our nation’s oldest industry at the hands of the Biden administration and Democrats’ offshore wind policy. But if they replace fishing with another resource user type, like logging, farming or ranching, they have probably lived it in their own state.

Reps. Harris, Smith, and Van Drew have been relentless in uncovering the multiple conflicts that offshore wind presents to our coastline and this country. Their colleagues and the public at large needs to understand quickly what Joe from Scranton’s administration is trying to do to this iconic industry, our wild-caught seafood supply, our nation’s safety, security and the ocean itself, before it’s too late.

“A Missed Opportunity”: Biden to Skip This Week’s New York UN Climate Summit

Awkward moment John Kerry shakes hands with Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

In the midst of large New York climate protests, Biden has decided to skip the UN summit and send John Kerry in his place.

Biden to skip U.N. climate summit 

By Sara Schonhardt, Robin Bravender | 09/15/2023 04:09 PM EDT

President Joe Biden is expected to skip a U.N. summit next week where global leaders were asked to bring their ambitious plans to tackle climate change.

“Currently, the president is not scheduled to participate in the U.N. climate summit on Wednesday,” White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters Friday.

Biden is sending climate envoy John Kerry to represent the United States, a State Department spokesperson said Friday, but Biden’s absence is noteworthy at a forum where global leaders were invited to make sweeping climate commitments and highlight action ahead of global climate talks known as COP28 that kick off in late November.

“It’s a missed opportunity,” said Alden Meyer, a senior associate at climate think tank E3G. “To not have major leaders from developed countries there [at the U.N. summit] … it’s not a good signal when you’re trying to build momentum in the run-up to COP28 in Dubai and get other countries on board.”

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has secured a speaking slot, the E.U. delegation in New York confirmed. 

But other leaders of some of the world’s major polluters aren’t expected to be in attendance, including British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

…Read more: https://www.eenews.net/articles/biden-to-skip-u-n-climate-summit/

I think it hilarious that even greens describe Kerry’s attendance in place of Biden as “a missed opportunity”. No word yet if Kerry plans to shake the hand of anyone on the DEA most wanted list at this week’s climate conference.

Regarding the climate protests, the media has made a lot of noise but I’m not sure how widespread the allegedly worldwide climate protests actually are. Apparently there is quite a presence in New York, but I haven’t exactly seen anyone in my town holding any banners.

The Guardian claims “10s of thousands” attended the New York protest, to listen to speeches by AOC, though it is difficult to judge numbers from the Guardian photos. I also looked at NPR, they also have a poor quality photo which makes it difficult to judge numbers. New York Times has a short video, but the video is strangely lacking in viewpoints which would allow us to be impressed by the 10s of thousands of marchers. Judge for yourself.

Climate Week Protests Draw Thousands In New York City | NPR News Now

The Guardian report on AOC speaking at the conference;

Tens of thousands in NYC march against fossil fuels as AOC hails powerful message

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the crowd must become ‘too big and too radical to ignore’ as Biden came under fire for oil projects

Dharna Noor and Aliya Uteuova in New YorkMon 18 Sep 2023 07.18 AEST

Tens of thousands of climate activists took to the streets of New York City on Sunday in a “march to end fossil fuels”, with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez telling the crowd that the movement must become “too big and too radical to ignore”.

To cheers from the crowd, the progressive Democrat criticized the US continuing to approve fossil fuel projects, something which the Biden administration did earlier this year with the controversial Willow project in Alaska.

“We are all here for one reason: to end fossil fuels around the planet,” Ocasio-Cortez told a rally at the finish of the march, which ended close to the UN headquarters where world leaders will gather this week. “And the way we create urgency is to have people around the world in the streets.”

…Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/17/march-to-end-fossil-fuels-new-york-city

The Guardian picture of AOC speaking at the climate protest shows AOC wearing what appears to be mostly fossil fuel based synthetic clothing. But I guess it is not easy to explain to someone who thinks all her political critics want to sleep with her, that she is acting like an ignorant green hypocrite.

CNN Credits Biden for Record High US Oil Production

From Watts Up With That?

CNN Credits Biden for Record High US Oil Production

CNN’s Matt Egan must be a very special kind of stupid…

Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records

By Matt Egan, CNN Business

Published 1:30 PM EDT, Wed August 9, 2023

New York CNN Business — 

Critics accuse President Joe Biden of waging a war on the oil industry that is hurting consumers at the gas pump. And yet, on his watch, US oil production is poised to shatter all-time records set during the Trump administration.

US oil output is now projected to rise to an average of 12.8 million barrels per day this year for the first time ever, according to federal estimates released Tuesday.

For context, that’s about half a million barrels per day more than the prior annual record set in 2019. It’s also more oil than any other country on the planet produces — the next-closest nation, Saudi Arabia, produces about 10 million barrels per day, according to OPEC.

The looming milestone undercuts the argument made by some 2024 GOP presidential contenders that the Biden administration is strangling the oil industry with red tape.



U.S. oil production is not “under Biden”… Not even the oil production from Federal lands and waters. Production from Federal lands and waters is conducted pursuant to Federal laws passed by Congress. While some think that Biden could halt all of that production with the stroke of the pen, I’m 99% certain the courts would slap him down fairly quickly.

“Critics accuse President Joe Biden of waging a war on the oil industry”

This has to be the stupidest thing ever written by a moronic journalist:

Critics accuse President Joe Biden of waging a war on the oil industry… The looming milestone undercuts the argument made by some 2024 GOP presidential contenders that the Biden administration is strangling the oil industry with red tape.

Matt Egan

The day before Matt Egan’s moronic article was published…

Biden: I Wanted ‘to Stop All Drilling’ on the Coasts and Gulf, Got Blocked by Courts

by IAN HANCHETT 8 Aug 2023

During an interview with The Weather Channel that is set to air on Wednesday, a portion of which aired on Tuesday, President Joe Biden said that he “wanted to stop all drilling on the East Coast and the West Coast and in the Gulf” but was blocked by the courts from doing so.



“Undercuts the argument… Biden… is strangling the oil industry with red tape”

Just a couple of weeks ago, the Biden maladministration settled a lawsuit with a group of Enivro-Marxist terrorist organizations. The settlement would remove about 11 million acres of prime offshore leases from future lease sales and place other restrictions on offshore oil & gas operations… All in the name of a fake whale species that didn’t exist two years ago and doesn’t even occupy the area being placed off limits.

Rice’s Whales are generally located in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, which has largely been off limits to oil & gas exploration for decades.

Distribution of all sightings and strandings of Bryde’s-like whales (now considered Rice’s whales) in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. NOAA (NOLA)

The proposed critical habitat area would essentially take the recently rejuvenated Flex Trend out of play.

Federal Register

Reprocessed Flex Trend data reveals near-field GoM potential

May 19, 2021

PGS has released more full integrity products from the Flex Vision data rejuvenation program in the Gulf of Mexico.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway – PGS has released more full integrity products from the Flex Vision data rejuvenation program in the Gulf of Mexico.

The application of new imaging technology to the Flex Trend has revealed near-field opportunities that boost potential far beyond original estimates, the company said.

New data unlocks opportunities adjacent to existing discoveries, to enable infrastructure-led exploration in an area of the Gulf of Mexico that has been producing oil and gas for more than two decades. Salt, the biggest challenge for exploration on the Flex Trend, is resolved with high-quality depth imaging and improved velocity control.



From “The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!” (1966)

Biden incorrectly claims he has declared a national emergency on climate

By Jeremy Diamond, CNN

Updated 2:34 PM EDT, Wed August 9, 2023

CNN — 

President Joe Biden incorrectly claimed in an interview with The Weather Channel that he has already declared a national emergency on the climate crisis.

“I’ve already done that,” Biden said when asked whether he intends to do declare a climate emergency. “We’ve conserved more land, we’ve rejoined the Paris Climate Accords, we’ve passed the $368 billion climate control facility. We’re moving. It is the existential threat to humanity.”

When pressed again on whether he had actually declared a national emergency, Biden said: “Practically speaking, yes.”


Climate advocacy groups are seizing on the moment and are pressing Biden to actually declare an emergency.


Other groups, including the climate group coalition People vs. Fossil Fuels – which represents over 1,200 groups, released a statement saying Biden should “follow through on his rhetoric” by declaring a national emergency that could further speed up deploying clean energy and halting fossil fuel production.

“Now that President Biden says he’s ‘practically’ declared a climate emergency, it’s time to do it for real,” People vs. Fossil Fuels, a coalition of over 1,200 groups, said in their statement.


“It’s time to do it for real…”

US oil output is now projected to rise to an average of 12.8 million barrels per day this year for the first time ever, according to federal estimates released Tuesday.

Matt Egan

While all this is going on, Biden and his enablers appear to be poised to declare a climate emergency, which allegedly could lead to this:

If Biden declares a ‘Climate Emergency,’ he would seize 130 new powers – Seeks repeat of COVID-style lockdowns with bypassing of democracy – Morano Responds

After declaring a national climate emergency, the president can suspend the operations of all offshore leases. This will stop extraction in the more than 11 million acres of federal waters currently subject active oil and gas leases…

Center for Biological Absurdity, February 2022

While I don’t think Biden could legally do this… If he did, it would immediately shut in about 1.8 million barrels per day of oil production… Which would see the largest single-year drop in US crude oil production and it literally would be “under Biden.”

US Crude Oil Production minus Gulf of Mexico

If this nightmare scenario came to pass, I wonder if Matt Egan would write an article with this headline:

Under Biden, US oil production posts single largest annual decline ever recorded!

This would shatter the previous record, when crude oil production declined by just under 1 million barrels per day during the shamdemic.

Shamdemic 2.0?

Will Climate Lockdowns Be Necessary to Fight the Climate Crisis?

At the beginning of COVID-19, lockdowns were necessary to fight the deadly virus. To lower emissions, another type of lockdown might need to be used: Climate lockdowns.


JAN. 17 2023

At the beginning of COVID-19, lockdowns were a necessary tool for fighting off and controlling the deadly virus. People stayed inside — we went to the store less, didn’t go out to eat, and entertained ourselves at home all to avoid exposure to other people.

And for a minute, the Earth started to reflect those actions. Emissions started decreasing and it seemed that something positive was emerging out of a negative situation. This experience raises the question: Would climate lockdowns help us tackle the climate crisis?


According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a climate lockdown would entail the government taking other actions aside from asking people to stay at home. Limiting private vehicle use, banning the consumption of red meat, imposing intense energy-saving actions, and putting an end to fossil fuel drilling, are all examples of potential measures to be taken during a climate lockdown.


Green Matters

Does anyone doubt that this is exactly what these lunatics want to do?

Equivalent of Covid emissions drop needed every two years – study

Equivalent falls in emissions over a decade required to keep to safe limits of global heating, experts say

Fiona Harvey Environment correspondent

Wed 3 Mar 2021 11.00 EST

Carbon dioxide emissions must fall by the equivalent of a global lockdown roughly every two years for the next decade for the world to keep within safe limits of global heating, research has shown.

Lockdowns around the world led to an unprecedented fall in emissions of about 7% in 2020, or about 2.6bn tonnes of CO2, but reductions of between 1bn and 2bn tonnes are needed every year of the next decade to have a good chance of holding temperature rises to within 1.5C or 2C of pre-industrial levels, as required by the Paris agreement.

Research published on Wednesday shows that countries were beginning to slow their rates of greenhouse gas emissions before the Covid-19 pandemic struck, but not to the levels needed to avert climate breakdown. Since lockdowns were eased in many countries last year, there have been strong signs that emissions will rise again to above 2019 levels, severely damaging the prospects of fulfilling the Paris goals.


The Grauniad

No, Mr. Kirby and CNN, “All the severe storms” are NOT Caused by Climate Change

From ClimateRealism

By Linnea Lueken

Screenshot from CNN This Morning.

John Kirby, White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, told the audience at “CNN This Morning” that President Joe Biden is still considering declaring a climate emergency, and that “all” severe weather we have seen lately are “definitely” because of climate change. This is false. There is no way to link any individual storm to long term climate change, and severe weather events, contrary to mainstream media portrayals, have not become more numerous or severe.

Kirby told CNN This Morning anchor Poppy Harlow that the Biden administration is laser-focused on climate change. He also claimed that extreme weather like storms, as well as natural disasters like the ongoing deadly wildfires in Hawaii, are due to climate change.

Kirby said:

“All I can tell you is that, as an administration, we’re going to stay focused on the climate crisis. It is front and center. It is right in front of us. And these wildfires and all the severe storms that we’re — that we continue to see are definitely caused as a result of what’s going on in the rising temperature across the globe. And so, we’ve got to treat this seriously.”

This is exactly the kind of false narrative that “attribution scientists” have been cultivating for years, which Climate Realism refutes after nearly every major weather event.

First, climate scientists understand that weather is not climate. Climate is measured over thirty year periods of time, whereas weather occurs over the course of hours to days. If there were long term measured trends that showed increasing severity of weather events, Kirby and the Biden administration would at least have some evidence to hang their claims on, but real-world data show no such trends.

The data on wildfires, for example, show a declining trend. You read that right, wildfires aren’t getting worse. In the Climate Realism post “Right, Wall Street Journal, Wildfires Are Declining as Climate Changes,” H. Sterling Burnett points out that satellite data show a 25 percent decrease in acreage lost to fires since 2003.

For the recent fires that tragically claimed dozens of lives and destroyed much of Maui’s town of Lahaina, again there is no evidence that a modest warming of the global average surface temperature was the cause. Instead, as detailed here by atmospheric scientist Cliff Mass, a combination of invasive dry grasses, poor land management, drought, strong winds, and the natural topological features of the Hawaiian islands, converged into a tinderbox scenario.

The trade winds that developed the day leading up to the fires were caused by an unlucky combination of low pressure from hurricane Dora to the south of the islands, and high pressure to the north.

Mass explains that conditions earlier this year likely led to more burnable grass that was dried out later, “[t]he situation this year on Maui was made even more dangerous on Hawaii because the past half-year was WETTER and COOLER than normal, which enhanced grass growth.”

Extreme weather events not related to wildfires have likewise seen no “enhancement” from climate change.

Other recent weather events that the mainstream media blamed on climate change this year, claims dutifully refuted at Climate Realism, include, for example; heatwaves in the American southwest, a hot water temperature reading in Florida, flooding in Vermont, and “weather whiplash” in India. Long term data do not support the claim that any of these weather events are occurring more frequently or becoming more severe when they occur.

The claim that various storms and heat waves can be attributed to climate change comes from various groups that practice “climate attribution,” which as Climate Realism has discussed in the past, herehere, and here, for instance, are not scientifically rigorous or honest.

Attribution groups compare real world data –sometimes while the weather event is barely even over yet—to computer simulations that try to estimate what the climate conditions would be like had humans never started burning fossil fuels. They start out by assuming that climate change played a role in enhancing the severity of the weather event — never the other way around—and then attempt to model it and assign a percentage “likelihood” for the event occurring. This is not science, but rather trying to shoehorn data to fit preconceptions about the consequences of climate change. Alarmists in the mainstream media never report on these attribution studies as though there is any uncertainty involved, despite them being more akin to sideshow crystal ball gazing than rigorously tested scientific claims.

As shown in Climate at a Glance, historical data is available for the range of weather events making headlines in recent years, and more often than not, there is no worsening trend. The Biden administration would more effectively help communities and people harmed by severe weather events, if they focused, not on climate change, but on the real causes of natural disasters and how to anticipate and mitigate them. Such efforts would help communities harden infrastructure, improve warning systems, and speed response and recovery, so when extreme weather events occur, they destroy fewer lives and properties, and so that disruptions from such events are less severe and long-lasting, regardless of climate change or fossil fuel use.

Linnea Lueken


Linnea Lueken is a Research Fellow with the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy.

While she was an intern with The Heartland Institute in 2018, she co-authored a Heartland Institute Policy Brief “Debunking Four Persistent Myths About Hydraulic Fracturing.”

‘Climate crisis’ illness?! NBC News: White House to unveil a ‘national dashboard’ for tracking ‘heat-related illnesses nationwide’ due to the ‘growing impacts of the climate crisis’


NBC News: President Joe Biden is under increasing pressure from lawmakers and state and local officials to do more to address an extreme heat crisis that has defined the summer of 2023. … The Biden administration plans to announce on Wednesday a new federal system to track heat-related illness nationwide and is considering additional measures amid pressure to do more to help Americans deal with crippling summer heat, according to White House officials. … 

The new national dashboard, which will be overseen by the Health and Human Services Department, maps emergency services responding to heat-related illness calls across the country, officials said. The “EMS HeatTracker” is intended to help ensure sufficient medical aid gets to Americans who need it most during severe heat, officials said. … “Heat is no longer a silent killer. From coast-to-coast, communities are battling to keep people cool, safe and alive due to the growing impacts of the climate crisis,” Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement. …

One of the challenges, even if FEMA could declare a disaster for heat, would be deciding how to deploy teams to a weather event that could span dozens of states at a time and could go on for unpredictable amount of time, whereas other natural disasters are usually more limited in location and duration.


What Heatwave? Latest NOAA Data Show July Temperature in U.S. was Normal

B.C. doctor clinically diagnoses patient as suffering from ‘climate change’ – ‘Picked up his patient’s chart & penned in the words ‘climate change’

Calls to add ‘climate change’ to death certificates – New study demands ‘climate change’ be added as ‘pre-existing condition’


Marc Morano: “Get ready CNN and MSNBC to pound stories like this frequently, and couple it with daily tallies of an alleged climate change ‘death toll’, all designed to spur calls for the need to take drastic ‘climate action’ to stop the deaths from our alleged ‘climate emergency.’”

By: Admin – Climate Depot


By Monica Alba and Peter Nicholas

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration plans to announce on Wednesday a new federal system to track heat-related illness nationwide and is considering additional measures amid pressure to do more to help Americans deal with crippling summer heat, according to White House officials.

The new national dashboard, which will be overseen by the Health and Human Services Department, maps emergency services responding to heat-related illness calls across the country, officials said. The “EMS HeatTracker” is intended to help ensure sufficient medical aid gets to Americans who need it most during severe heat, officials said.

“Heat is no longer a silent killer. From coast-to-coast, communities are battling to keep people cool, safe and alive due to the growing impacts of the climate crisis,” Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement. “President Biden is committed to providing communities with the resources they need to stay safe.”

Federal data shows that millions have experienced unprecedented stretches of record-breaking temperatures, with little respite, making heat waves the largest weather-related killer nationwide.

Biden is under increasing pressure from lawmakers, local and state elected officials and Americans across the country to do more to address an extreme heat crisis that has defined the summer of 2023. The issue has elicited calls from some of the president’s key supporters as he campaigns for reelection — namely climate activists and elected Democrats — to take stronger action, such as formally declaring a climate “emergency.”

While the president hasn’t formally declared a climate emergency, he argued in a recent interview that his administration has “in practice.” “We already done that. Nationally, we’ve conserved more land. We’ve moved into rejoining the Paris Climate Accord. We passed a $360 billion climate control facility,” he said.

White House officials said discussions about possible additional measures are ongoing. For now, they hope Wednesday’s announcement will be welcomed, while acknowledging some limitations the government has when it comes to heat.

Officials said the “EMS HeatTracker” will break down patient characteristics by age, race, gender and urbanicity so local officials can better understand which populations are most at-risk for heat-related illness or death.

More people die from extreme heat than floods, hurricanes and tornadoes combined, according to National Weather Service figures cited by Biden this week. But the Federal Emergency Management Agency is restricted in what it can do to allocate critical resources for heat crises in the way it can for other deadly disasters.

Lawmakers like Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego, who introduced the “Extreme Heat Emergency Act” in June, are calling on the Biden administration to do more, particularly to address recent life-threatening temperatures in Phoenix, which saw 31 straight days of 110-degree highs.

Gallego told MSNBC on Tuesday that he personally appealed to Biden on the tarmac after Air Force One touched down in Arizona this week.

“It’s only going to get worse. FEMA has not been very responsive to this growing problem. We Arizonans pay taxes to the federal government and we should be able to receive some of those services back because it is severely taxing a lot of our municipalities and counties trying to deal with this extreme heat,” Gallego said. “We need them to understand that this is a very severe situation.”

For many, the unrelenting heat in places like Phoenix has led residents to alter the way they do basic, everyday tasks.

Valerie Harris, who chairs a local Democratic Party organization, said that she wakes up before dawn just to walk her family’s two 10-pound dogs so they don’t suffer in the heat.

“I’ve lived here more than 50 years. It’s literally getting hotter and hotter,” Harris said. One of her dogs, a chihuahua, “has no hair and it’s too hot for him. The pavement gets so hot. We get up literally before the sun comes up so that we can walk him around the block.”

Marilyn Behrens, secretary of the group, said: “The overnight lows are so warm. When it doesn’t get below 90 degrees at night, it exhausts you in a different way.”

Arizona officials have pointed to the fact that the nighttime is considered just as dangerous as the daytime in some instances because high temperatures aren’t coming down enough and many people can’t afford the proper air conditioning to contend with such overwhelming warmth.

Last month, the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities urged Congress to act quickly in a series of letters.

“Enabling extreme heat events as eligible for disaster declarations would widen the amount of crucial federal resources available to cities as they continue to work towards saving lives, protecting infrastructure, and adapting to the impacts of a rapidly warming climate,” wrote Tom Cochran, CEO of the Conference of Mayors, which represents 1,400 cities.

Typically, when a major winter storm is looming, states and municipalities can ask the federal government for things like snow plows or heating centers. That’s not the case with oppressive heat.

The White House has taken action to help Americans battle blazing temperatures but states like California, Arizona and Nevada say they would like to see even more cooling centers and water stations for those who are experiencing homelessness.

One of the challenges, even if FEMA could declare a disaster for heat, would be deciding how to deploy teams to a weather event that could span dozens of states at a time and could go on for unpredictable amount of time, whereas other natural disasters are usually more limited in location and duration.

Another issue is just how FEMA would delegate resources, since it currently offers individual and public assistance for damage from things like tornadoes and hurricanes, but heat affects people more than it does infrastructure.

In its existence, FEMA has only received three requests for extreme heat declarations (two in 1980 and one in 1995), and all were denied because “they did not demonstrate that state and local capacity had been exceeded,” an agency spokesperson said.

“The most effective way to save lives from extreme heat incidents will be through an increased focus on preparedness and resilience,” the spokesperson told NBC News. “Key actions include improved messaging and public education, modifying structures and landscapes to reduce urban heat impacts, and addressing economic issues or other community challenges that result in lack of access to air conditioning.”

Some cities have appointed chief heat officers to help manage the blistering temperatures. White House officials said the president fully supports such moves, encouraging states to do everything they can on their own.

If Biden declares a ‘Climate Emergency,’ he would seize 130 new powers – Seeks repeat of COVID-style lockdowns with bypassing of democracy – Morano Responds

Biden – Aug 9, 2023: I’ve Declared a Climate Emergency ‘Practically Speaking’

What it would mean for Biden to declare a national ‘climate emergency’ – ‘Triggers ability for him to deploy around 130 different powers’

Dem Sen Majority Leader Schumer urges Biden ‘to call a climate emergency’ – ‘He can do many, many things under the emergency powers…without legislation’

‘Listen to science’: Activist Bill McKibben echoes calls for Biden to declare a ‘Climate Emergency’

NASA Scientist Peter Kalmus: ‘Biden must declare a climate emergency’


Climate Depot’s Morano: “The Biden administration believes that when democracy fails to achieve its climate goals, it’s time to bypass democracy and Congress and follow the COVID model. Climate activists have lusted after the COVID lockdowns as the model for climate lockdowns. The plan is to declare a ‘climate emergency,’ toss out elected representatives and follow China’s one-party rule model by implementing energy restrictions through the bureaucracy. They don’t need no stinkin’ democracy. Throughout history, emergency declarations have been used and abused to crush freedom. For those who loved how unelected officials ruled our lives under COVID lockdowns, prepare for the attempts to make climate lockdowns permanent. For an idea of what the world would look like under a climate lockdown.” See: 2021 International Energy Agency’s ‘Net-Zero’ report urges ‘behavioral changes’ to fight climate: ‘A shift away from private car use…. upper speed limits’ & thermostat controls; limits on hot water & more!

2022 Intl Energy Agency report urges ENERGY LOCKDOWNS: ‘Banning use of private cars on Sundays…Reducing highway speed limits…more working from home…cutting business air travel’ & SUV ‘tax’

Flashback: Morano on Biden’s coming ‘climate emergency’: ‘Seeking exact same powers they had under COVID…to bypass democracy,…to tell the Supreme Court to stuff it’

By: Marc Morano – Climate Depot

Biden: I’ve Declared a Climate Emergency ‘Practically Speaking’

CNN: ‘Biden incorrectly claims he has declared a national emergency on climate’– CNNWhile Biden has taken a series of significant legislative and executive steps to combat climate change, he has stopped short of declaring a national emergency, which would unlock sweeping new federal authorities and funds to combat the climate crisis. Climate activists have called on Biden since the earliest days of his presidency to declare a national emergency. … The president seemed close to declaring a climate emergency in the summer of 2022 after it appeared Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, had tanked the Inflation Reduction Act – Biden’s signature climate and health care bill. In a July 20, 2022, speech in Massachusetts, Biden strongly hinted that he could declare an emergency.

Politico: Biden says he has ‘practically’ declared a climate emergency. But he actually hasn’t…YET – ‘Would give him a host of new powers to combat climate change’– “We’ve already done that,” Biden said Wednesday when asked whether he was prepared to declare a national climate emergency during an interview on The Weather Channel. “We’ve conserved more land, we’ve moved into rejoining the Paris Climate Accord. We’ve got a $60 billion climate control facility.” When pressed about whether he has actually declared an emergency, Biden responded, “Practically speaking, yes.”

However, no such declaration has come from the White House. Experts say Biden could invoke the 1976 National Emergencies Act to give himself the power to order the manufacture of clean energy technology, deploy renewables on military bases, block crude oil exports or even suspend offshore drilling — though that would require compensation to the owners. Though the law limits emergency declarations to one year, it could be renewed annually to address the increasingly troubling impacts of climate change.

Flashback: Morano on Biden’s coming ‘climate emergency’: ‘Seeking exact same powers they had under COVID…to bypass democracy,…to tell the Supreme Court to stuff it’

What it would mean for Biden to declare a national ‘climate emergency’ – ‘Triggers ability for him to deploy around 130 different powers’– U.S. presidents have declared 60 national emergencies since 1976, according to the think tank Demos. Historically, those have typically been for acute crises, such as specific natural disasters, rather than a long-term predicament like climate change. …

“If he declares a national emergency, it triggers the ability for him to deploy around 130 different powers,” Jean Su, energy justice program director and senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, said.

Biden could stop “the export of crude oil…phase out all exports and imports of fossil fuels entirely…stop issuing permits for offshore oil and gas wells under already existing leases and halt all drilling immediately…marshaling funding under the DPA to deploy clean energy — for example, rooftop solar installations on low-income housing.”

‘Listen to science’: Activist Bill McKibben echoes calls for Biden to declare a ‘Climate Emergency’

Dumpster Diving NASA Scientist Peter Kalmus: ‘Biden must declare a climate emergency’ – Admits he has ‘bottomless grief’ because ‘we are losing Earth’ & seeks to ‘end’ fossil fuels

What a ‘Climate Emergency’ declaration means for oil & gas production in the U.S.

Fed Reserve Board of Gov. Christopher Waller Drops Bombshell: ‘I believe risks posed by climate change are not sufficiently unique or material to merit special treatment’

You were warned! Climate Lockdowns looming – Wash Post: Biden set to issue ‘climate emergency’ declaration – ‘Unchains the president’ from Congress

Update July 19, 2022: AP source: Biden holds off on climate emergency declaration – Biden “will stop short of issuing an emergency declaration that would unlock federal resources to deal with the issue, according to a person familiar with the president’s plans.”

Flashback: ‘Climate lockdowns’ touted by Gates & Soros funded professors, Govts, media, & academia

Watch: Morano’s full 25 min speech on Climate Lockdowns at Heartland Skeptic Conference in Las Vegas – October 2021

Watch: COVID lockdowns morphing into climate lockdowns – Morano on Tucker Carlson  in 2021

Watch: Morano on Tucker Carlson: We Will Go From COVID Lockdowns To ‘Climate Lockdowns’ Under Biden in 2020

Watch: Morano on Tucker Carlson: Ukraine war, ’emergency declarations’ & crises are being used to bypass democracy to implement Green New Deal

Climate Depot’s Morano July 19, 2022 comments on reports Biden is set to declare a national “climate emergency”: “The Biden administration believes that when democracy fails to achieve its climate goals, it’s time to bypass democracy and Congress and follow the COVID model. Climate activists have lusted after the COVID lockdowns as the model for climate lockdowns. The plan is to declare a ‘climate emergency,’ toss out elected representatives and follow China’s one-party rule model by implementing energy restrictions through the bureaucracy. They don’t need no stinkin’ democracy. Throughout history, emergency declarations have been used and abused to crush freedom. For those who loved how unelected officials ruled our lives under COVID lockdowns, prepare for the attempts to make climate lockdowns permanent. For an idea of what the world would look like under a climate lockdown.” See:

 2021 International Energy Agency’s ‘Net-Zero’ report urges ‘behavioral changes’ to fight climate: ‘A shift away from private car use…. upper speed limits’ & thermostat controls; limits on hot water & more!

2022 Intl Energy Agency report urges ENERGY LOCKDOWNS: ‘Banning use of private cars on Sundays…Reducing highway speed limits…more working from home…cutting business air travel’ & SUV ‘tax’

Wash Post complicit in climate protests!? ‘Staff reporters were initially subjected to a potential arrest’ due to advance alert of crime at Fed art gallery – Fmr NYT reporter suggests WaPo guilty of ‘crimes’

Climate protesters descend on DC to urge ‘Climate Emergency’ declaration – Block roads & vandalize sculpture at National Gallery of Art

Health Canada report: ‘Core values’ like ‘liberty & individualism’ have ‘to be rethought’ to fight climate change – ‘It advances the individual over the collective’

MARK E. JEFTOVIC: Health Canada demands collectivism and an end to capitalism to fight climate change: excerpts from “Perspectives on Climate Change and Public Health in Canada” – 

Shellenberger: We are NOT in a ‘climate emergency’ — We are in ‘a psychiatric emergency’ caused by ‘climate misinformation that is…exacerbating anxiety disorders & exhibitionist narcissism’

How Nonsense Masquerades As Science: Climate ‘Code Red’ Example

‘World Scientists’ Issue A ‘Warning of a Climate Emergency’

Statistician William Matt Briggs responds: “Emergency, as a word, has no place in scientific discourse. And neither does code red, a term used in the article’s opening sentences…But this paper will be taken as science, especially by those rulers who have ‘solutions’ to sell.”

‘Climate Emergency’ Not Supported by Data, Say Four Leading Italian Scientists

Watch: Morano on Newsmax TV on pending ‘climate emergency’ declaration: ‘Biden will have literally 130 new executive powers’ & ‘This is a COVID-like power grab for the climate’

Get Ready For The 100 Year Long Climate ‘Emergency’ – Declaring climate ’emergency’ is ‘a huge insult to the intelligence of the American people’

Lock us down again — to save the climate! ABC News: ‘Climate change targets achievable by keeping global emissions to COVID levels, scientists say’

COVID lockdowns were “a great demonstration that it is possible to reduce our emissions…We need a planned transition across society to implement the changes that are needed…we would need to see this type of reduction in emissions compounded each consecutive year as we drive towards net zero.”