Tag Archives: UN Climate Summit

PRESS RELEASE: U.S. climate skeptics headed to UN climate summit in oil-producing Middle East

“The UN’s COP 28 is nothing short of a climate/Great Reset summit in Dubai, where public health bureaucracy and climate merge & Democracy goes to die,” – Marc Morano


Media Contact: Judy Kent


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Expect a ‘Climate/Great Reset summit’ where ‘Democracy goes to die’

Team of CFACT realists will expose hidden climate agendas at UN’s COP 28 in Dubai

Washington, D.C. — A delegation of climate skeptics will be attending the UN climate summit, COP 28, to be held from November 30 to December 12 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) will be fully credentialed and registered at COP 28 and will be doing daily reports on the dangers facing America and the West from the UN confab. CFACT has faced great peril at previous UN climate summits, with armed UN climate cops targeting and removing its members from the summits. 

“Our team will be on the ground to give first-hand accounts of how the United Nations is set to help the Biden Administration further crush American domestic energy to meet the so-called ‘NET Zero’ climate agenda. We will be inside the event to reveal how the U.S. must reject and withdraw from this entire UN process,” said Craig Rucker, the president of CFACT, who will be attending. 

Marc Morano of CFACT’s Climate Depot will also be attending. “COP 28 is shaping up to be a doubling down on the green agenda despite the massive failure on a grand global scale. We will report on the energy rationing, blackouts, and economic disruption from the failed UN-pushed policies globally. All the usual suspects will be gathering once again: Bill Gates, King Charles, John Kerry, and the World Economic Forum. Pope Francis, the first pontiff to attend the annual UN climate conference, is also expected, sounding the climate change alarm bells, he noted.

“The UN’s COP 28 is nothing short of a climate/Great Reset summit in Dubai, where public health bureaucracy and climate merge & Democracy goes to die,” he added. 

One of the key summit themes this year, and one that CFACT’s Rucker and Morano will vehemently spar with climate change alarmists about, will highlight “meat eating.” Morano notes, “‘Nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat’ to enforce UN plan for ‘food’s climate transition.’” 

Reports the UK Guardian:”Meat and dairy must be reined back from its continued growth around the world, if targets to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 are to be met.” …

Jennifer Larbie, the head of UK advocacy and campaigns at Christian Aid, reinforces the anti-food message: “The emissions from farming is a huge driver of the climate crisis and one which needs to be tackled at COP 28 if we are to keep global heating in check.”

At the heart of the climate change agenda is the idea that surpassing 1.5 degrees C or 2.7 degrees F, could trigger a cascade of tipping points, which would irreversibly alter the global climate system and further exacerbate warming.  “Rubbish,” says CFACT’s Rucker and Morano.


Background on COP 28:

The UN COP 28 website explains: “COP28 UAE will take place at Expo City Dubai from November 30-December 12, 2023. The Conference is expected to convene over 70,000 participants.”

In the lead-up to COP 28, the UN is pushing for a ‘global tax on fossil fuels.” See: African Climate Summit issues unanimous call for world leaders to support global tax on fossil fuels

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The first African Climate Summit ended with a call Wednesday for world leaders to rally behind a global carbon tax on fossil fuels, aviation, and maritime transport, and it seeks reform of the world financial system that forces African nations to pay more to borrow money.

COP 28 will seek to solidify the UN’s 2030 Agenda and their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UN explains they are seeking “a strong outcome at COP28 Is Crucial for Climate Action and the SDGs.”

The post PRESS RELEASE: U.S. climate skeptics headed to UN climate summit in oil-producing Middle East appeared first on CFACT.

COP28 UN climate summit to officially target meat eating! ‘Nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat’ to enforce UN plan for ‘food’s climate transition’

Bloomberg News: Eat Less Meat Is Message for Rich World in Food’s First Net Zero Plan: UN’s FAO is set to publish plan for food’s climate transition – Food expected to take more focus at COP28 summit in Dubai –The global food systems’ road map to 1.5C is expected to be published by the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization during the COP28 summit next month. Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.The average American consumes about 127 kilograms of meat a year…The Eat-Lancet Commission recommends people consume no more than 15.7 kilograms of meat a year.


‘Meat & dairy must be reined back’ to reach ‘Net Zero by 2050’ – The impact of farming on climate crisis will be a key UN COP28 topic – ‘Global food production must become sustainable to stay within 1.5C’

UK Guardian: “Meat and dairy, must be reined back from its continued growth around the world, if targets to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 are to be met.” …Jennifer Larbie, the head of UK advocacy and campaigns at Christian Aid: “The emissions from farming is a huge driver of the climate crisis and one which needs to be tackled at Cop28 if we are to keep global heating in check.”

Newsweek: Bugs Instead of Turkey? Why Insects Make a Perfect Thanksgiving Dish and How to Cook Them

About 80 percent of the world already eats insects, which are a fantastic source of protein. As Americans prepare for this year’s Thanksgiving meal, perhaps it’s time to consider the many merits of a bugcentric holiday feast. Insects are a food source in many places in the world for good

From ClimateDepot

By Marc Morano


COP 28 UN climate summit planning Great Food Reset for USA!


Bloomberg News: Eat Less Meat Is Message for Rich World in Food’s First Net Zero Plan: UN’s FAO is set to publish plan for food’s climate transition – Food expected to take more focus at COP28 summit in Dubai

By Agnieszka de Sousa

The world’s most-developed nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat as part of the first comprehensive plan to bring the global agrifood industry into line with the Paris climate agreement.

The global food systems’ road map to 1.5C is expected to be published by the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization during the COP28 summit next month. Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.

From farm to fork, food systems account for about a third of global greenhouse gas emissions and much of that footprint is linked to livestock farming — a major source of methane, deforestation and biodiversity loss. Although non-binding, the FAO’s plan is expected to inform policy and investment decisions and give a push to the food industry’s climate transition which has lagged other sectors in commitments.

The guidance on meat is intended to send a clear message to governments. But politicians in richer nations typically shy away from policies aimed at influencing consumer behavior, especially where it involves cutting consumption of everyday items.

“Livestock is politically sensitive, but we need to deal with sensitive issues to solve the problem,” said Dhanush Dinesh, the founder of Clim-Eat, which works to accelerate climate action in food systems. “If we don’t tackle the livestock problem, we are not going to solve climate change. The key problem is overconsumption.”

North America Has Biggest Appetite for Meat

Annual per-capita supply available for consumption

The average American consumes about 127 kilograms of meat a year compared with 7 kilograms in Nigeria and just 3 kilograms in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to the FAO data. The Eat-Lancet Commission recommends people consume no more than 15.7 kilograms of meat a year.

Read: Rising Livestock Emissions Undermine World’s Climate Fight

The Rome-based UN agency, tasked with improving the agricultural sector and nutrition, is seeking to strike a balance between the climate transition and ensuring food security for the growing global population. So as well as calling for less meat consumption for the world’s well fed, the plan would also encourage farmers in developing countries to bolster productivity of their livestock and supply more sustainably.

Other recommendations will cover issues from how farmers adapt to an increasingly erratic weather to tackling key sources of emissions like food waste and post-harvest loss or fertilizer use, according to the FAO. The plan will be rolled out in three parts over the next few years to eventually include country-specific recommendations.

according to FAIRR Initiative, an investor network focused on intensive animal production.

“This road map is needed to bring clarity to both companies and investors so that they can plan for the transition,” said Sofía Condés, head of investor outreach at FAIRR. “The longer companies wait to act, the more drastic and potentially disruptive the transition.”

Food’s Carbon Footprint

The FAO’s work is one of several food-focused announcements and pledges that are expected to come out of the COP28 summit in Dubai. While climate summits have tended to steer away from agrifood issues largely due to sensitivities over food security, this year’s organizers are trying to push through a number of initiatives outside the formal talks, said Clim-Eat’s Dinesh.

“I see more people coming, more events, more activities around food systems,” he said.

The United Arab Emirates have called on governments to sign a declaration committing to include food transformation into their national reduction and adaptation plans. The COP28 summit will have a Food, Agriculture and Water Day on Dec. 10, a first-ever day dedicated to food systems, which encompass anything from how food is grown, processed, distributed, consumed or thrown away. Catering for the summit will be two-thirds plant-based.


Bloomberg News: Eat Less Meat Is Message for Rich World in Food’s First Net Zero Plan: UN’s FAO is set to publish plan for food’s climate transition – Food expected to take more focus at COP28 summit in Dubai –

The global food systems’ road map to 1.5C is expected to be published by the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization during the COP28 summit next month. Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.

The average American consumes about 127 kilograms of meat a year…The Eat-Lancet Commission recommends people consume no more than 15.7 kilograms of meat a year.


‘Meat & dairy must be reined back’ to reach ‘Net Zero by 2050’ – The impact of farming on climate crisis will be a key UN COP28 topic – ‘Global food production must become sustainable to stay within 1.5C’

UK Guardian: “Meat and dairy, must be reined back from its continued growth around the world, if targets to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 are to be met.” …

Jennifer Larbie, the head of UK advocacy and campaigns at Christian Aid: “The emissions from farming is a huge driver of the climate crisis and one which needs to be tackled at Cop28 if we are to keep global heating in check.”

Newsweek: Bugs Instead of Turkey? Why Insects Make a Perfect Thanksgiving Dish and How to Cook Them

About 80 percent of the world already eats insects, which are a fantastic source of protein. As Americans prepare for this year’s Thanksgiving meal, perhaps it’s time to consider the many merits of a bugcentric holiday feast. Insects are a food source in many places in the world for good.

“A Missed Opportunity”: Biden to Skip This Week’s New York UN Climate Summit

Awkward moment John Kerry shakes hands with Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

In the midst of large New York climate protests, Biden has decided to skip the UN summit and send John Kerry in his place.

Biden to skip U.N. climate summit 

By Sara Schonhardt, Robin Bravender | 09/15/2023 04:09 PM EDT

President Joe Biden is expected to skip a U.N. summit next week where global leaders were asked to bring their ambitious plans to tackle climate change.

“Currently, the president is not scheduled to participate in the U.N. climate summit on Wednesday,” White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters Friday.

Biden is sending climate envoy John Kerry to represent the United States, a State Department spokesperson said Friday, but Biden’s absence is noteworthy at a forum where global leaders were invited to make sweeping climate commitments and highlight action ahead of global climate talks known as COP28 that kick off in late November.

“It’s a missed opportunity,” said Alden Meyer, a senior associate at climate think tank E3G. “To not have major leaders from developed countries there [at the U.N. summit] … it’s not a good signal when you’re trying to build momentum in the run-up to COP28 in Dubai and get other countries on board.”

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has secured a speaking slot, the E.U. delegation in New York confirmed. 

But other leaders of some of the world’s major polluters aren’t expected to be in attendance, including British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

…Read more: https://www.eenews.net/articles/biden-to-skip-u-n-climate-summit/

I think it hilarious that even greens describe Kerry’s attendance in place of Biden as “a missed opportunity”. No word yet if Kerry plans to shake the hand of anyone on the DEA most wanted list at this week’s climate conference.

Regarding the climate protests, the media has made a lot of noise but I’m not sure how widespread the allegedly worldwide climate protests actually are. Apparently there is quite a presence in New York, but I haven’t exactly seen anyone in my town holding any banners.

The Guardian claims “10s of thousands” attended the New York protest, to listen to speeches by AOC, though it is difficult to judge numbers from the Guardian photos. I also looked at NPR, they also have a poor quality photo which makes it difficult to judge numbers. New York Times has a short video, but the video is strangely lacking in viewpoints which would allow us to be impressed by the 10s of thousands of marchers. Judge for yourself.

Climate Week Protests Draw Thousands In New York City | NPR News Now

The Guardian report on AOC speaking at the conference;

Tens of thousands in NYC march against fossil fuels as AOC hails powerful message

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the crowd must become ‘too big and too radical to ignore’ as Biden came under fire for oil projects

Dharna Noor and Aliya Uteuova in New YorkMon 18 Sep 2023 07.18 AEST

Tens of thousands of climate activists took to the streets of New York City on Sunday in a “march to end fossil fuels”, with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez telling the crowd that the movement must become “too big and too radical to ignore”.

To cheers from the crowd, the progressive Democrat criticized the US continuing to approve fossil fuel projects, something which the Biden administration did earlier this year with the controversial Willow project in Alaska.

“We are all here for one reason: to end fossil fuels around the planet,” Ocasio-Cortez told a rally at the finish of the march, which ended close to the UN headquarters where world leaders will gather this week. “And the way we create urgency is to have people around the world in the streets.”

…Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/17/march-to-end-fossil-fuels-new-york-city

The Guardian picture of AOC speaking at the climate protest shows AOC wearing what appears to be mostly fossil fuel based synthetic clothing. But I guess it is not easy to explain to someone who thinks all her political critics want to sleep with her, that she is acting like an ignorant green hypocrite.