Tag Archives: Climate activist

Courts slap down climate policies – again


By Peter Murphy

Last week, there were more victories for the rule of law over the rule of climate bureaucrats and activists when the judiciary reversed a lower court ruling on a federal coal moratorium and rejected a bogus class-action lawsuit on emissions.

These were encouraging steps, but the larger threat from extra-legal climate actions by the Biden administration very much remains.

First, the ninth Federal Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a district court ruling in 2022 that upheld the Obama administration’s initial moratorium by the Department of the Interior on new leases for coal mining on federally owned lands. The Trump administration had rescinded the moratorium and was sued by (so-called) environmental groups. The federal district court reinstated the moratorium even though the Biden administration reversed Trump’s recission on the initial action – except, the Appeals Court ruled, the Biden order technically failed to rescind the Trump Interior Department’s restoration of coal leases.

The National Association of Mining, a litigant in the case, was pleased with the outcome but has little to celebrate since the Biden administration views coal as climate kryptonite and will surely keep the door closed on new mining leases.

Second, federal Judge Araceli Martinez-Olguin of the northern district of California, a Biden appointee, mostly threw out a class-action lawsuit against GE Appliances for what the lawsuit claimed were fraudulent assertions about its gas-powered stove. This is because the climate plaintiff believed stoves contributed to climate change from natural gas emissions.

When the courts invalidate climate policies, this further makes a mockery of President Biden’s admonitions that “democracy is threatened” by his political opponents since it is climate actions that are anti-democracy when they reach beyond laws duly enacted by Congress. This requires the courts to “check” the executive actions with no basis in law. A parallel problem is when Congress defers too much power and discretion to the executive branch, which is then exploited by climate fanatics wielding bureaucratic edicts.

Recent prominent examples of the judicial branch reigning in climate policy overreach occurred with the 2022 caseWest Virginia v. EPA. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Clean Power Plan “generation shifting” rule on the basis that Congress did not grant the Environmental Protection Agency such sweeping authority to devise such emissions caps. Last May, the high court also struck down the Biden EPA regulations governing the waters of the United States in its rulingSackett v. EPA. However, subsequently, the EPA proceeded with another set of regulations that narrowly interpreted the Court’s decision, which is likely to be litigated again.

The legacy of this modern bureaucratic overreach also can be dated to the Supreme Court itself, which ruled in a 1984 case, Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, that federal agencies had wide discretion in their interpretation of laws so long as they were “reasonable.” Forty years later, the Court may undo this Chevron deference to finally reign in the federal bureaucracy as it considers two cases, which CFACT described here.

Meanwhile, the regulatory beat goes on and will continue to have real-life consequences for America’s economy and living standards. The head of the National Association of Manufacturers, Jay Timmons, recently warned that new EPA air quality rules, entitled the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, could “wipe out up to one million jobs” in the U.S. and move “manufacturing investment away from the United States to countries with lower standards.”

Electric vehicle mandates, including tighter regulations on emissions from gasoline vehicles, will further subjugate America by making travel more expensive and restrictive and traditional autos with combustion engines unaffordable to more Americans. And let’s not forget President Biden’s recently imposed moratorium on new leases for facilities to export liquified natural gas on the grounds it can “study” its effects on climate change. What of the effects on lost American jobs, higher fuel prices, and our European allies’ energy needs while Russia wars on Ukraine? Never mind, says our president. Climate diktats prevail over such common sense.

The list goes on.

Did America vote for any of this? Did I miss Congress passing the Green New Deal? Is actual democracy becoming a fiction in the United States?

These questions answer themselves. America did not vote to lower its living standards nor cripple its energy sources, and Congress has not passed much of anything beyond corporate welfare for big business to produce so-called “renewable” energy under the misbegotten title, the “Inflation Reduction Act”.

But that will not stop the Biden administration, populated by climate fanatics and influenced by extremist groups funded by millionaires and billionaires who bend the knee at the climate alter. Moreover, many in Congress would just as well end democracy when it comes to climate policies by having the president declare an “climate emergency” and become a dictator on the issue.

The rest of America can “eat cake,” to quote Marie Antoinette’s 18th-century euphemism.

Biden Team Reportedly Took Step Toward Killing Natural Gas Project After Meeting With 25-Year-Old TikTok Influencer

From The Daily Caller



The White House’s climate team reportedly made a crucial decision regarding a major natural gas project after meeting with a 25-year-old social media influencer, according to The New York Times.

Before deciding to delay approval of the Calcasieu Pass 2 (CP2), key climate advisers and decision-makers in the White House reportedly met with Alex Haraus, a 25-year-old TikTok influencer from Colorado who has organized an online campaign demanding that the administration kill the project, according to the NYT. The White House is expected to formally announce on Friday that it is delaying its review of CP2, a development which could be the administration’s first step toward killing the project and putting numerous other LNG terminal proposals in jeopardy as well.

Climate activists “absolutely will reward or punish him on this decision,” Haraus told the NYT, referencing President Joe Biden and the upcoming presidential election. (RELATED: Biden Admin Got Handful Of Undergrads To Write Its Report On Chinese Communist Threat)

The White House also rewarded Climate Defiance, a disruptive climate activist group that has targeted administration officials and elected Democrats with their protests, a meeting with senior advisor to the President John Podesta in December 2023. At the meeting, Climate Defiance apparently lobbied Podesta directly to kill CP2.

Biden is under pressure from the environmentalist left to kill CP2 and other LNG terminals, especially after the administration green lit ConocoPhillips’ massive Willow Project in Alaska last year over vehement opposition of eco-activists. The decision on CP2 could have major ramifications for the upcoming presidential election, as Haraus alluded to the NYT, since young voters and the environmentalist lobby are poised to be key constituencies for Biden in the 2024 race.

The natural gas industry ripped the White House’s choice to delay its decision on CP2, writing in a Wednesday letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm that an about-face on allowing proposed LNG export terminals would “hamper U.S. energy leadership and jeopardize American jobs” while “[undermining] global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

The final decision on CP2 and other LNG export terminals may have serious geopolitical ramifications, too. U.S. LNG exports to Europe have increased substantially since Russia invaded Ukraine, and America’s allies on the continent will need continued access to American LNG to meet demand as they wean off Russian supply, the natural gas trade groups wrote in their letter to Granholm.

The White House did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

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Claim: Climate Activist Tourists are Helping to Save Fijian Mangroves

From  Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

Imagine flying thousands of miles to a tropical island so you can spend all day digging holes.

Fijian tourists help islanders adapt to climate change

By Emily Woods
Updated January 8 2024 – 5:05am, first published 5:00am

But under the surface of this tropical paradise is a vulnerable archipelago living through the daily impacts of climate change.

Rising sea levels have caused saltwater intrusion, depriving some Fijian communities of their freshwater sources.

“We have some vulnerable communities, so we’re trying our best to adapt whatever we do to this current climate change,” Ilisapeci Botevou told AAP, while planting mangroves with dozens of tourists on the island of Senautari.

Mangroves protect Fiji’s Mamanuca Islands from rising sea levels, trap 10 times more carbon than other trees and are a source of food as a breeding ground for fish, mud crabs and oysters, Ms Botevou tells the group.

She hands out roots, from adult mangrove plants, which are then plunged into the shallow sea water and covered with stones to stop the seedlings from moving when waves and currents come in.

…Read more: https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8478860/fijian-tourists-help-islanders-adapt-to-climate-change/

I visited Fiji just before the Covid epidemic.

My overall recommendation, if you visit stick with the tourist resorts. I went walkabout in Suva, or rather asked the taxi driver to take us to a local cafe so we could see how ordinary people live. In my opinion Suva is one of the most dangerous place I’ve ever visited, far worse than more famous dangerous places like Manilla in the Phillipines. The taxi driver and the people in the cafe were decent, they warned us not to walk on the street. The driver stayed in his taxi with the key in the ignition, so he could move if things got tense. When we walked onto the street briefly to get back to our taxi after spending half an hour in the cafe, a gangster who’d been watching us from across the street started approaching, then changed his mind – I was too big, and he knew I knew what he was thinking, so he didn’t have the element of surprise. Thankfully he hadn’t had time to round up a crew, and didn’t have a gun. We got lucky, maybe by only a few minutes.

I had interesting conversations with the people I met, my impression is most Fijians are decent people who are trying to live normal lives in difficult circumstances. One conversation was particularly interesting, we bumped into someone who was highly educated, who was happy to talk about the local situation. He told me about why Fiji is so messed up.

The problem is twofold, their corrupt government and the drug Kava. Kava is legal in Fiji because it is a cultural drug, like coffee or beer, or coca leaf tea in some South American countries. 2-3 cups of Kava prepared the traditional way gives the drinker a moderate buzz, much the same as 2-3 glasses of strong wine. But drug dealers have taken advantage of this cultural acceptance, and now sell Kava concentrate, which from what I saw is as dangerous and addictive as concentrated cocaine. Many of Fiji’s teenagers are hooked on Kava, because in the train wreck Fijian economy, weighed down by government corruption, there is very little opportunity for the kids. So instead of trying to find a job, many teenagers spend all their time getting wasted, selling themselves or committing burglaries or mugging people to pay for their drugs.

The Kava concentrate shops in Fiji are obvious – they look like jail cells, they are the shops with heavy steel doors and steel window frames with bars on the windows. That glass looked really thick when I had a look at one up close, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was shatter resistant glass. The shop wasn’t open when we looked, but I’m guessing they had armed guards during opening hours. Given the meagre local income, they must sell a lot of Kava concentrate to make it worth paying for all those expensive protective measures. A lot of the locals would like these shops shut down – but the drug dealers have lots of well connected friends.

You know what? Deluded greens flying thousands of miles to plant a few mangrove roots probably aren’t hurting anyone, though I wouldn’t be surprised if the locals dig the roots up afterwards and hand them to the next bunch of tourists – much easier than walking a couple of miles through a nasty swamp and chopping fresh roots. But I doubt they are contributing significantly towards genuinely solving Fiji’s real problems.

OFCOM Find GB News Broke Impartiality Rules–But What About The BBC?

GB News is currently the subject of either 11 or 12 further Ofcom investigations. Ofcom says GB news is not impartial, but how can that be true?


By Paul Homewood

It is abundantly clear that the establishment will do all it can to shut down anybody who challenges its control of the media narrative, as OFCOM’s continual vendetta against GB News shows:


If OFCOM are finding GBN guilt of breaching impartiality rules, why have they failed to take any action against the BBC over the years, who often breach the same rules.

Take, for instance, Roger Harrabin’s campaign against the Cumbria coalmine a couple of years ago.

When the controversy over the mine was at its height in early 2021, Harrabin wrote four articles over the space of a month, all grossly biased against the proposed mine. Below is an excerpt of my complaint to the BBC at the time:

6th Jan – Whitehaven coal mine: Govt refuses to call in plans

Harrabin provides his analysis, which is wholly anti mine.

14th Jan – Govt defends Cumbria coal mine green light

This quotes at length Greenpeace and CPRE, both heavily critical of the mine. The only pro mine comment is one solitary unattributed sentence at the end.

23rd Jan – Six questions about the Cumbria coal controversy

Virtually all of this article is devoted to anti mine comments by Islands at Risk, the Fiji ambassador, Oxfam, Greenpeace, the Labour, Lib Dems and Green parties and the Committee on Climate Change.

The only pro mine comment comes from the local MP

30th Jan – Minister rapped for allowing Cumbria coal mine

This article is wholly anti mine, quoting at length Lord Deben and Greenpeace . There is not one pro mine comment.

Throughout this series, I can find no mention by Harrabin at all of the economic benefits of the mine, eg number of jobs created, boost to the local /national economy, increased government revenue, balance of payments, or by how much emissions will be reduced by avoiding imported coke.

Nor have there been any comments at all by the local council (who approved the mine unanimously), the mining company, the local community, steel companies or economists.

This is a gross dereliction of the BBC’s Charter, which requires impartial news coverage and the need to provide audiences with the full facts.

This series of propaganda pieces culminated with this article devoted to a letter to the government from the US climate activist James Hansen – note the prejudicial headline:

The leading climate scientist James Hansen has warned Boris Johnson that he risks “humiliation“ over plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria.

The UK government, which hosts a climate summit this year, has allowed the mine at Whitehaven to go ahead.

Dr Hansen, formerly Nasa’s leading global warming researcher, urged the PM to halt production – or be “vilified”.

In his letter, Dr Hansen – whose testimony before the US Senate helped raise wider awareness of global warming back in 1988 – writes: “In leading the [climate conference], you have a chance to change the course of our climate trajectory, earning the UK and yourself historic accolades.

“Or you can stick with business-almost-as-usual and be vilified around the world.

“It would be easy to achieve this latter ignominy and humiliation – just continue with the plan to open a new coal mine in Cumbria in contemptuous disregard of the future of young people and nature.

“The contrary path is not so easy, but, with your leadership, it is realistic.”

The letter continues: “Prime Minister Johnson, young people are fed up – and for good reason. They demand that political leaders follow the science and take the actions needed to preserve and restore a healthy climate.

If this [conference] is like the prior ones – with soothing words and worthless ambitions – they will be justifiably outraged.”


There was no attempt by Harrabin to challenge Hansen’s views. Nor were any alternative views offered. In other words, everything GBN was guilty of applied equally to Harrabin.

Naturally the BBC’s in house Executive Complaints Unit rejected my complaint. And OFCOM did not even respond when I referred it to them.

This was just one complaint. You could write a book about all the other instances of BBC bias.

So much for even handed justice!

Israel to Greta Thunberg: How dare you support Hamas terrorists!

Over 1,400 Israelis and foreign nationals murdered- More than 5,300 wounded according to Health Ministry- Some 212 people kidnapped by Hamas.-Thunberg faced criticism over the weekend from hundreds of Israeli climate activists after she posted on X that “today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza.


By Gabriella Hoffman

“Hamas is a terrorist organization responsible for the murder of 1,400 innocent Israelis, including children, women, and the elderly, and it has abducted over 200 people to Gaza. This stance disqualifies her from being an educational and moral role model, and she is no longer eligible to serve as an inspiration and educator for Israeli students.” — Israel Ministry of Education

In Episode 389 of District of Conservation, Gabriella discusses Israel canceling climate activist Greta Thunberg over her pro-Gaza stances in the wake of Hamas’ attacks on Israel. In response, Israeli environmentalists have condemned her, and Israel’s education minister is removing all mention of her from the school curriculum. Gabriella then explains how this relates to American schools teaching climate issues. Tune in to learn more!

EP 445: Getting Service Members Outdoors with Roy Hill District of Conservation

In Episode 445 of District of Conservation, Gabriella catches up with Roy Hill – formerly of Brownells and now with Swanson Russell. Roy is a longtime firearms industry fixture and is active with Special Operations Wounded Warriors outside of his day job. Tune in to learn more about SOWW and Roy's involvement. SHOW NOTES Swanson Russell Connect with Roy Hill SOWW SOWW Retreats — Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/district-of-conservation/support
  1. EP 445: Getting Service Members Outdoors with Roy Hill
  2. EP 444: Hunting, Shooting Sports Approval Decreases + Nuclear Energy
  3. EP 443: FEMA Climate Declaration, Farm Tour, Wallace J. Nichols
  4. EP 442: Congressman Bruce Westerman, House Natural Resources Chairman
  5. EP 441: Culpeper Battlefields, Field & Stream, Federal Predator Contest Ban


⁠Greta Thunberg Tweet⁠

⁠Israel removes Greta Thunberg from school curriculum over anti-Israel post⁠

⁠Israel environmentalists slam Greta Thunberg for ‘Stand with Gaza’ post⁠

⁠Gary Frankel Article: Climate activism could be coming to a school near you


Gabriella Hoffman

Gabriella Hoffman is a Media Strategist and Award-Winning Outdoor Writer.

She hosts the “District of Conservation” podcast and CFACT’s original YouTube series “Conservation Nation.”

Learn more about her work at http://www.gabriellahoffman.com

Australia’s Answer to Greta Thunberg Faces Years In Jail

Climate activist Lane-Rose said she wasn’t expecting to be immediately arrested as she arrived.

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

The kids grew up: Australia is reaping a bitter harvest, for enabling and encouraging a foreign criminal climate radical to groom our kids.

Why Australia’s answer to Greta Thunberg is facing years behind bars

At 19, this climate activist is now facing serious legal consequences over a foiled protest outside the home of the boss of an energy giant in Western Australia. Here’s why she still believes she’s on the right side of history.

Published 12 October 2023 5:40am
By Tessa Fox
Source: SBS News

Even as a young kid in school, Matilda Lane-Rose always spoke up when she saw injustices in the playground.

Later, at the age of 15, she’d stand in front of hundreds of students engaged in the School Strike for Climate rallies with a megaphone. 

For her, the anxieties and fears now-famous climate activist Greta Thunberg held of the future amid climate change were relatable, and seeing someone the same age taking action was empowering.

“I just decided I’m going to do something to stop this rather than just accept it,” Lane-Rose told SBS News on her decision to campaign for climate justice.

Five years later, Lane-Rose has become a prominent young climate activist, and the university student, now 19, faces a charge of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence. She’s also been slapped with a violence restraining order, had her home raided and possessions seized and been banned from associating with fellow campaigners.

…Read more: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/why-australias-answer-to-greta-thunberg-is-facing-years-behind-bars/ionacwx5y

Matilda Lane-Rose is legally an adult, so she will have to answer for her actions in an adult court. There is no fixing that.

But all the teachers, politicians and other adult influencers who helped make Greta Thunberg such a big part of her life, who encouraged her to embrace the climate extremism which led to her alleged criminal acts, should hang their head in shame.

All those teachers unions and church groups who backed the climate strikers, all the senior politicians who voiced support, who gave Greta a megaphone which she used to twist the minds of our kids, you helped make Matilda into the climate radical she is today.

The article claims even as a kid Matilda has a strong sense of justice, that she tried to keep other kids safe. Imagine such a dedicated, committed person using that sense of justice in a positive way, teaching and protecting kids, working in child safety, or for our police or security services. She could have been a real asset to society.

All those doors to a better future which could have been will be closed if Matilda is convicted of a serious crime, closed by the child groomers who took Matilda’s love and care for others, and twisted it into fanaticism and climate radicalism.

Matilda Lane-Rose will, she must and will bear responsibility for her adult actions, and be punished for any crimes she has committed. But with all my heart I wish the cowards who egged her on, who enabled and encouraged Greta and other climate radicals groom our kids, I wish they could also be made to pay for what they did to young adults like Matilda.

Update (EW): Matilda’s arrest appears to be in relation to radical climate activists targeting Oil CEO Meg O’Neill.

More Disclosure About “Climate Risk Disclosure”

From Watts Up With That?

From Government Accountability & Oversight


FOIA Litigation reveals eye-opening breadth and depth of climate activist involvement with Biden Administration

Coordination extends beyond SEC, to White House, EPA, others

Energy Policy Advocates has obtained 501 pages from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation over records pertaining to the involvement of a “climate” rent-seeker, Persefoni, and its partners Ceres and a consultant called ERM. It is now clear that these parties worked hand-in-glove with the SEC in developing the latter’s “climate risk disclosure” (CRD) proposed rule.

That rule declared an outlying, relatively low cost estimate a fraction of what other parties estimate this will do to the broader economy and its (non-Persefoni) participants, yet lacking citation or methodology to explain from whence it came.

Subsequently, numerous congressional oversight efforts have focused on determining where this enigmatic cost estimate for SEC’s extraordinary and legally adventuresome CRD proposal came from.

For a primer, GAO has covered this troubling public-private partnership, here.

To the list of glaring problems (think: compelled speech, materiality, Major Questions Doctrine), it seems a decent bet to add good old arbitrary and capricious to CRD’s obvious vulnerabilities.

Here are a few exemplars from early in the production, and early in the game, giving a flavor of the canoodling:

As background, emails and other info in the public domain indicate Curtis Ravenel serves both Michael Bloomberg (see, “Mike”) and consultant to the ESG stars and former Bank of England head Mark Carney in lobbying the Biden Administration to adopt their “climate” projects  respectively styled TCFD and GFANZ — by regulatory fiat. This portfolio includes, as Treasury Department productions show, lobbying them on their Gmails.

The latter being a practice also used by Bloomberg aide and former SEC Chair Mary Schapiro, who would email, e.g., Janet Yellen Chief of Staff Didem Nisanci’s GMail, then come in to jointly lobby SEC on climate issues (?!)). It’s quite an operation.

Persefoni has since brought on board SEC’s Kristina Wyatt who features in these emails, Emily Pierce and former Commissioner and Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee, whose schedule also obtained by Energy Policy Advocates affirms was the principal driver of this overreach, on the Commission. They all go way back with this rather new yet remarkably influential entity.

One can see why the House Financial Services Committee, House Committee on Oversight & Reform, and Senate Banking Committee Republicans have been pressing SEC on this matter. Hopefully this helps as, yet again, stonewalling agencies have made it necessary for private parties to go to court to get some of the record of how these institutions are being used, with whom.

There is much more there. As SEC stated about this production in a Joint Status Report filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia yesterday:

9,600 pages, most of which are attachments. Yesterday’s production included all “parent” emails and began releasing some of the many pages of attachments, thereto.

Those numbers strongly suggest we’ve cracked the mystery of the missing source behind SEC’s cost estimate for its climate risk disclosure rule. (Readers also will spot Team Persefoni spending quite a bit of time downplaying costs of CRD and, reminiscent of so much in the climate industry, how those costs, why, they’ll just go lower once you coerce a bigger market for us into place.)

There is more coming, and hopefully congressional oversight bodies get further information. For now, anyone with any involvement with this move should read the SEC’s initial production, here.

Climate Activists Are Coming for Muslim Zakat Donations

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

According to the Jakarta Post, الزكاة or Zakat, a Muslim religious obligation to donate 2.5% of savings to charity, should be spent on climate action.

If you’re Muslim and care about climate change, read this 

Yusuf Jameel and Gaelle Perrier San Francisco, California/Salt Lake City, Utah, United States   ●   Thu, April 6, 2023

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Ramadan is here. Billions of Muslims worldwide abstain from food and water from dawn to sunset. As we experience a month believed to be blessed in Islam and in which good deeds are emphatically encouraged, a vast majority will opt to simultaneously complete the third pillar of the Islamic faith by distributing their annual zakat.

Briefly, zakat is a mandatory donation of 2.5 percent of a person’s annual savings to those in need, with the goal of alleviating inequalities. It applies to Muslims who hold certain assets such as cash, gold, and investments, and it can be paid to eight categories of recipients, including the poor, the needy, and those in debt.

Much of the zakat fund is managed informally, so it’s hard to say exactly how much we’re talking about. One estimate places the global zakat collection between US$200 billion and $1 trillion. In the United States, a 2022 study by Indiana University estimated that the average Muslim American household donated $2,070 of zakat to humanitarian charities in 2021, amounting to a total of $1.8 billion. It’s safe to say that zakat represents a vast pool of money. 

Traditionally, zakat has been used to cover medical needs and education; buy food, water, and clothing; sustain orphanages; and help people who are struck by natural disasters. For instance, a significant portion of the zakat this year is expected to be directed—and rightly so—to the disaster relief work in Turkey and Syria following the devastating February earthquakes.

Such assistance will always be critical. However, it does not solve the underlying problems. For lasting change, zakat should be targeted to address systemic causes of suffering—including climate change.

…Read more: https://www.thejakartapost.com/opinion/2023/04/06/if-youre-muslim-and-care-about-climate-change-read-this.html

The $1 trillion Yusuf Jameel and Gaelle Perrier urge Muslims to spend on climate action will buy less than 0.1C global cooling. It will never be possible to verify whether the money made any difference.

I leave it to religious scholars to determine whether any Islamic laws have been broken, by people who urge the giving of money to those who have near zero power to make a difference, but who don’t reveal to their audience how insignificant an impact all that money would have on the global climate.