Tag Archives: climate extremism

Red-state AGs sue blue states for imposing climate extremism everywhere


By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D.

A coalition of 19 state attorneys general, led by Steve Marshall of Alabama, is suing five other states — California, Connecticut, Minnesota, New Jersey and Rhode Island — saying the latter group’s litigation seeking billions of dollars in damages from fossil-fuel companies for their role in the alleged “climate crisis” would undermine U.S. energy security and jeopardize the livelihoods of Americans.

In their May 23 complaint filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, these red-state attorneys general assert that California and its climate allies “are threatening to weaken our national energy system through tort litigation under their state laws and in their state courts.” They add that “attempts by defendant states to impose liability or obtain equitable relief from energy companies for emissions by or in plaintiff states (including by targeting protected speech) is unconstitutional and beyond the competence of defendants to prosecute.”

Far more than a mere shakedown of energy companies by avaricious blue states, the attack on fossil-fuel producers is a scheme to use state tort laws and state courts to regulate out-of-state emissions and thus control energy use nationwide. Rhode Island, for example, seeks compensatory damages for harm from “dire climate-related effects” from certain greenhouse-gas emissions. It doesn’t matter whether emissions come from blue states, Alabama, or across the planet. “The effects are all the same and, as a result, they are seeking to punish energy companies for selling their products anywhere,” the lawsuit argues.

And it’s not just the companies that will bear the brunt of the punishment.

“The theory advanced by these states is truly radical. A small gas station in rural Alabama could owe money to the people of Minnesota simply for selling a gallon of gas. The customer might even be liable, too,” Alabama’s Marshall said in a statement. “These states are welcome to enforce their preferred policies within their jurisdiction, but they do not have the authority to dictate our national energy policy.”

“If the Supreme Court lets them continue, California and its allies will imperil access to affordable energy for every American,” Marshall added. “That would threaten our national security and harm millions of Americans already struggling to pay for gas and groceries. To protect Alabama citizens and constitutional order, we had no choice but to sue.”

The reference to the Constitution is crucial to getting the Supreme Court to step in and put an end to the blue states’ extraterritorial power grab. “While the Constitution preserves as expansive realm of state sovereignty, that authority ends at each state’s borders,” Marshall wrote in The Wall Street Journal. “Alabama doesn’t get to say what law applies to California, and Hawaii can’t regulate conduct in Indiana.”

The case, Alabama v. California, is the latest legal skirmish pitting blue jurisdictions seeking to impose their energy policies on the rest of the nation against red states and fossil-fuel producers opposing those efforts.

Dozens of lawsuits against oil and gas companies (many of them funded by the Rockefeller Family Fund) have been filed in state courts in the last few years. They claim that the companies have violated a variety of state laws, including statutes covering consumer protection, nuisance, failure to warn, fraud, and racketeering — all related to the companies’ emissions of greenhouse gases. In addition to states cited in Alabama v. California, jurisdictions suing the oil and gas companies include Massachusetts, New York, the cities of Chicago, Honolulu, New York, and Boulder, Colo., along with several Native American tribes.

Knowing that climate-obsessed jurisdictions are relishing the home-court advantage provided by state courts, the fossil-fuel companies — now joined by the 19 red-state attorneys general — want the proceedings shifted to federal courts.

So far, their efforts have fallen short. In April 2023, for example, the Supreme Court declined an appeal by ExxonMobil and other oil companies to move most of the cases filed against them from state to federal court. If the Supreme Court continues to remain aloof, these cases — beginning with Massachusetts — will go to trial in a few months, kicking off litigation that could last for years.

All this comes amid mounting concerns over how the nation is to meet its growing energy needs at a time when the Biden administration, deep-blue jurisdiction, and deep-pocketed foundations are undertaking a concerted effort to block access to affordable and reliable energy.

The vaunted (and heavily taxpayer-funded) transition to green energy is colliding headlong with developments that this elite-driven agenda did not foresee. They include consumers shunning EVs, local resistance to wind and solar plantations, threats to grid stability caused by increased reliance on intermittent renewable energy, soaring household energy costs, and skyrocketing demand for power by proliferating, energy-hungry, artificial intelligence-driven data centers.

Another way to put this is to say that the blue states’ assault on the nation’s energy security could not have come at a worse time.

This article originally appeared at The Hill

Australia’s Answer to Greta Thunberg Faces Years In Jail

Climate activist Lane-Rose said she wasn’t expecting to be immediately arrested as she arrived.

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

The kids grew up: Australia is reaping a bitter harvest, for enabling and encouraging a foreign criminal climate radical to groom our kids.

Why Australia’s answer to Greta Thunberg is facing years behind bars

At 19, this climate activist is now facing serious legal consequences over a foiled protest outside the home of the boss of an energy giant in Western Australia. Here’s why she still believes she’s on the right side of history.

Published 12 October 2023 5:40am
By Tessa Fox
Source: SBS News

Even as a young kid in school, Matilda Lane-Rose always spoke up when she saw injustices in the playground.

Later, at the age of 15, she’d stand in front of hundreds of students engaged in the School Strike for Climate rallies with a megaphone. 

For her, the anxieties and fears now-famous climate activist Greta Thunberg held of the future amid climate change were relatable, and seeing someone the same age taking action was empowering.

“I just decided I’m going to do something to stop this rather than just accept it,” Lane-Rose told SBS News on her decision to campaign for climate justice.

Five years later, Lane-Rose has become a prominent young climate activist, and the university student, now 19, faces a charge of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence. She’s also been slapped with a violence restraining order, had her home raided and possessions seized and been banned from associating with fellow campaigners.

…Read more: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/why-australias-answer-to-greta-thunberg-is-facing-years-behind-bars/ionacwx5y

Matilda Lane-Rose is legally an adult, so she will have to answer for her actions in an adult court. There is no fixing that.

But all the teachers, politicians and other adult influencers who helped make Greta Thunberg such a big part of her life, who encouraged her to embrace the climate extremism which led to her alleged criminal acts, should hang their head in shame.

All those teachers unions and church groups who backed the climate strikers, all the senior politicians who voiced support, who gave Greta a megaphone which she used to twist the minds of our kids, you helped make Matilda into the climate radical she is today.

The article claims even as a kid Matilda has a strong sense of justice, that she tried to keep other kids safe. Imagine such a dedicated, committed person using that sense of justice in a positive way, teaching and protecting kids, working in child safety, or for our police or security services. She could have been a real asset to society.

All those doors to a better future which could have been will be closed if Matilda is convicted of a serious crime, closed by the child groomers who took Matilda’s love and care for others, and twisted it into fanaticism and climate radicalism.

Matilda Lane-Rose will, she must and will bear responsibility for her adult actions, and be punished for any crimes she has committed. But with all my heart I wish the cowards who egged her on, who enabled and encouraged Greta and other climate radicals groom our kids, I wish they could also be made to pay for what they did to young adults like Matilda.

Update (EW): Matilda’s arrest appears to be in relation to radical climate activists targeting Oil CEO Meg O’Neill.