Tag Archives: Mining tycoon

Andrew Forrest’s Climate Alarmism: A Misguided Crusade

Billionaire Andrew Forrest’s company, Fortescue Metals Group Ltd., the world’s No. 4 iron ore producer and a major greenhouse gas emitter, is ending its use of voluntary carbon offsets.

From Watts Up With That?

Mining tycoon Andrew Forrest has embarked on a global mission, armed with a quiver of climate warnings and a bow of alarmist rhetoric. His target seems to be the rational and nuanced discourse in the climate debate. Forrest’s arrows, however, seem to be missing the mark, veering into the realms of exaggeration and dramatic flair.

“Andrew Forrest has warned climate experts in Australia that “lethal humidity is here” and needs to be stopped, part of a message he says he was told to spread by the White House, New Delhi and Beijing.”https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/twiggy-takes-his-dark-warning-on-climate-to-universities/news-story/eb55763e5c7092173e319892239b01c6

Forrest’s approach, marked by a sense of urgency and a barrage of alarming statements, seems to be more about creating a spectacle than fostering a genuine and constructive discussion on climate issues. His call for experts to “verify” the journal articles and images he presents appears more as a tactic to bolster his narrative rather than an open invitation for scrutiny and discussion.

“He encouraged the experts in the room to “look up” and “verify” the many journal articles he referenced in his slideshow that were attached to confronting images of “humidity death”.”https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/twiggy-takes-his-dark-warning-on-climate-to-universities/news-story/eb55763e5c7092173e319892239b01c6

His portrayal of “lethal humidity” and the catastrophic impacts of global warming, while vivid, seems to lack a foundation of balanced and objective analysis. The narrative, filled with images of doom and gloom, appears to be a carefully crafted tapestry of alarmist rhetoric.

“Earth’s humidity increases by about 7 per cent per one degree of warming, Dr Forrest warned. “I need everyone to realise that global warming is accelerating. And that is accelerating humidity” which was then driving violent storms, flood and cyclones, he said.”https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/twiggy-takes-his-dark-warning-on-climate-to-universities/news-story/eb55763e5c7092173e319892239b01c6

Forrest’s interactions with global leaders and institutions such as the White House, New Delhi, and Beijing, while intriguing, raise questions about the nature and motive of his climate crusade. Is this a genuine effort to address climate issues, or is there a more nuanced agenda behind this global campaign?

““The resources we’re lacking … is not cash … The argument here is that we’ve got to allocate the capital in the right way. We’ve got to remove all policies that deter the prevention of global warming. I’m here because I’ve spoken to New Delhi. I’ve spoken to Beijing. I’ve spoken to the White House. And they’ve said, get this message out. So I said, I’m gonna do that.”https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/twiggy-takes-his-dark-warning-on-climate-to-universities/news-story/eb55763e5c7092173e319892239b01c6

In conclusion, while Forrest’s intentions might be noble, however misguided, his approach seems to be marred by exaggeration and a lack of nuanced discussion. His climate crusade, while grand in its presentation, leaves much to be desired in terms of fostering a rational and constructive discourse on climate issues.