Tag Archives: Methane

Oceans Retain Methane: New ‘Nature’ Study Finds Very Little Danger Of Methane Reaching Surface

From NoTricksZone

By P Gosselin on 9. August 2023

A Nature study finds there’s very little risk that global warming would lead to more methane escaping from the oceans into the atmosphere.

Hat-tip: EIKE here.

Global warming alarmists have often used the scenario of increased methane in the atmosphere accelerating warming and climatic change.

But a recent study appearing in NatureNegligible atmospheric release of methane from decomposing hydrates in mid-latitude oceans, dumps a lot cold water on this scenario. This is good news, which unfortunately the media refused to report.

At the bottom of the sea, there are large deposits of naturally occurring methane hydrate. There’s a fear that these ice-like deposits could melt and be released into the atmosphere if the oceans warmed. Methane is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2. The researchers looked at the concentration and natural radiocarbon content of methane dissolved in the water column from the seafloor to the sea surface at seep fields along the US Atlantic and Pacific margins.

No methane reached the surface

Their measurements revealed no evidence of seep CH4 reaching surface waters when the water-column depth is greater than 430 ± 90 m. “Gas hydrates exist only at water depths greater than ~550 m in this region, suggesting that the source of methane escaping to the atmosphere is not from hydrate decomposition,” the authors add.

Dissolves in the ocean

In 2016, a paper published in the Reviews of Geophysics concluded that the annual emissions of methane to the ocean from degrading gas hydrates are far smaller than greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere from human activities and that most of the methane released by gas hydrates never even reaches the atmosphere. The methane often remains in the undersea sediments, dissolves in the ocean, or is converted to carbon dioxide by microbes.

Oceans retain virtually all the methane

The authors explain how methane sinks are increasingly incorporated into numerical models of climate-hydrate-interactions as knowledge becomes better established.

“Models are beginning to acknowledge that most CH4 bubbles emitted at the seafloor at water depths deeper than a few tens of meters will retain little or no methane by the time they reach the near-surface mixed layer, meaning that the primary repository of methane liberated by gas hydrate dissociation within any deepwater marine reservoir will be the ocean, not the atmosphere [e.g.,Biastoch et al., 2011],” the authors summarized.

Image source: Reviews of Geophysics

‘Only one sausage per month for everyone!’ German Nutrition Society recommends over 90% reduction in daily meat eating– to combat global warming


German daily newspaper Bild: Only one sausage per month for everyone!  – “Less meat consumption = better climate? The Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture has calculated that even halving meat consumption would bring Germany one percentage point closer to its climate goals.” … “No one wants to ban people from their occasional currywurst. But overall meat consumption in the population is too high for health and sustainability reasons, it’s a scientific fact“, indicates the DGE to the German newspaper.


 The German Nutrition Society (DGE) now recommends reducing meat consumption to 10 grams per day per person to combat global warming. … A sudden and radical renunciation: The average meat consumption of Germans is 109 grams per day, or about 763 grams per week. The population will therefore have to drastically change its eating behavior if it agrees to comply with this new strategy.

2022: Germany cutting back meat production to fight ‘global warming’ – To reduce all livestock on German farms by 50%

Great Food Reset: Irish Gov’t Seeks to Sacrifice 200,000 Cows To Reach Net Zero Climate Goals – Kerry targets U.S. farmers Next!

By: Admin – Climate Depot


German daily newspaper Bild: Only one sausage per month for everyone!

The DGE is no longer just about health – But the DGE is no longer just concerned with health reasons! The background to the planned meat reform is something completely different: in the future, environmental factors such as “sustainability” will also be taken into account in the recommendations.

Less meat consumption = better climate? The Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture has calculated that even halving meat consumption would bring Germany one percentage point closer to its climate goals. Rather, the big chunk of CO2 emissions is the energy sector (including lignite-fired power plants).

︎ Heike Harstick, general manager of the meat association, is appalled. She tells BILD: “Even in Germany, many people are already undersupplied with certain nutrients, such as iron or vitamin B12. If the new nutritional recommendations presented by the DGE were to remain and such a drastic reduction in animal-based foods recommended, the deficiency would increase.” The planned reference values ​​are “in no way scientifically proven”.

In general, the DGE emphasizes: “Nobody wants to forbid people to eat their currywurst occasionally. But overall meat consumption in the population is too high for health and sustainability reasons, that’s a scientific fact.”


According to a information reported by the German daily Bild, the German Nutrition Society (DGE) now recommends reducing meat consumption to 10 grams per day per person to combat global warming. A real earthquake in the land of currywurst.

On May 22, it was the Court of Auditors which suggested to the French, in a detailed report, to reduce their meat consumption to 500 grams per week.

A sudden and radical renunciation

The average meat consumption of Germans is 109 grams per day, or about 763 grams per week. The population will therefore have to drastically change its eating behavior if it agrees to comply with this new strategy. A previous recommendation from the same organization was less severe (600 grams of meat per week), so why such a reversal?

The German nutrition authority tells the daily Bild that it now takes into account factors other than just “health” to base its decisions on.

Cattle farming sacrificed on the altar of global warming

« No one wants to ban people from their occasional currywurst. But overall meat consumption in the population is too high for health and sustainability reasons, it’s a scientific fact“, indicates the DGE to the German newspaper.

From now on, environmental factors are also an integral part of the evaluation criteria of the nutrition agency. This means that it no longer confines itself to stating how much meat is healthy, or what kind of meat to avoid, it also takes into account the CO₂ balance of food.

Admittedly, the DGE only publishes recommendations. Just don’t follow them. Except that this body is also a certification body.

Not just a recommendation

Some activities depend directly on the approval of the DGE, this is particularly the case for school canteens. Indeed, it awards certificates to canteens. Those that do not have it are almost considered unhealthy. Will the nutrition authority continue to issue certifications to canteens that offer meat beyond the recommended quota?

Note that the directives of the DGE have been taken into account in the new nutritional strategy proposed by the German Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir. “The Pathway to the Federal Government’s Nutrition Strategy” was adopted by his cabinet in December 2022 and a plan is due to be approved by the end of the year.

Germany cutting back meat production to fight ‘global warming’ – To reduce all livestock on German farms by 50%

Farmers have been protesting the decision in the same way they recently did in the Netherlands this summer, but the initiative is moving forward beginning this year. Now, to the great surprise of nobody who has been paying attention, the German Meat Industry Association has reported that the country will be facing a severe meat shortage by the time spring arrives and consumers should expect prices to skyrocket, potentially doubling in some cases.

Let Them Eat Cake: Germany Plans To Make Eating Meat Expensive To ‘Protect The Climate’ – Hike Meat Tax

Climatists Against Growing Rice, Because . . .Methane

From Science Matters

By Ron Clutz

Beautiful rice terraces in the moring light near Tegallalang village, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.

M Dowling reports at Independent Sentinel They’re Coming for Your Rice, But We Always Have Bugs.  Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images.

Rice feeds half the world

The top rice producers are in Asia The world’s top rice producer is China, at 214 million metric tons. India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam are next. In Africa, Nigeria (6.8 million) is the largest producer. Brazil (11.8 million) and the United States (10.2 million) are also top producers, according to 2018 data from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.

But Now This Warning

VIDEO: Rice is to blame for around 10 percent of global emissions of methane, a gas that over two decades, traps about 80 times as much heat as carbon dioxide. Scientists say that if the world wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, rice cannot be ignored. pic.twitter.com/46GgkaGPgK

— AFP News Agency (@AFP) April 16, 2023

The new “crisis” came at us in 2019 from Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum:  This is how rice is hurting the planet   Global rice production is releasing damaging greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, doing as much harm as 1,200 average-sized coal power stations, according to the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates around 770 million tonnes of rice were produced in 2018, with China and India responsible for approximately half of that amount.

Flooding isn’t strictly necessary for rice to grow – it’s an efficient way of preventing the spread of invasive weeds. It’s so fundamental to how many rice farmers operate that it’s not easy to imagine it being grown any other way…

Microbes that feed off decaying plant matter in these fields produce the greenhouse gas methane. And because rice is grown so prolifically, the amount being created is not to be sniffed at – around 12% of global annual emissions.

This crisis is as bogus as the rest of the asbsurdities Schwab conjures up.
Dr. William Happer at C-Fact explains the issue with methane gas.

Methane, the molecule CH4, is the main constituent of natural gas. Animals like cattle and sheep belch methane as they chew their cud. They are able to get more energy from forage by digesting some of the cellulose with the aid of methane-generating microorganisms in their stomachs. Termites use the same trick to digest wood. Microorganisms in soils, notably rice paddies, also emit large amounts of methane.”

“Few realize that large increases in the concentrations of greenhouse gases cause very small changes in the heat balance of the atmosphere. Doubling the concentration of methane – a 100% increase, which would take about 200 years at the current growth rates – would reduce the heat flow to space by only 0.3%, leading to an average global temperature change of only 0.2 °C. This is less than one-quarter of the change in temperature observed over the past 150 years.

“Most of the predicted catastrophic warming from greenhouse gas emissions is due to positive feedbacks that are highly speculative, at best. In accordance with Le Chatelier’s principle, most feedbacks of natural systems are negative, not positive.

It wouldn’t do much!

“So, even if regulations on U.S. methane emissions could completely stop the increase of atmospheric methane (they can’t), they would likely only lower the average global temperature in the year 2222 by about 0.2 °C, a completely trivial amount given that humans have adapted to a much larger change over the past century while reducing climate deaths by over 98%. And U.S. regulations will have little influence on global emissions, where producers are unlikely to be as easily cowed.

“Given that consumption of fossil fuels is likely to increase over the next few decades as developing countries pull themselves out of poverty, restrictions on U.S. oil and gas production will simply shift production to autocratic nations such as Russia, which have much higher methane-emissions rates than U.S. producers do.

“In fact, there is no climate emergency and there will not be one,
with or without new regulations on methane emissions.”

“However, you can bet that if the Biden administration is successful in promulgating regulations on oil and gas producers, it will expand these efforts into ranching and agriculture, which emit about the same amount of methane as energy production. No sector of the economy will remain untouched by the EPA’s long arm of climate regulations.

Give Daisy and the Rice Farmers a Break!

Background Post Climatists Aim Forks at Our Food Supply

The attack on world food supply has four prongs to it, just like the forks in the image.

1.  Exaggerate the Minor Climate Impact of Methane (CH4)

2.  Oppose Methane from Livestock as a Fossil Fuel, like Coal and Oil.

3. Freak Out over N2O as an Excuse to Ban Fertilizers

4.  Meat Shame People’s Diets Because Vegans Love Animals

The King’s Gas Leak


By Paul Homewood

h/t Dave Ward

From the Guardian:

Health and Safety Executive also issued several notices related to worker safety and explosive substances at JV Energen

A green energy company set up by King Charles was investigated for numerous health and safety breaches after the unauthorised leak of more than 1,000 tonnes of global-heating gases.

Methane, CO2 and traces of the toxic gas hydrogen sulphide were released after a gas-holder at the plant split open in 2020. The incident, which lasted for 38 days, was described as “significant” by the Environment Agency.

The plant in Dorset, JV Energen, was also investigated for breaches involving “flammable and toxic” substances. It is majority-owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, a hereditary estate that raises revenues for whoever is the male heir to the throne.

The duchy said in a statement: “The negative impact of the emissions associated with the leak, while regrettable, were completely immaterial compared with the positive impact of the provision of renewable energy.”

The plant is at Rainbarrow Farm, near Dorchester, on land belonging to the Duchy of Cornwall. Now owned by Prince William by right of his title of Duke of Cornwall, the duchy estate had for decades been overseen by his father.

JV Energen was opened in 2012 and hailed by Charles as a breakthrough in green energy production. It is a joint venture between four farmers and the duchy. The plant turns crops into gas and electricity, which are used in the local area, as well as to create fertilisers for local farms.


Interestingly the Guardian also make this comment:

As a producer of green energy, the plant has been eligible for significant government subsidies. These are worth more than £4m a year to JV Energen. Since its launch in 2012, the company has received more than £28m in state subsidies, according to data analysed by the Guardian.


If the King is so keen on using green energy, he should pay for it himself, not expect taxpayers to fork out.