The King’s Gas Leak


By Paul Homewood

h/t Dave Ward

From the Guardian:

Health and Safety Executive also issued several notices related to worker safety and explosive substances at JV Energen

A green energy company set up by King Charles was investigated for numerous health and safety breaches after the unauthorised leak of more than 1,000 tonnes of global-heating gases.

Methane, CO2 and traces of the toxic gas hydrogen sulphide were released after a gas-holder at the plant split open in 2020. The incident, which lasted for 38 days, was described as “significant” by the Environment Agency.

The plant in Dorset, JV Energen, was also investigated for breaches involving “flammable and toxic” substances. It is majority-owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, a hereditary estate that raises revenues for whoever is the male heir to the throne.

The duchy said in a statement: “The negative impact of the emissions associated with the leak, while regrettable, were completely immaterial compared with the positive impact of the provision of renewable energy.”

The plant is at Rainbarrow Farm, near Dorchester, on land belonging to the Duchy of Cornwall. Now owned by Prince William by right of his title of Duke of Cornwall, the duchy estate had for decades been overseen by his father.

JV Energen was opened in 2012 and hailed by Charles as a breakthrough in green energy production. It is a joint venture between four farmers and the duchy. The plant turns crops into gas and electricity, which are used in the local area, as well as to create fertilisers for local farms.

Interestingly the Guardian also make this comment:

As a producer of green energy, the plant has been eligible for significant government subsidies. These are worth more than £4m a year to JV Energen. Since its launch in 2012, the company has received more than £28m in state subsidies, according to data analysed by the Guardian.


If the King is so keen on using green energy, he should pay for it himself, not expect taxpayers to fork out.