Tag Archives: lake of natural gas

Cheap Renewables? British OFGEN Issues 48 Hour Price Hike Warning

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

The British Government could bring rapid energy price relief by issuing permits to UK based fracking company Caudrilla. But this would undermine Net Zero policies.

Households issued urgent 48-hour warning as energy bills to rise by £94

Ofgem said rising costs are driven by market instability and global conflicts such as Ukraine 

Holly Evans

Households have been issued an urgent 48-hour warning to submit meter readings ahead of a £94 increase to the average home energy bill, which is due to come into effect on 1 January. 

Ofgem is increasing its price cap in response to rising wholesale prices, which has been driven because of market instability and global events, particularly the conflict in Ukraine

The regulator’s price cap is rising by 5 per cent from the current £1,834 for a typical dual fuel household to £1,928 from Monday, with households urged to submit readings before New Year’s Day to ensure they are charged correctly.

…Read more: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/energy-bills-rise-ofgem-meter-readings-b2471190.html

Britain sits on a lake of natural gas, 6.5 billion cubic feet under Lancashire alone. Caudrilla’s original test well in 1993 within 7 weeks of commencement was connected to the gas system, generating a steady supply of cheap energy. But the British Government since then has thrown every obstacle they can think of in the path of Caudrilla CEO Francis Egan.

One stroke of a politician’s pen could bring energy price relief to millions of British families.

How long are Britons going to continue believing the lies they’ve been fed, about the alleged dangers of global warming and fracking? At what point do Britons stop passively accepting the latest energy price hike, and demand energy self sufficiency solutions which could be implemented in weeks or months, instead of accepting yet another round of pathetic excuses about the international situation?