Tag Archives: British Government

British battery plants given cheap power to break dependence on China

Subsidised energy costs to make onshore production of key minerals more viable.

British battery metal refiners and electric car gigafactories are being handed cheap power deals by the Government as part of a battle to cut the West’s dependence on China. 

Companies will get the energy relief from next month with the aim being to boost domestic production of key minerals needed for wind turbines, electric cars and defence technologies, officials and executives say.

China has an iron grip on global refining, handling about 70pc of the world’s cobalt, 70pc of nickel, 60pc of battery-grade lithium and as much as 90pc for some rare earth elements. The Telegraph has the story.

But ministers want at least some of this production to be “onshored” in the UK in future, amid broader western fears that Beijing could threaten supplies during a geopolitical crisis

With high electricity costs seen as a major barrier, however, insiders said the new measures are designed to make Britain more competitive internationally. Officials also want to deter so-called carbon leakage, where goods are made abroad using more polluting processes and then simply imported here. 

It is understood that critical mineral refiners and battery factories are among those set to benefit from the relief, with the promise of the subsidies helping to seal significant investments.

One source familiar with the schemes said: “Helping to level the playing field on energy costs, and the added advantage of supplying green power for these new industries, really does start to shift the balance.”

One businessman behind two refinery operators in the North East said the subsidies had helped to ensure his development were viable.

Paul Atherley, chairman of Tees Valley Lithium and Pensana, which are building plants in Teesside and Humberside respectively, said the changes will cut the price his companies pay for energy from a quarterly average of 19 pence per kilowatt hour (kWh) to “single digits” in September.

Mr Atherley said: “The Government is keenly aware that they’re in competitive situations for locating these plants. 

“The competition is coming from Europe, North America, Saudi Arabia – people are offering incentives – but the UK is doing a good job in trying to keep and attract businesses like ours.

“There are two big incentives: one is freeports for chemical parks at Humber and Teesside, and the second is these power deals.”

The battery factory planned by Jaguar Land Rover’s parent in Somerset is also likely to qualify for support, it is understood.

Read the full story here.

Cheap Renewables? British OFGEN Issues 48 Hour Price Hike Warning

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

The British Government could bring rapid energy price relief by issuing permits to UK based fracking company Caudrilla. But this would undermine Net Zero policies.

Households issued urgent 48-hour warning as energy bills to rise by £94

Ofgem said rising costs are driven by market instability and global conflicts such as Ukraine 

Holly Evans

Households have been issued an urgent 48-hour warning to submit meter readings ahead of a £94 increase to the average home energy bill, which is due to come into effect on 1 January. 

Ofgem is increasing its price cap in response to rising wholesale prices, which has been driven because of market instability and global events, particularly the conflict in Ukraine

The regulator’s price cap is rising by 5 per cent from the current £1,834 for a typical dual fuel household to £1,928 from Monday, with households urged to submit readings before New Year’s Day to ensure they are charged correctly.

…Read more: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/energy-bills-rise-ofgem-meter-readings-b2471190.html

Britain sits on a lake of natural gas, 6.5 billion cubic feet under Lancashire alone. Caudrilla’s original test well in 1993 within 7 weeks of commencement was connected to the gas system, generating a steady supply of cheap energy. But the British Government since then has thrown every obstacle they can think of in the path of Caudrilla CEO Francis Egan.

One stroke of a politician’s pen could bring energy price relief to millions of British families.

How long are Britons going to continue believing the lies they’ve been fed, about the alleged dangers of global warming and fracking? At what point do Britons stop passively accepting the latest energy price hike, and demand energy self sufficiency solutions which could be implemented in weeks or months, instead of accepting yet another round of pathetic excuses about the international situation?