Tag Archives: heaviest snowfall

The frozen chosen got stuck in Munich


From Duggan Flanakin

On their way to sunny Dubai, the private jets of those pretending to care about planetary warming were frozen on glaciated runways.

The planet had to be laughing. It seems the Earth knows it is being used as a fall guy. Just to prove a point – that they are NOT in charge – Mama Gaia threw down the heaviest snowfall in Munich’s memory to show them who’s really boss.

Maybe she has finally grown weary of the luxury liner class who disguise their schemes for world domination with scary scenarios implying that they can “save the planet” if we just give them more power to diminish our lives.

Mind you, this was hardly the first time Mama G has brought the white stuff to embarrass the pseudo-warmists whose every dire climate prediction to date has failed to come true. Frigid weather has greeted climate meetings so often that pundits coined the term “the Gore Effect.”

Politico in 2008 described the Gore Effect as “a global warming-related event or appearance by … Al Gore … [that is] marked by exceedingly cold weather or unseasonably winter weather.”

The article cites as examples the March 2007 Capitol Hill media briefing on a Senate climate bill that was canceled due to a snowstorm; the October 22 (2008) global warming speech by Gore at Harvard University that coincided with near-125-year record-breaking low temperatures; and the marathon British House of Commons debate on global warming a week later during London’s first October snowfall since 1922.

But those three events are, shall we say, just the tip of the iceberg.

Climate Depot has chronicled a much longer list, beginning with a Gore speech decrying global warming during a bitterly cold day in New York City (December 2006). In December 2008, Gore ranted about global warming during a “rare” snowy, cold day in Italy.

Then, on March 1, 2009, the (then) “largest public protest of global warming ever in the U.S.” was literally snowed under in Washington, DC. The snow was so bad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s plane (she was to be a speaker) could not land at any local airport. Again, in 2014, yet another global warming hearing in the nation’s capital was stifled by a heavy snowfall.

The Glasgow Climate Summit in 2021 provided the most recent (until now) demonstration of the Gore Effect. The October arrival of Arctic air froze the outdoor climate protestors, while inside, the caviar crowd accomplished literally nothing – but they all ate well, slept in comfort, and re-boarded their private jets.

No wonder, then, that the jet-setters chose the UAE – where it does not snow – to host this year’s charade. But once again, Mama G got the last laugh, though those who know their real agenda are not laughing.

The 2019 report, “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5 C World,” asserts that to avoid worldwide climate breakdown (more honestly, “to ensure our total dominance over the rest of humanity”), major industries — energy generation, transportation, agriculture, construction, electronics, and clothing and textiles — will have to undergo significant structural changes.

First on the list, brought to us by C40 Cities, is limiting the number of new clothing items we can buy each year — in the name of reducing supply chain waste. A favored remedy involves returning to the “pre-industrial civilization practice of taking 760 hours to make clothing. Only the rich could afford new clothes. Also, say “Goodbye” to clothes dryers – remember those stiff, wind-dried jeans?

C40 Cities also demands we reduce car ownership (easily accomplished by mandating electric vehicles that most cannot afford or do not want) and limiting airplane flights — that can only use biofuels. Worse, biofuel production must be limited to avoid land use conflicts.

The barons also call for barring ordinary people from eating meat and dairy (except laboratory “meat”). Because they believe when people own property they create a multiplier effect on consumption, so only the “wise” elites will be allowed to own anything.

When the climate lords finally arrived in Dubai, to their dismay, they ran into a buzzsaw of opposition, led (to hardly anyone’s surprise) by the host (and Summit president) himself. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber told attendees that there is “no science” behind the global warming campaign.

The UAE’s minister of industry and advanced technology (who later backtracked from his bold statement) added that eliminating fossil fuels would not allow for sustainable growth “unless you want to take the world back into caves.”

Well, that’s pretty close to taking 760 hours to make a suit of clothing. And three billion still live in a pre-industrial world.

A coterie of “scientists and students” demanded that African leaders forego their nations’ bountiful natural resources and rely solely on the long-awaited influx of Western cash to finance wind and solar projects that, at best, would generate intermittent power to the select few.

NJ Ayuk, executive chairman of the African Energy Chamber, called this proposed surrender of African sovereignty “a horrible idea.” He took offense at the idea that Western aid gives the West the right to influence domestic African policy decisions. Worse, Western “aid” has all too often made things worse for ordinary Africans.

Another quick response came from the newest developing world spokesperson, Saudi Arabian Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, half-brother of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Responding to the demand by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres for a total phaseout of fossil fuels, Prince Abdulaziz said, “Absolutely not.”

To emphasize his point, he said, “I would like to put that challenge for all of those who come out publicly saying we have to (phase down). I’ll give you their name and number. Call them and ask them how they are gonna do that. If they believe that this is the highest moral ground issue, fantastic. Let them do that themselves. And we will see how much they can deliver.”

Prince Abdulaziz, like many in the developing world, has learned the lessons lost on the British and French diplomats who at Munich in 1938 callously allowed Hitler to seize Czechoslovakia without a fight. Their pitiful appeasement gesture at the Munich Conference failed to prevent World War II and led to the genocide of 12 million people (half of them Jews), “Munich” now symbolizes surrender to tyrants.

If these pontificating world leaders and billionaire dilettantes actually believed “global warming” was going to destroy all life on Earth, they would not fly private jets into the desert.

More and more people now realize that the true purpose of restrictions on human freedom has nothing to do with “climate change” and everything to do with depopulation, de-industrialization, and dehumanization.

To truly “save the world,” the Brussels sprouters and their mega-billionaire buddies must be stopped dead in their tracks.

A version of this article originally appeared at Town Hall