Tag Archives: Global Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

Will Biden and the U.N. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’? Looks like it.

From Watts Up With That?

I’ve covered this topic before: ClimateTV: UN Plans ‘Climate Power Grab’ Over U.S. The Heartland Institute’s Justin Haskins wrote a stunning op-ed in The Federalist, revealing the behind the scenes planning:  The U.N. Is Planning To Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support.

Yesterday, there was this story: Biden says he has ‘practically’ declared a climate emergency. With this note from Bloomberg.com “President Joe Biden said he had basically declared a national climate emergency, stopping short of demands by progressive lawmakers and activists for a formal declaration.”

And, the UN now has a “climate emergency” page here.

Based on the chatter and data I see, it looks like the formal declaration of a “Climate Emergency” will come around Tuesday August 15. On that day, it is likely that NOAA will release new figures from GHCN and other temperature datasets, and these new record high numbers will be used as justification for the declaration. And then, all hell breaks loose.

What follows is a reformatted, grammar/spell corrected, and paraphrased email from WUWT reader Frits Buningh, who has been looking at news reports and data. I provide it for your interpretation without comment. – Anthony

Either the UN Secretary General will do it and/or Joe Biden. It is likely that on Thursday August 10th, the Global Sea Surface Temperature (SST) will be declared to have broken the all-time record and will come in at 21.1 C, more than at any other time since record keeping began as of 1850 and the Climate Hysteria will reach a fever pitch. As you can see below, it is already on its way.

Climate Reanalyzer

What follows is some of what I found and some general observations and context about Antarctica Melting.

Reuters, AP, Forbes, the Weather Channel. USA Today and of course the New York Times are screaming ANTARCTICA is melting faster than ever, and it is concerning! Why all of a sudden, now?

It is kind of a low hanging fruit, hardly anyone can go there, no normal human being has been there, so they (The Reporters that is, based on the “Scientists” Studies) can tell you whatever they want, no personal experience can contradict the “SCIENCE”.

AP says this:

“Even in Antarctica — one of the most remote and desolate places on Earth — scientists say they are finding shattered temperature records and an increase in the size and number of wacky weather events.”

The Greater, Broader, Detail, way down below: The weather on the ground and the forecast for Antarctica (There are 16 Weather stations down there to validate what you are claiming, AP has access to them too, the same as everyone else writing about this)

Today’s Weather on Antarctica, kind of like Phoenix in Reverse (Minus -90 at the South Pole Today Feels Like -127F – See the South Pole Listing):

The South Pole is never the Coldest, that honor goes to Vostok usually, but still COLD enough:

The “Really Hot” facetious comment is all relative of course. 19.3F being -7 Celsius, below freezing.

My sources say this:

These sources say it is BITTER Cold right now, where AP says …………………………………..:??:

Some media hype about Antarctica:                         

Even Frozen Antarctica Is Being Walloped By Climate Extremes, Scientists Find Climate change has shattered temperature records in Antarctica. As global temperatures rise, ice shelves are at risk of melting and collapsing. www.msn.com
No quick fix to reverse Antarctic sea ice loss as warming intensifies – scientists (This Aug 8 story has been corrected to clarify that the quote was from Anna Hogg, not Caroline Holmes, in paragraphs 3 and 4) By David Stanway SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Sea ice in the Antarctic region has fallen to a record low this year as a result of rising global temperatures and there is no quick fix to reverse the damage done, scientists said on Tuesday in a new study of the impact of climate www.msn.com
Extreme Weather Will Put Antarctic In Uncharted Climate Territory, Troubling Study Finds—Here’s Why It Matters The latest Antarctic study reveals a continent teetering on a dangerous climate precipice www.msn.com
Antarctica faces severe climate threat A new study has found that extreme events in Antarctica, such as ocean heatwaves and ice loss, are very likely to become more common and more severe. (August 8) www.usatoday.com
Antarctic Sea Ice Is at a ‘Very Concerning’ Record Low It’s winter in Antarctica, when sea ice cover typically grows. But this year’s sea ice is way behind, reaching record lows with implications for the planet. www.nytimes.com

Back to the Data on the Ground in Antarctica from Today and In History.

Bottom Lining it for All the 16 Weather Stations on Antarctica:

In 2018 the Avg Temperature on July 28 th was: 6.9 Fahrenheit (No Melting that day)

In 2023 the Avg Temperature on July 28 th was: Minus – 4.7 Fahrenheit (No Melting that day either)

(For reference Minus -4.7 C is Minus -20 Celsius. ICE melts at ZERO Celsius and 32 F)

Forecast for August 10th, Tomorrow: Minus -5.9 F, that is Colder than July 28th (Still no Melting in sight!)

(For Reference, it is still getting Colder in Antarctica, no Spring yet. But the good news is the Global Sea Surface Temperature is still going up, regardless of what happens in Antarctica, it does not Count, for that whole Region is below the 60 th South Parallel! The Climate Re-Analyzing People at the University of Maine’s Climate Crisis Institute only counts whatever is between 60 North and 60 South Parallel. Is that not convenient to help keep the Average SST Higher. The Sea is rather Cold around Antarctica. Some ARGO buoys come in at Minus – 1.791 Celsius in the South Pacific and Southern Atlantic. This reading is from July 21, 2023

ARGO Float 6903231 – Argo Fleet Monitoring (euro-argo.eu)

Here is that buoy:

The Data below is from all the 16 Weather Stations in Antarctica:

See a Trend Maybe?

Another perspective from the Southern Hemisphere where it is Winter right now: “Widespread and persistent cold weather across most of the country, including some near-record low daily maximum temperatures. Most of the weather we have experienced in Australia so far this winter has been so wet and cold, it has actually defied the winter weather outlook issued by the Bureau of Meteorology”
July 19, 2023 from The Wet and Cold Australian Winter Seems to be Defying the Recent El Nino Alert and is in Stark Contrast to the Official Winter Weather Outlook (severe-weather.eu)

In my opinion, the climate screaming will intensify dramatically as of tomorrow and will reach a fever pitch. The Global SST will likely break the record of 21.05 C and will clock in at 21.06 C (or higher) as of tomorrow. (under the Hood the record is 21.05, and today the Global SST clocked in at 21.03 C, so they (NOAA that is) need 0.03 to break the record).

So, tomorrow’s SST Chart will likely read 21.1C (they get to round it off) – A New World Record! 

It is Late in the 4th Quarter and there is not a lot of time left in the Summer. In order to declare “The Climate Emergency”, which the Secretary General Antonio Gutierrez has been calling for since June 15th and many here in Australia too, there needs to be significant Public Buy-In. This New Record will Help!

August 15th is kind of the end of the summer heat buildup, so it is now or never, at least for this year.

That is what all the Climate articles about Antarctica are all about. The Global Ocean is getting warmer because the Antarctic is Melting and it is Hot up here in the Northern Hemisphere and it is Warmer than Usual in the Southern Hemisphere (at least that is what AP, Reuters, USA Today and the NYT are communicating with their Antarctica Climate Scare articles), so there you go.

Except it is VERY Cold in the Antarctic, but few people really know that, and nobody will be telling anyone that, not CNN’s Jake Tapper for sure.