Tag Archives: climate agenda

The “fibbing five” of the climate agenda


By Joe Bastardi

Why does no one in the mainstream media ask the hard questions of these people?  Why do they not vet not only their extreme claims, but what they have said in the past?

Al Gore: His idea that Net 0 would mean warming would stop is absurd. You can’t say its a lie, because it is a future event, but what possible proof does he have of that? I can say the sun is coming up tomorrow and back it up with the idea of persistence and science. Or water will freeze at 32. But from the man who can’t understand (along with, it seems like, all these people) that if the Arctic is not warming in the summer and the mean summer temp is not far from 32, the ice cap not only won’t melt but can’t, is yet another example of his utter ignorance. It is breathtaking

John Kerry is going after our food supply. Kerry wants to wreck farming because it contributes to greenhouse gases and warming. Let me get this straight. Of the .042%of the atmosphere that is CO2,  man has contributed about 5%. Of that 5%, agriculture is a tiny fraction perhaps 10%. Now let us take a country like Denmark, where farmers may be forced to shut down farming. What does Denmark contribute to the planet’s CO2?.  SO LITTLE IT APPROACHES ZERO. Yet Starving people and sending food prices through the roof is fine with Kerry. No wonder he got a D in Geology.

Then we have Bill Gates, who says planting trees won’t help. Since many countries are already Carbon negative because they have enough trees to offset emissions, apparently Mr Gates does not understand that trees get rid of 50 lbs of CO2 each.

Let’s do the math.

A new Yale-led study estimates that there are more than 3 trillion trees on Earth, about seven and a half times more than some previous estimates.

That means about 150 trillion pounds of CO2 is gobbled up.

Humans produce 36.3 gigatons of CO2.

36.3 trillion gigatons is only 80 trillion pounds. Of course, the rest of the planet is emitting more CO2. But the point is that of course, a global marshal plan of planting trees (let us say another trillion) with Nuclear power and point of combustion Carbon capture would solve this problem much more economically. Not that it is a problem as more CO2 is better. But if it was, there is a much easier fix. Just simply adapt and move on.

But my point is how does Gates get off on saying planting trees won’t help? Heck, he is for chopping them down and replacing them with God knows what. And people buy into it and just smile and nod. He claims global warming will lead to crop disasters, directly opposite of what is going on. We have never produced more food globally. Wait a minute I thought John Kerry wants to get rid of farming. Can these people please get their stories straight?

Then there is Kerry’s daughter, Vanessa Kerry, whom near as I can tell, has no reason to be in any position of authority except John has likely left her in charge of spreading the same kind of D in Geology nonsense he has been spreading for the past few decades.

Look at this pearl of wisdom from her.

“2023 was an apocalyptic year in terms of extreme weather events. That is about to get worse.”

What the heck is she talking about?

This is from Dr Roger Piellke jr ( who believes CO2 does have a warming effect, but is demonized for telling the truth about the results).

You can read it all here.

The IPCC has concluded that a signal of climate change has not yet emerged beyond natural variability for the following phenomena:

  • River floods
  • Heavy precipitation and pluvial floods
  • Landslides
  • Drought (all types)
  • Severe wind storms
  • Tropical cyclones
  • Sand and dust storms
  • Heavy snowfall and ice storms
  • Hail
  • Snow avalanche
  • Coastal flooding
  • Marine heat waves

So she makes it up. Like father, like daughter.

Then there is Hillary Clinton, whom I owe a great deal to, since HRC labeled a cat 1 hurricane that took 11 days to develop at the height of the hurricane season in 2016, a sign of the impending global warming doom. I coined the term weaponization of the weather from that incident. My first book had a chapter, then a whole book based around it.

Now look at this tweet:

First of all, the tonnage is falling and has been. Second, the faster you make them fall by way of the tyranny she is advocating to do this, the more the nation plunges into the abyss. Third, So what? Why is she insisting on economic suicide when she had a chance to stand up to China; and Biden and the rest of the ilk above do not stand up to China? Biden took it one step further. He had his son make a deal with a Chinese fossil fuel company that benefitted his family personally — along with the company and China — while continuing to advocate policies that make his own country weaker. Which of course would please the foreign adversary even more. But it figures HRC would not think about that, given the Clintons known grifting.

What I don’t get is how no one, (not even the conservative media or neutral ones like Fox has become) don’t call these people out. It has to be because they are afraid they will be destroyed. They can’t be that ignorant. They will back up a story even though they know it not to be true. Look at the recent revelation from Andrew Cuomo that the vax did cause him problems. Yet it took til the data came out for him to say anything;  data that was there but anyone bringing it up was isolated, demonized, and destroyed in the best Alinsky-like tactics. But again, the linkage to climate, or Hunter Biden, or Hamas, or BLM or whatever is all there and the common denominator is people that push it, get away with it. That linkage is a campaign of deception, distortion, and delusion. The fibbing 5 above regularly push and no one will call them out on it.

A country built on the freedom to confront cold hard facts can not survive when shackled by the deception that we are dealing with today. The link is clear and climate will be the nail in the coffin of the foundational freedoms of our country.  These 5 are part of a network that has nothing but evil intent for the progress and good of mankind as their motivation.

German property crisis deepens with one of worst falls on record – latest updates 

Germany’s construction sector continued to drag down Europe’s largest economy as its housebuilding industry suffered one of its worst declines on record, a closely-watched survey indicated.

The HCOB Germany Construction purchasing managers’ index (PMI) came in at 36.3 in January, down slightly from December’s 37 and among the worst figures ever recorded in the research. The Telegraph has the story.

Dr Cyrus de la Rubia, chief economist at Hamburg Commercial Bank, said the German construction sector “is extending and deepening its downturn which has been in place since April 2022 for another month, with no near end in sight”. 

It comes after a top German industry chief despaired that Olaf Scholz’s net zero policies are “absolutely toxic” in a stinging criticism of the chancellor’s leadership.

Siegfried Russwurm, head of the BDI, said his country’s climate agenda is “more dogmatic than any other country I know”.

He warned that Germany was being placed at a disadvantage because of the government’s phasing out of nuclear energy and switching to renewables from coal and gas.

“Nobody can say with any certainty today what our energy supply will look like in seven years’ time, and that’s why no one can say how high energy prices will be in Germany then,” he told the Financial Times. 

“For companies that have to make investment decisions, that is absolutely toxic.”

Germany’s economy shrank by 0.3pc last year, while the OECD said its gross domestic product would expand by just 1.1pc in 2024.

Read the full story here .

Environmental Laws That Impeded Pipelines For Years Could Trip Up Biden’s Sprint Toward Offshore Wind

From The Daily Caller



  • Landmark environmental laws leveraged for decades to challenge infrastructure projects are now being used against offshore wind, a key aspect of President Joe Biden’s green energy agenda.
  • A new lawsuit brought by grassroots environmental groups, fishermen and local citizens alleges that the government did not abide by the terms of statutes including the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act in a rush to permit two massive offshore wind developments off the East Coast.
  • “Destroying ocean habitat in the name of climate change prevention is absolutely hypocritical and atrocious,” Dustin Delano, the COO of the New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association (NEFSA), a plaintiff in the suit, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Environmental rules and regulations that activists have used for years to drown disfavored infrastructure projects in litigation are now threatening a key pillar of President Joe Biden’s massive climate agenda.

A coalition of grassroots environmental groups, local residents and fishermen are suing the Department of the Interior (DOI), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Army Corps of Engineers, alleging that the agencies cut corners on key environmental policies in order to hasten the buildout of massive offshore wind projects off the East Coast. Environmentalists are now using key policies like the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that have mired other infrastructure projects, including and especially natural gas pipelines, to challenge the legality of Biden administration’s efforts to reach its offshore wind targets. (RELATED: Commercial Fishers Say Biden Admin’s ‘Ocean Justice’ Initiative Totally Ignores Their Concerns)

Environmentalist opponents of offshore wind posit that the construction and operation of the huge turbines disrupt marine ecosystems, including the balance of fisheries and the ability of certain whales to safely navigate the waters. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has declared “unusual mortality events” for humpback and North Atlantic Right Whales, starting in 2016 and 2017, respectively, a timeline which approximately aligns with the beginning of industrial-scale offshore wind development off the East Coast.

For its part, the government maintains that there is no available scientific evidence that clearly proves a causal link between offshore wind development and the large increase in whale deaths, according to NOAA.

“To implement a massive new program to generate electrical energy by constructing thousands of turbine towers offshore on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf and laying hundreds of miles of high-tension electrical cables undersea, the United States has shortcut the statutory and regulatory requirements that were enacted to protect our Nation’s environmental and natural resources, its industries and its people,” the lawsuit contends.

Offshore Wind Lawsuit by Nick Pope

The lawsuit takes specific aim at Revolution Wind and South Fork Wind, two massive developments off the Rhode Island coast. Plaintiffs in the suit include the New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association (NEFSA), Save the Right Whales Coalition and Green Oceans.

The Biden administration is aiming for offshore wind to generate enough electricity to meet the demand of 10 million American homes by 2030, but the subsidized industry is facing considerable financial pressure as inflation, high borrowing costs and logistical issues are weighing on profit margins. Apart from potential legal issues that the projects may face, economic conditions are prompting developers to cancel power purchase agreements or terminate projects altogether, putting Biden’s 2030 goal firmly out of reach, according to Reuters.

The lawsuit, filed Jan. 16 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, alleges that several of the government’s environmental reviews and procedural decisions underlying its approval of the Revolution Wind and South Fork Wind projects are illegal. The plaintiffs contend that the government may “have violated NEPA by impermissibly segmenting the multiple areas of the offshore wind program and ignoring the cumulative environmental impacts of thousands of turbines on millions of acres of ocean that BOEM will approve in the near future,” and that “BOEM violated NEPA by failing to provide complete analyses and disclose the impacts of the projects.”

Climate activists have previously used the laws cited in this lawsuit to gum up projects they oppose, like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the Keystone XL pipeline, according to Jesse Richardson, a professor of law at West Virginia University, and Madison Hinkle, an environmental lawyer. The lawsuit focusing on Revolution Wind and South Fork Wind demonstrate that the Biden administration’s plans for offshore wind developments — and potentially other green energy projects — are going to have to beat legal challenges predicated on NEPA, ESA and other statutes that have long been a problem for oil- and gas-related projects.

“NEFSA and the other grassroots groups like Green Oceans have taken the ‘bull by the horns’ alongside the Responsible Offshore Development Alliance in their fierce opposition to the industrialization of our oceans from foreign offshore wind companies. Once again, we’re seeing an example of fishermen, the true environmentalists of the ocean, fighting to preserve and protect it — while environmental groups remain silent or in some cases, endorse this destructive movement of ocean industrialization,” Dustin Delano, NEFSA’s COO, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Destroying ocean habitat in the name of climate change prevention is absolutely hypocritical and atrocious.”

As Delano mentioned, numerous major eco-activism groups — including Greenpeace and the League of Conservation Voters — have defended offshore wind, suggesting that concerns about the technology’s environmental impacts are being amplified by right-wing groups as part of a wider anti-wind “misinformation” campaign.

“Initially, we were inclined to support these renewable energy efforts. Only when we understood the impacts and no empirical evidence supports their ability to help climate change, did we realize just how devastating the projects will be on the ocean’s health and how little, if any, benefit the projects will provide,” Dr. Elizabeth Quattrocki Knight, the co-founder and president of Green Oceans, a plaintiff in the suit, told the DCNF. “No empirical evidence demonstrates that offshore wind will help climate change.  Over and over again, the government’s Environmental Impact Statements admit that the effects of climate change will proceed unchecked and unchanged in this region, despite the presence of the projects.”

The NMFS declined to comment, citing the ongoing nature of the litigation. The White House, BOEM, DOI and the Army Corps of Engineers did not respond immediately to requests for comment.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Climate Change Killjoys – First, They Came for Your Appliances

In this new episode of “Climate Change Roundtable,” host Anthony Watts leads a thought-provoking discussion with Heartland experts H. Sterling Burnett, Linnea Leuken, and special guest Ben Lieberman, Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow specializing in environmental policy.

In 2023, the Biden administration launched an all-out war on home appliances. The appliance regulations are ‘clearly being done as part of the climate agenda,’ according to one energy expert.

The Alliance For Consumers, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting consumer protection policies, issued an analysis in October showing that popular appliances like ceiling fans, gas stoves, dishwashers, water heaters and refrigerators will all increase in price in the coming years thanks in large part to these policies.

This past week, a federal appeals court struck down the regulatory actions targeting dishwashers as part of the Biden administration’s aggressive climate and energy efficiency agenda.

And, like always, we’ll have Crazy Climate News of the week.

Biden’s EPA Massively Stepped Up Its ‘Environmental Justice’ Agenda In 2023

From The Daily Caller



  • President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) significantly scaled up its enforcement and grantmaking activities related to environmental justice in 2023.
  • The EPA’s 2023 enforcement statistics show that the agency increased its inspections in areas of potential environmental justice concern and that the dollar amount of judicial and administrative penalties assessed in such areas also reached recent highs.
  • “EPA-funded researchers dredge reams of data to find a few trivial environmental differences between rich and poor communities and then blame the inconsequential differences on racism,” Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow for the Energy and Environmental Legal Institute and a member of the Trump EPA transition team, told the DCNF.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intensified its “environmental justice” agenda in 2023 in terms of enforcement and grantmaking.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in May 2023 that the agency has “built environmental justice into [its] very DNA,” and over the course of the year the agency significantly increased enforcement in specific areas across the country, while handing out hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to environmentalist groups to pursue environmental justice projects. These developments reflect a broader effort by the EPA and Biden administration to infuse social justice ideology into bureaucratic functions, and a strategy to build political patronage by funding activist organizations with taxpayer dollars, experts told the DCNF.

“From day one, President Biden and EPA have been committed to delivering progress on environmental justice and civil rights, and ensuring that underserved and overburdened communities are at the forefront of our work,” an EPA spokeswoman told the DCNF. “The agency is ensuring that people who’ve struggled to have their concerns addressed see action to solve the problems they’ve been facing for generations. These efforts to integrate EJ and equity into all of EPA’s work is seen through the work of the Office of Enforcement and Compliance in its enforcement of environmental laws.” (RELATED: Shortlist For EPA’s Multi-Billion Dollar ‘Green’ Fund Features Groups With Deep Connections To Biden Admin, Dems)

In fiscal year 2023, more than 60% of federal inspections occurred in areas of potential environmental justice concern, reflecting a significant increase in both the total number and relative proportion of civil enforcement case conclusions in such areas compared to years past, the EPA enforcement data shows.

The estimated amount of pollution — measured in pounds — reduced, treated or eliminated by the EPA in potential environmental justice concern areas was lower in fiscal year 2023 than in fiscal year 2021, according to the EPA enforcement data. The 41.18 million pounds that the EPA estimates it handled in such areas amounts to less than one-third of the 137.84 million pounds that the Trump EPA recorded in fiscal year 2019.

While the amount of pollution that the EPA estimates it reduced, treated or eliminated was not exceptionally high, the agency’s actions resulted in an estimated $69.15 million worth of administrative and judicial penalties assessed in areas of environmental justice concern in fiscal year 2023, a number that is far greater than any figure recorded since fiscal year 2014, according to the enforcement statistics.

The EPA asserts that environmental justice can only be achieved when “everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards, and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn and work.”

The Biden administration “wants to say that pollution is racist, in the same way that they want to say education is racist,” Mandy Gunasekara, who served as EPA chief of staff during the Trump administration, told the DCNF. “They are using this as a political tool that is not supported by legal precedent … The problem with this administration is that they lack a balance in their mission; they just want to grab headlines, and to grab headlines you need extremes, and one of the easiest ways to do that is via environmental justice, as we have seen. It’s the ultimate weaponization of industrial action.”

The EPA’s environmental justice agenda is part of a broader push by the White House, which sees the concept as key to “confronting longstanding environmental injustices” endured primarily by “marginalized, underserved and overburdened communities.”

“EPA-funded researchers dredge reams of data to find a few trivial environmental differences between rich and poor communities and then blame the inconsequential differences on racism,” Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow for the Energy and Environmental Legal Institute and a member of the Trump EPA transition team, told the DCNF. “If minority communities suffer from anything, it’s poverty. Ironically, poverty is caused by EJ policies that ban manufacturing facilities and kill good-paying industry jobs.” (RELATED: EPA Bureaucrats Can Rake In Six-Figure Salaries While Mostly Working From Home, Report Finds)

In addition to the enforcement aspect of EPA’s work on environmental justice, the agency has massive amounts of taxpayer dollars at its disposal to give to activist organizations that engage in their own environmental justice initiatives.

In December 2023, the EPA named the recipients of a combined $600 million in grants for environmental justice pursuits. Among the awardees were explicitly left-wing activist groups and incubators such as the Climate Justice Alliance and The Minneapolis Foundation, as well as Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, which facilitates de facto get-out-the-vote efforts.

The money came from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), President Joe Biden’s signature climate bill.

In April 2023, the agency shelled out a combined $177 million to a range of environmental groups to serve as “Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers.” Some of those recipients, such as WE ACT for Environmental Justice and the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, had previously supported the Biden administration’s climate agenda.

Under Biden, the agency’s environmental justice grantmaking has essentially served as a “political tool” that is “used to fund activism of the left,” Gunasekara told the DCNF. “That’s what this administration is using environmental justice for, and it is really unfortunate because it degrades the way that environmental justice is considered in the administration … The communities that really need EPA’s help, they don’t need more activists.”

In addition to the more than $700 million in environmental justice grants that the agency distributed in 2023, the EPA is also gearing up to hand out approximately $2 billion in so-called “community change grants.” The program, also endowed by the IRA, is “designed to deliver on the transformative potential of the IRA for communities most adversely and disproportionately impacted by climate change, legacy pollution and historical disinvestments,” according to the agency’s website.

“During 2024, environmental justice will be a means for the Biden administration to funnel money to poor communities for election purposes,” Milloy told the DCNF.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

REAL AMERICA — Stella Escobedo W/ Craig Rucker, Analysis Of The COP28 Climate Summit

CFACT has been to 25 of the 28 UN COP conferences. 

COP 28 was “a smorgasbord of far Left groups and people who are in the renewable energy industry who have a vested financial interest. Also people with an ideological interest in advancing the climate agenda.”

The post REAL AMERICA — Stella Escobedo W/ Craig Rucker, Analysis Of The COP28 Climate Summit appeared first on CFACT.

‘Misleading’: Red State AG Slaps BlackRock With Lawsuit For Allegedly Harming Consumers

Republican Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti

Fron The Daily Caller



Republican Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti filed a consumer protection lawsuit Monday against BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager and a leading proponent of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) investing.

The consumer protection suit alleges that BlackRock has misled Tennessean consumers about the scale and impacts of its ESG initiatives for several years. The suit further alleges that BlackRock’s own policies and corporate voting records demonstrate that its ESG push bleeds into financial products that are marketed as non-ESG funds, despite the company’s statements that it allocates capital where its clients request as a fiduciary.

“We allege that BlackRock’s inconsistent statements about its investment strategies deprived consumers of the ability to make an informed choice,” Skrmetti said in a statement. “Some public statements show a company that focuses exclusively on return on investment, others show a company that gives special consideration to environmental factors. Ultimately, I want to make certain that corporations, no matter their size, treat Tennessee consumers fairly and honestly.” (RELATED: Jim Jordan Hits Major Financial Institutions With Subpoenas)

BlackRock has more than $8 trillion in assets under management, according to the lawsuit. Because of its size and diverse holdings, the company has considerable influence over many American firms because of its large shareholder voting blocs, which Skrmetti alleges the company uses to push its own policies and preferences, including ESG policies that advance the decarbonization and climate agendas.

“We reject the Attorney General’s claims and will vigorously contest any accusations that BlackRock violated Tennessee’s consumer protection laws. Contrary to the Attorney General’s claims, BlackRock fully and accurately discloses our investment practices and our approach to proxy voting,” a BlackRock spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “On behalf of our clients, BlackRock has invested approximately $40 billion in Tennessee, and we are helping more than 600,000 hard working Tennesseans retire with dignity. We are proud of our contribution and committed to the future in Tennessee.”

Many of BlackRock’s clients are institutional investors, including pension funds, endowments and foundations, official institutions, and financial institutions, according to the lawsuit.

“BlackRock has agreed to use all of the assets in their portfolio to push the net-zero agenda,” Will Hild, the executive director of Consumers’ Research, told the DCNF. “If you have a dollar invested in BlackRock, you’re invested in an ESG fund.”

Conservative officials have sharply criticized ESG investing in the past for injecting politicized considerations into the traditional model of investing, in which maximizing returns is the top priority.

BlackRock’s ESG investing has drawn the scrutiny of Republican state officials in the past as well. Several red states, such as Louisiana and Missouri, have divested tens of millions of dollars of state assets from the firm and some of its competitors that similarly promote ESG investment. More recently, BlackRock and several of its prominent competitors have been involved in a House Judiciary Committee investigation into potential collusive agreements to push ESG.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

COP 28: Climate colonialism and anti-semitism

By Craig Rucker

Left unchecked, UN climate politics will trap the poor in poverty and drag down millions of others to join them.

They would destroy the democratic state of Israel as well.

These are not exaggerations.

I am at the UN conference in Dubai and have seen and heard these dangerous pronouncements and more from the UN stage with my own eyes and ears.

Pete Murphy posted a series of insightful reports from Dubai to CFACT.org.  Alice Aedy, co-founder and CEO of Earthrise Studio, appeared on a UN panel entitled “Democratizing Access to Climate Information.” Murph’ took the microphone and addressing Ms. Aedy said, “Is it just to have a colonialist mindset towards developing countries that do not enjoy the prosperity that you and I have? This is a kind of new colonialism that we are imposing on people by denying them the prosperity that oil had brought… This is not justice.”

Denying millions in the developing world access to the energy we take for granted is an outrage.  So is bribing their (often unelected) leaders with climate cash to fall into line with the UN climate agenda.

Every person on Earth is entitled to freedom and the prosperity that comes with it.

Every nation on Earth is entitled to security and safety. For climate radicals, the exception apparently is Israel.

Peter Murphy also reported on a panel we attended featuring “The Climate Justice Alliance,” “The Global Grassroots Justice Alliance,” and the “Indigenous Environmental Network” that repeatedly charged Israel and the United States with “genocide” in Gaza.  As Murph’ further reported, “at no time did any panelist acknowledge the massacre of 1,200 Israeli civilians, including young women, men, children and infants, on October 7th by Gaza militants, nor their kidnapping of more than 200 hostages for ransom. It is as though it all never happened.”

How’s that for outrageous?

The radicalism on display at COP 28 underscores an essential reality.  The global Left views climate as a means to achieve ends that have nothing to do with the temperature of the Earth.

Every radical cause has been shoehorned into the climate agenda.  Socialism, wealth redistribution, an end to meat eating, gender politics, ending cars, wrecking our energy economy, even now the destruction of Israel, a successful democracy, along with so much more are all being pushed upon us in the name of climate.

Climate radicalism cannot stand.

Thank you to everyone who has joined CFACT in pushing back.

The post COP 28: Climate colonialism and anti-semitism appeared first on CFACT.

The climate agenda is blatantly anti-progress and anti-human

Mathare Valley Slum- Nairobi- Kenya

From Joe Bastardi

ACCRA, GHANA – JAN 8, 2017: Unidentified Ghanaian little girl in white dress shows her finger. Children of Ghana suffer of poverty due to the economic situation

I have been told many times to stay in my lane. Don’t bring up racism, abortion, or religion when discussing climate and weather. But the problem is this runaway train of climate change lunacy does not discriminate as to what lane it will drive in, Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL LINKED TO THE SAME DECEPTIVE, DISTORTED, AND DELUSIONAL Philosophy that is anti-human.

Am I right? Let us take climate anxiety among children. There is no reason for this to. be occurring except for the brainwashing that has taken place by people whose ignorance on this matter is only exceeded by their arrogance in spouting it and is like watching Gavin Newsome who despite having a state where a million people have left and to rent a moving van to move out of his state is much more than one moving into his state, since the demand is so great to get out of the green and brown hell ( example San Francisco poop map) get up there and rely on ignorance to fuel arrogance. So you have teachers teaching things they were told and in this matter back up the old adage, if you cant do it, then teach it.

Bad enough these kids have a face a hellscape of truly human-induced problems ( drugs, pornography, homelessness, economic destruction, the threat of mad power brokers blowing up the planet, just to name a few, Let’s tell them their biggest hell is where people live being .19C above average is a sign of their doom despite rising personal GDP, more food than ever produced and despite 4x the amount of people on the planet, there is 1/28th the amount of deaths related to climate and weather

(John Kerry, who is breathtakingly ignorant and arrogant on what drives the climate, continues to push the “HOTTEST EVER” jibberish not knowing that the warmth is a sign that it has to be water vapor driving this via warming oceans that. CAN NOT BE FROM CO2. I ask any rational human being is 57.54 hot? I am sure he is not walking around in short sleeves and shorts on his yacht when its 57).

Human progress has led to adaptation whether there is a problem or not.

So their solution. Push policies that stop the advancement of the Human condition.

Lately, we have heard about environmental justice and that warming is racist. Given most of the warming is occurring where it is coldest and driest in the winter where few people are, and in areas where there are fewer people of color, this is jibberish.. So they are moving to make it a racism problem. The high priest of AGW, Al Gore somehow spent many years as a senator from Tennessee has a state park and. a large monument dedicated to the head of the Ku Klux Clan, Nathan Bedford Forrest, yet did nothing about it, But climate racism, well that’s a different story. He is all over that. He can recognize that but can’t recognize the offense he so loves to criticize others over

Then there are the great catholic theologians Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. As of this writing the pope despite his foray into sectarian politics ( a good way to be ripped apart, with one foot in the city of God, the other the city of man) still appears to be pro-life. But who knows where he is going, In any case despite Nancy Pelosi in her defense of gangs, saying every life has a spark of divinity, is certainly a climate change high priestess and has no problem supporting policies that snuff out sparks of divinity, 60 million by last estimate, and 75% of them people of color. And those that do make it, well they have to face the living hell of climate change she pushes.  So in her warped world she is advances the cause of climate justice and anti-racism by advocating policies that would eliminate the chance for so many people to have to face the living hell she paints.

Then of course there is the aforementioned John Kerry. And his daughter. who is a special climate envoy to WHO on climate, is rich given man’s progress in the fossil fuel era has caused life expectancy to increase over 30 years,

You simply can’t make up the level of hypocrisy here that has links across the board on every issue we face today. But they are rolling it all into climate.  I wrote a few months ago that their ideas are Deceptive, Distorted, and delusional.  It is up to people to see the linkage and stand up to it. Because its the main message of an agenda that will do away with freedoms as we know them

The post The climate agenda is blatantly anti-progress and anti-human appeared first on CFACT.

Biden dusts off the old Climate Corps fantasy


By Peter Murphy 

Last week, President Biden dusted off his plan to create an American Climate Corps, this time through an executive order after Congress refused to approve it as part of last year’s climate law grotesquely mislabeled the Inflation Reduction Act.

The president’s action revealed much familiar about his administration, including, but not limited to: (1) the president’s obsession to be the 21st reincarnation of President Franklin Roosevelt who created the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression; (2) the anti-democratic nature of his administration with another end-around of Congress (even as the president incessantly describes his political opponents as “threat(s) to democracy;” and (3) perpetuating the ongoing fraud that “climate change” can be thwarted, in this example by 20,000 twenty-somethings reliving summer youth camp by doing make-work outdoor projects.

Six weeks into President Biden’s term, he met with several partisans who pose as “historians” so he could learn how to become a president in the mold of FDR. In some ways, Biden is mimicking his White House predecessor, including by massively increasing federal spending and debt, now approaching $33 trillion, proposing to “pack” the U.S. Supreme Court by adding more justices to rubber-stamp his actions, and ignoring growing global security threats to the U.S.

Unlike FDR, President Biden is not fighting a Great Depression with 25 percent unemployment. Rather, he inherited a growing economy, $2.40 per gallon gasoline, and the worst of the Covid pandemic in the rearview.

President Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps was one of many New Deal policies to put unemployed Americans to work to mitigate the effects of the Depression. By contrast, the unemployment rate today remains below four percent, and millions of available jobs are going unfilled. As with past proposals for climate troops, the notion that we need another jobs program on top of the colossal federal bureaucracy is preposterous and wastrel.

President Biden’s executive order to create the Corps is another act of defiance of the democratic process and the U.S. Constitution, which often defines the administration’s climate agenda. The federal government already spends approximately $5 billion just for the National Park Service, with fewer than 20,000 employees. With a stroke of a pen, President Biden thinks he can double that number and cost billions more dollars with no congressional action.

As the Washington Times reported, “there are many details left to be answered by administration officials, including specifics about the types of jobs, how much the program will pay, its overall funding cost, and the source of funding.” One end-around is that much of the order directs existing federal programs and agencies to refocus apprenticeships and job training.

The Climate Corps proposal also is an example of the ongoing ruse about climate change itself, expressed perfectly by the head of the Sunrise Movement, Varshini Prakash, a huge supporter of the program. “After years of demonstrating and fighting for a Climate Corps, we turned a generational rally cry into a real jobs program that will put a new generation to work stopping the climate crisis,” she said (emphasis mine).

This is both laughable and delusional.

One-hundred-degree heat in Arizona in July and a hurricane in Florida in September are not climate crises. It’s the historical norm. If the global thermometer does somehow go off whack, there is nothing—zero—anyone can do about it, not by banning gasoline vehicles, not by illegally blocking oil leases, and certainly not with 20,000 idealists planting trees and solar panels. Instead, China will continue building coal plants, the developing world will demand more oil and gas to build their economies, and carbon emissions will go on naturally with no cause-and-effect on climate, as data shows.

Yet, socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, speaking for many politicians, is undaunted, still preaching the gospel of climate Armageddon: “there will not be a future for this planet unless we come together and make a radical transition from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, and that is what the Climate Corps project is all about.” If this man ever uttered a scientific fact or provided evidence, I missed it.

There is the possibility that the joke is on Sen. Sanders, Ms. Prakash, and so many other climate fanatics cheerleading the president’s Climate Corps proposal. To wit, the grandiose vision of a new climate-change army cannot exist without authorization by Congress because it needs money that only Congress can appropriate, regardless of how many soundbites and orders are issued as the presidential election heats up.

With President Biden’s terrible poll numbers, he must shore up his base of support of which the climate change industry is paramount to furnish campaign money and volunteers. So, he throws them a bone, a long-sought item in the climate agenda. Sure, the president wants to continue expanding the size and power of government, per FDR, but is this proposal worth the paper upon which it’s written? More accurately, this mostly unfunded, hollow proposal is more pretentious than real.


Peter Murphy

Peter Murphy is Senior Fellow at CFACT.

He has researched and advocated for a variety of policy issues, including education reform and fiscal policy, both in the non-profit sector and in government in the administration of former New York Governor George Pataki.

He previously wrote and edited The Chalkboard weblog for the NY Charter Schools Association, and has been published in numerous media outlets, including The Hill, New York Post, Washington Times and the Wall Street Journal. Twitter: @PeterMurphy26 Website: https://www.petermurphylgs.com/