Tag Archives: Alliance For Consumers

Climate Change Killjoys – First, They Came for Your Appliances

In this new episode of “Climate Change Roundtable,” host Anthony Watts leads a thought-provoking discussion with Heartland experts H. Sterling Burnett, Linnea Leuken, and special guest Ben Lieberman, Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow specializing in environmental policy.

In 2023, the Biden administration launched an all-out war on home appliances. The appliance regulations are ‘clearly being done as part of the climate agenda,’ according to one energy expert.

The Alliance For Consumers, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting consumer protection policies, issued an analysis in October showing that popular appliances like ceiling fans, gas stoves, dishwashers, water heaters and refrigerators will all increase in price in the coming years thanks in large part to these policies.

This past week, a federal appeals court struck down the regulatory actions targeting dishwashers as part of the Biden administration’s aggressive climate and energy efficiency agenda.

And, like always, we’ll have Crazy Climate News of the week.