Tag Archives: William Happer

Steven Pinker, 2024 & Planning to Begin a Discussion about Carbon Dioxide & Warming (ARC Part 4)

From Jennifer Marohasy

By jennifer 

After the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC)* conference finished in London, I caught a British Airlines flight to Seattle, to visit with my daughter. She has just recently moved there, to begin a PhD at the University of Washington.

The view from BA53 was of snow covered tundra as we flew from Greenland, then over Baffin Island towards Hudson Strait near Repulse Bay. The outside air temperature was showing as minus 23 degrees Celsius (minus 74 Fahrenheit) at 11,576 metres (37,979 feet) altitude. I could see deep, evenly-spaced channels cut along the eastern edge of the island, presumably cut by water from the snow as it melts each spring. I assume the snow is melted by the Sun. I can’t image it is melted by the atmosphere even though the atmosphere is, I am repeatedly told, on average some one-degree warmer now, because of all the carbon dioxide.

In Seattle, my daughter took me to the most wonderful second-hand bookshop, Magus Books. I purchased several books, as I inevitably do when I visit a bookshop, including Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress. That was after I checked the book’s index and saw it had a good number of pages on ‘climate change’: pages 136 – 154.

I was hoping to find some ‘reason’ and ‘science’ concerning ‘climate change’. I was hoping to better understand the mainstream view given all the obfuscation I had just experienced at the ARC conference in London. All these talks on ‘Energy and the Environment’ beginning with an acknowledgement that carbon dioxide causes warming without any explanation of how and why.

Even Richard Lindzen suggested at ARC that I should be more accepting of the mainstream historical temperature reconstructions, more accepting of the idea there has been a 1-degree temperature increase and not so concerned about what he mentioned as some slight discrepancies associated with the transition to electronic probes for measuring air temperatures.

Scott Hargreaves, Richard Lindzen and Jennifer Marohasy just before the ARC Energy and Environment dinner.

I know I have a tendency to go down ‘rabbit holes’ and get into a level of detail many find too tedious. Here, I thought as I read the cover of Pinker’s book, here was a book written by a most reasonable person and with a section on climate change. It might help me take a few steps back, as Lindzen was suggesting, and see how more mainstream intellectuals describe the physics.

After all, I reasoned, for anyone to be convinced that human-caused global warming is real and caused by carbon dioxide, the Earth must have physical properties that permit it.

According to Wikipedia, Steven Arthur Pinker is a Canadian American cognitive psychologist, psycholinguist, popular science author, and public intellectual. He is an advocate of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind. Pinker is the Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. And this book was ostensibly promoting ‘reason’ and had a section on climate change. And I know many of my colleagues are fans of Steven Pinker, as they are fans of Jordon Peterson another Canadian psychologist.

Scanning inside the book, I read: anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change is ‘the most vigorously challenged scientific hypothesis in history’.

Great I thought, Pinker is going to lay out the arguments, the case for and against.

But he didn’t and he doesn’t. Much in the same way John Anderson went on about the importance of debate and discussion and Western civilisation being special because of science at the ARC conference while at every opportunity avoiding any meaningful discussion on the same.

Rather, as I discovered only after I purchased the book by Steven Pinker, he writes that,

By now, all the major challenges – such as that global temperatures have stopped rising, that they only seem to be rising because they were measured in urban heat islands, or that they really are rising but only because the sun is getting hotter have been refuted …

Well. I thought, he might have acknowledged that for much of the twentieth century temperatures were actually falling. I also tried to have some discussion with Bjorn Lomborg about this. But he just defers to Judith Curry.

A version of this chart was first published in ‘Atmospheric ResearchVolume 166, 1 December 2015, Pages 141-149’ with comment from me that,
‘All series show significant cooling of maximum temperatures from 1921 to 1950, which is at variance with Australian and global homogenized temperature series.”

Further more, global temperatures could be rising due to something other than ‘the sun getting hotter’, but he’s clearly avoiding the core issue, or at least the one that has been concerning me more recently, exactly how carbon dioxide causes the warming. What is the physical mechanism causing carbon dioxide to warm the Earth and the oceans … or is it just that carbon dioxide is warming the atmosphere?

A page earlier Pinker explains the theory thus: we have excess carbon dioxide from the burning of wood, coal, oil, and gas that ‘wafts into the atmosphere’, where it ‘traps heat radiating from the Earth’s surface.’

But he has not explained to me how this causes the temperature of the Earth to rise, though he claims it does. He writes,

If the emission of greenhouse gases continues, the Earth’s average temperature will rise to at least 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above the preindustrial level by the 21st century …

This was more or less as much detail as Bjorn Lomborg, Michael Shellenberger and Steven Koonin could manage at ARC.

We know that carbon dioxide levels were much higher in the distant past, and temperatures also, but what exactly is the physical mechanism that causes the warming of the Earth and the oceans?

If Pinker, Shellenberger and Lomborg, can’t explain this, which they don’t, well they are just repeating what the King says. Everyone knows King Charles III is a great proponent of global warming, he insists we believe as much.

Pinker claims to have written a book about reason, but he doesn’t even acknowledge any one of the very valid challenges to this theory of human-caused global warming.

It was like this at the ARC conference in London, there was this assumption that everyone knows carbon dioxide causes warming of the Earth and the oceans and that as atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide rise we risk even more warming, but no-one was prepared to engage in any detail or explain the physical mechanisms. Certainly no-one wanted to explain to me how the spike that was occurring in global temperatures while I was in London, how it had been caused by carbon dioxide.

Satellite measurements of atmospheric temperatures do show an increase since 1979, and atmospheric global temperatures have been spiking since at least July, though there was no mention of this during Will Happer’s tour in September, nor at the ARC conference in London beginning late October. If we really care about climate change, we should want to know everything about it and we should want to talk about the spike so evident since July 2023 in global atmospheric temperatures.

It got me thinking, how do I explain succinctly in plain English, why I have come to conclude, that on average, carbon dioxide is not warming planet Earth – not at all!

It got me thinking, I really haven’t explained why I don’t subscribe to even the Will Happer view of global warming: that carbon dioxide is causing some warming, just not much more than 1 degrees Celsius. I have pressed Happer for more mathematics and calculations and more explanation as to how he gets to his 1 degree of warming. But he has not been forthcoming on any of this. There is of course the very popular IPA YouTube from his Australian tour. But it doesn’t have enough detail for me.

If we are going to work from average values, which is how Happer, Lindzen and the IPCC present information, then I just can’t understand how considering overall energy budgets and averages, how carbon dioxide is going to warm the Earth.

To put it very crudely, and appealing to only known physical properties of the Earth: the average temperature of the lower atmosphere is just not warm enough.

The lower atmosphere is certainly not warm enough to warm the oceans that are on average17 degrees Celsius.

And certainly the ocean is a lot warmer where I go scuba diving which is mostly in the Tropics. In the Tropics, ocean temperatures mostly range between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius. Which got me thinking: how can the atmosphere warm the ocean in the Tropics and Subtropics when ocean temperatures are so much warmer than the temperature of even the lower atmosphere and all year around.

To be continued.

This is part 4 of a series that I began with my visit to London late October, you can read part 3 by clicking here.

Jenn descending to 10 metres at Stanley Reef at the Great Barrier Reef, July 7, 2022, with the Sun shinning through. I do understand how the Sun warms the oceans, and how the oceans warm the atmosphere. But how exactly does the atmosphere warm the oceans?
Water temperatures at Yongala, not far from Stanley Reef, have been measured at different depths for a good number of seasons now. It is the changing declination of the Sun, that causes the seasons, that causes the cycles so evident in this chart. But I can’t see any overall rise in water temperatures as one might expect given the rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.


* According to Wikipedia, ARC was founded by four people including Paul Marshall. It also says:
“He is the co-founder and chairman of Marshall Wace LLP, one of Europe’s largest hedge fund groups.[8] Marshall Wace[9] was founded in 1997 by Marshall and Ian Wace.[10] At the time, Marshall Wace was one of the first hedge funds in London.[6] The company started with $50 million, half of which was from George Soros.[6]”

Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer: Alarms about climate change ‘are delusions’ – ‘This can be compared to the time of the witch hunts’

From the ClimateDepot

By Marc Morano

Albrecht Glatzle William Happer visited Paraguay last week on invitation of the Federation of Production Cooperatives FECOPROD. He gave several presentations and talked to political and technical decision makers (including the head of state Santiago Peña).

Here are two short, but very clear press statements following his visit, which went viral in the social media.


This visit was well timed, just before COP 28 in Dubai. Hopefully, William Happer’s message will strengthen the resistance of Paraguayan politicians against the pressure exerted by the global climate alarmist community of the UN to sign the global methane pledge which would tremendously harm the paraguayan cattle industry and which has, totally incomprehensibly, already   been signed by mayor livestock producing countries, such as Brasil, Australia, Argentina and Uruguay (mass hypnosis?).



Alarms about climate change “are delusions,” says US scientist – Politics – ABC Color

Alarms about climate change “are delusions,” says US scientist – Politics – ABC Color

– I came for a week, invited by friends like Alfred (Fast) from Fecoprod (president of the Federation of Production Cooperatives)…– Physicist from Princeton, the University of (Albert) Einstein and (Robert) Opennheimer…– Yes. I am a physicist, a nuclear physicist. I am also an expert in atmospheric physics. I am an emeritus professor. I still work. I have an office in the Department of Physics, the same place where Einstein was. Oppenheimer was also there. I knew Oppenheimer. My invention is something very well known, sodium guide stars, which were used in the Star Wars. This invention was very important because it allowed one of the layers of the atmosphere to create a guide, a reference through sodium atoms. It is used today in all observatories.

Read more: Video: CAF proposes in Paraguay to stop agricultural expansion

– Travels a lot?

– Quite. I was in Australia a few days ago, also invited by friends like Alfred who invited me to come to Paraguay. I loved it. I was there five days. I gave a series of conferences where I explained why there is no emergency in climate change, as they say.

– What is its foundation?

– The rising levels of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) have in some way even helped plants grow better today. The higher the carbon dioxide is, this actually has a beneficial effect. Now, even the world is greener, including Paraguay.

– Yours is a 180 degree different position…

– Climate change is real. It has always existed since the world existed. This particular change, this warming, already began in the 1800s long before the rise of greenhouse gases. The scientific evidence is very clear.

– What is your theory then? Climate change is attributed to human activity.

– Only now it is attributed to humans. This however began more than 150 years ago.

– How can you refute a (scientific) consensus of countries on climate change?

– The first thing we have to understand is that scientific truth can never be a matter of consensus. It is the empirical evidence. In the 1930s, for example, there was great opposition to the ideas of Einstein’s theory of relativity. There was even a book supported by a hundred scientists that proved, in quotes, that he was wrong. With great humor, Einstein responded to that book by asking “why did 100 get together if one that refuted with evidence what I said was already enough…”

Nuclear physicist, William Happer, professor at Princeton University, home of Einstein and Oppenheimer. On ABC TV.

– Isn’t it true then that global warming in the last 50 years is attributed to humans?

– Of course, because it is actually a natural process that already exists prior to industrialization, long before human activity. Therefore, this is not a cause of human activity.

– What is it then, mass hysteria?

– It’s true. This can be compared to the time of the witch hunts. At that time, when there was a very bad harvest, a bad year, people looked for someone to blame and that’s why they invented witches, women who were even led to die at the stake. There is a very famous book called “Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of the masses” by Charles Mackay (1814-1889), a book of great impact.

– What era is the book from?

– From 1842.

– What is it about?

– The book mentions how the masses are susceptible to lies and delusions that come from political power. When reading the history of nations we discover that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities, their seasons of excitement and recklessness in which they do not care what their leaders do. They impress with deception. The masses believe and follow until the madness ends or a new one captivates them. It is a fragility of human beings when they act collectively…

– What is global warming attributed to then…

– Since the beginning of time the earth’s temperature always rises and falls. There are other factors to consider. A thousand years ago, for example, the earth was so hot, much hotter than now when Greenland was green. It was not a mass of ice as it is today. In South America, the glaciers that one sees in the Andes were much further removed than now. The cooling was so great that the Thames River (in London) froze, the canals of Amsterdam too… In reality, there are many factors involved in warming and cooling.

– What is attributable to man then?

– One of the main reasons is ignorance. A common thing in politics is the use of fear as something useful. Manipulation is a resource of political power. One gains economic advantages through fear. It is a political technique.

– Why do they say that carbon dioxide is a danger?

– Carbon dioxide (or carbon dioxide) is not a pollutant. On the contrary, each of us is exhaling approximately one kilo of (carbon) dioxide per day. At night, plants release carbon dioxide. During the day they use them for photosynthesis. It is something totally natural. And now we don’t have enough. We should have more…

– What data do you have to prove that warming is not caused by man?

– I do not believe that men are exempt from responsibility. What I am saying is that human intervention is minimal in global warming.

– Why do countries demand reduction?

– It makes no sense to ask countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. There are other greenhouse gases.

The effect of these gases is much greater in areas that are very remote, that are very cold: northern Russia, in Patagonia. The effect of the gases at the level of the Equator is almost zero. The intervention of its greenhouse effect is much greater at night than during the day. Countries should not reduce their emissions. It’s crazy.

-Those summits, the one in Copenhagen, the one in Paris, the one coming up now in Bombay, what are they then: tourist outings? Why do countries give it so much importance?

– I insist: it doesn’t make sense. My country, the United States, banned alcohol in the 1920s with Prohibition. This allowed the growth of organized crime to traffic alcohol clandestinely. It was wrong. Many of the drug problems we have today already began at that time, because of state actions that make no sense. Pollution is real. For example, if you have a coal plant and you do not have your cleaning system properly, that will produce real pollution. In large cities it is solved by restricting the circulation of vehicles that emit real pollutants. Their energy sources are not clean.

Nuclear physicist, William Happer, professor at Princeton University, home of Einstein and Oppenheimer.

– Are you a denier?

– I am against hysterical legends. Climate change is real. Dioxide is not the reason. Carbon dioxide is invisible. That’s not what warms up the atmosphere.

– But are human beings in danger or not?

– No. We are not in danger: famines and floods exist and will continue to exist but it is not because of climate change. If man actually wants to contribute to the elimination of hunger, the best thing is to increase carbon dioxide. In the United States, the increase in this period caused wheat yield to rise 40%. It is thanks to that small elevation of carbon dioxide.

– It’s natural?

– It’s natural.

– So, who should we attribute this global consensus on global warming? The new president of Argentina, Javier Milei, says that it is an invention of socialism, the Marxism that “dominates” global culture…

-There is a principle known as “Hanlon’s razor”. It is a rule of thumb that states: “never attribute to evil what is adequately explained by stupidity.” It is a human characteristic. Much was written about that.

– Does it have to do with a campaign of global domination?

– I worked for the United States Government. In the George Bush Sr. Administration I was in the Department of Energy. I was in charge of 1,000 officials when I only needed 300. That is the problem of governments. They hire many officials and those officials look for what to do. Sometimes they invent charges and give themselves (fictitious) causes to fight for those causes. That could be it.

– Are you a Republican?

– Yes, but don’t worry, Republicans are just as bad at those weaknesses as Democrats. Politicians often have to somehow reward the people who put them in that place.

– It is political clientelism as we know in Paraguay.

– Exactly. There are people who access public positions on a supernumerary basis because political clientelism – which also exists in my country – makes them look for causes that justify their presence in the State. Maybe that’s it.

– There are rulers who fully support and do politics with the climate of global warming: Lula, López Obrador, Biden, Petro in Colombia, Maduro, Boric in Chile, Arce in Bolivia, to name some socialist governments…

-Angela Merkel too, and she is right-wing. It is not a right or left issue. What we have to see here is whether the data that is put on the table is real or not. That is the point. It’s not so much the politics but the science behind it.

– Why do they say that your point of view is anti-scientific, obscurantist, reactionary? They say it is the expression of “decadent capitalist” politics…

– It’s typical as always. It is the ad hominem argument, that since one has no way to refute the facts then one targets the people. What I transmit are not ideas, they are facts.

– What do you think about investing in the so-called green economy?

– Most of it is a waste of money. The result of this policy is that energy prices are suffering enormously and produces capital flight. Companies do not want to be where the price of energy is expensive. In green conversion, so much money is being spent and so many opportunities are being lost that in the end there is no investment.

Nuclear physicist, William Happer, professor at Princeton University, home of Einstein and Oppenheimer.

-How do you see Paraguay in the global context? Sell ​​clean and cheap energy…

– Its energy is clean and renewable. That’s the advantage. There is no need to do any type of energy conversion.

– Does Paraguay have to continue investing in hydroelectric plants?

– If you have abundant hydroelectric energy, go in that direction. I assume they will continue to develop this energy in the future.

– And the Chaco? It is far from power generation sources.

– Looking to the future, in-depth geological studies must be carried out to see what resources the Chaco has in all terms: if there are hydrocarbons, if there is gas. You must have all the information about your energy riches.

– Solar energy?

– Solar energy is probably the least convenient because it is very expensive. It doesn’t work at night. On cloudy days it does not produce, in winter it produces less, even in sunny countries like Paraguay. In the Chaco, solar energy is not a bad idea as long as it is for something specific. Outside of that it is not very useful.

– Is it better to carry hydroelectric energy despite the distance? It’s like 500 km at least from Itaipu or Yacyretá.

– Hydroelectric energy is a good investment. In the United States, energy is normally transported 1,000 km inclusive…

Professor William Happer on integrity in climate science on Sky News Australia – 17 September 2023

Institute of Public Affairs

Professor Emeritus of Physics at Princeton University, William Happer discussed common misconceptions in climate science, especially the negative reputation given to CO2, on Sky News Australia.

The IPA has hosted Professor Happer on a tour around Australian where he spoke to audiences in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

To find out more about the IPA’s research visit: http://www.ipa.org.au