Tag Archives: undersea pipes

Welsh Government Backs Carbon Sequestration Plan

Source BBC

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

Wales has some of the most expensive electricity in Britain, but the financial geniuses who run Wales have a plan which will push energy prices up even higher.

Climate change: Plan to capture, ship and bury power station’s CO2

By Steffan Messenger

BBC Wales environment correspondent

Plans have been proposed to lay new undersea pipes to carry carbon emissions from one of Europe’s largest gas power stations.

But it involves major building work across a protected marine habitat.

Environmental group Friends of the Earth called for the money to be spent on renewable energy rather than keeping a gas plant going.

Despite being one of Wales’ biggest emitters of CO2 it has an “essential role” in the country’s transition to a greener future, according to its operator RWE.

“This power station currently runs 80% of the time, in and around when there’s insufficient renewable power [such as wind or solar],” said Richard Little, who is leading the site’s transformation as director of the Pembroke Net Zero Centre.

“We need to build something that allows it to still operate at times when it’s needed without impacting the climate,” he said.

…Read more: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-68296155

Even Friends of the Earth thinks this idea is dumb.

How could building CO2 storage facilities, building an undersea pipeline, and chartering ships to be on standby for when CO2 needs to be buried in the North Sea have anything other than a devastating impact on already sky high energy prices? And of course, let’s not forget the energy lost compressing the CO2 to the point it worth transporting, all of which will have to be paid for somehow.

I lived in Wales for a while. I met a lot of intelligent and talented people in Cardiff, people who run small businesses, who given a chance would transform Wales into an economic powerhouse. But the Welsh people keep electing politicians whose radical left economic incompetence sabotages the entrepreneurial efforts of Wales’ best and brightest.