Tag Archives: private jet

Aussie Green Party Leader Used Private Jets, Expensed $1 Million to Taxpayers

Flights for the future

From Watts Up With That?

Aussie Greens Leader Adam Bandt flew a private jet to give a speech on the evils of fossil fuel.

How Greens leader Adam Bandt spent thousands on private jet flights while lecturing you about climate change


PUBLISHED: 12:25 AEDT, 12 March 2024 | UPDATED: 20:48 AEDT, 12 March 2024

Greens leader Adam Bandt has come under fire for racking up an expenses bill of almost $1million a year, including hundreds of thousands on printing and two private jet flights.

The anti-fossil fuel campaigner also claimed $12,000 on a taxpayer-provided vehicle and petrol allowance plus $29,000 on government COMCAR trips and taxis, according to figures from the Department of Finance.

Despite his party’s core policy of cutting C02 emissions Mr Bandt used two private jets during the 2022 election campaign, landing tax payers with the $23,000 bill.

…Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13184903/How-Greens-leader-Adam-Bandt-spent-thousands-private-jet-flights-lecturing-climate-change.html

What can I say? Another green leader outed as a total hypocrite. Is this even news?

MATT RIDLEY: Hypocrisy is too feeble a word for the gulf between what world leaders preach at Cop28 and how much they still rely on fossil fuels

At this rate it will take us till the year 3909AD to give up fossil fuels. No wonder a large chunk of the population thinks these talks are futile nonsense.


Breakthrough! Deep into their umpteenth sleepless night of hard bargaining, the delegates at the Cop28 meeting in Dubai managed to upgrade a verb in their final deal.

Instead of saying nations ‘could’ take action, the agreement ‘calls on’ them to take action. Incredible!

Cue rapturous applause and a standing ovation as representatives from 197 countries approved the historic ‘UAE Consensus’ on climate change. The Daily Mail.com has the story.

‘There’s stronger verb forms but I think it does send a strong signal nonetheless,’ crowed a delegate from the World Resources Institute.

This verb miracle — alongside language about ‘transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems [electricity, heating, transport and industry] in a just, orderly and equitable manner’ — is as futile as it was predictable. It’s futile because it will lead to the cancellation of precisely zero coal-fired power stations or oil-exploration plans.

China and India, despite spouting the Cop catechism, are between them approving the equivalent of a new coal plant every two or three days.

In America, which led calls to transition away from fossil fuels, oil and gas production has never been higher: it now produces far more oil than Saudi ArabiaBrazil — while demanding the phasing out of fossil fuels — plans to become the world’s largest oil producer by 2030.

Hypocrisy is too feeble a word for this gap between preaching and practice.

As for predictable, do they take us for fools? After 27 previous Cop conferences we knew how this pantomime in Dubai would go.

As surely as night follows day, 98,000 gas-guzzling delegates, many of them arriving by private jet, would engage in a fortnight-long ordeal of hotel room service and then issue dire warnings of a breakdown. As expected, Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing nations would be reluctant to commit to the phase-out of fossil fuels. Yet, after a long night of haggling, a bleary-eyed announcement of a triumph would be greeted with hyperbole by an emotional BBC reporter. For the 28th time.

Remember that at Cop17 in Durban 12 years ago, world leaders agreed that by 2015 they would sign a legally binding treaty — not a voluntary one — to reduce emissions, which would apply to the whole world and come into force by 2020. Yet, at Cop21 in 2015 in Paris they decided instead to present as a great breakthrough a series of entirely voluntary and empty national promises, few of which have ever been implemented.

At the time I pointed this failure out in the House of Lords, saying that Paris therefore represented the end of a 20-year attempt to get agreement to legally binding emissions targets, leaving Britain as the only country with such a target.

For this sin of criticising the agreement, thereby raining on his parade, the minister — a colleague from my own party — chose to liken me to North Korea, the only state to stand apart from the Cop deal. Eight years on, the statistics on continually rising emissions show I was right and he was wrong.

So yesterday I celebrated the news of the breakthrough on verbs in Dubai by choosing a second-hand diesel car to replace my existing one. No, I am not being cynical: the data is clear that my emissions of carbon dioxide will be lower that way than if I had chosen a battery-electric vehicle.

According to Volkswagen’s calculations, in a typical European country such is the up-front carbon footprint of batteries and electricity that I would have to drive an electric car 80,000 miles before I would even start to save emissions, compared with an existing diesel — let alone one of the more efficient new ones. And I tend to trade in cars at 50,000 miles. So I am doing my bit by not buying electric.

In the year 2000, according to the Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy, 84 per cent of the world’s primary energy came from fossil fuels. Last year, after 23 years of transitioning away from fossil fuels — and 27 interminable Cop conferences since 1995 — that number was… 82 per cent.

At this rate it will take us till the year 3909AD to give up fossil fuels. No wonder a large chunk of the population thinks these talks are futile nonsense.

Why is it so hard to give up fossil fuels? After all, in the 1990s the world came together to give up chlorofluorocarbons to save the ozone layer in a few short years.

Read the full story here.

Prince Harry and Meghan Climate Conference Private Jet Holiday

Look at All These Celebrities Fighting Climate Change With Private Jets!

These reprehensible royal crybabies have been branded “hypocrites” after flying on private jet after lamenting global warming. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle enjoyed a relaxing flight to the Caribbean on a Falcon 7X private jet.

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

Is the habitual breathtaking climate hypocrisy of these reprehensible royal crybabies still newsworthy?

Harry and Meghan use private jet for holiday days after attending mental health conference

Despite repeatedly stressing their eco credentials, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex jetted off on a private jet to go on a Caribbean holiday after attending a climate change event

By Patrick Hill Senior News Reporter
22:21, 21 Oct 2023
UPDATED23:17, 21 OCT 2023

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex flew off on a private jet to enjoy a Caribbean holiday… after attending a ­conference that warned of how ­the blight of climate change is damaging ­children’s mental health. 

Eco campaigners Prince Harry and wife Meghan were branded “hypocrites” over their carbon-belching jaunt. They attended the summit in New York on October 10 then flew from New Jersey to Canouan in a Falcon 7X for a holiday the next day. And last Sunday, they used the same aircraft to travel four hours from the exclusive island hotspot to Atlanta, Georgia.

…Read more: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/harry-meghan-use-private-jet-31248051

Harry has in the past defended his private jet use as being an unfortunate necessity, and promised to do better in the future;

… Launching Travalyst, a new eco-tourism company in Amsterdam on Tuesday, the father of baby Archie Harrison defended his family’s need to fly private on occasion.

“I came here by commercial,” the 34-year-old said, according to the Associated Press.

“I spend 99 percent of my life traveling the world by commercial. Occasionally, there needs to be an opportunity based on a unique circumstance to ensure my family are safe and it’s genuinely as simple as that. But as I said in my speech, for me, it’s about balance.”

“We can all do better,” he added. “And while no is perfect, we are all responsible for our individual impact. The question is what we do to balance it out.” …Read more: 


There you have it plebs. The same justification anti-gun celebrities and politicians use when surrounding themselves with armed security.

You and your family don’t deserve protection and special treatment like they do. Their value to the world justifies them breaking the rules they seek to impose on unimportant people like you.

Kerry gets cranky over private jet use — Morano on Fox



We wouldn’t want Kerry to suffer the indignity of flying with the rest of us, let alone take the bus.

ClimateDepot.com publisher Marc Morano discusses U.S. climate envoy John Kerry’s testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Biden administration’s electric vehicle mandates on ‘The Bottom Line.’

At today’s House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, Climate Czar John Kerry was asked about his use of a private jet by Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL).


At a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Thursday, Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) questioned former Sec. John Kerry about the State Department’s climate budget.
