Tag Archives: Luton Airport

It’s OVER. The Luton Airport Fire just KILLED the EV market. Here’s why.

It does not matter how the fire started, the EVs ensure the fire spreads, because as each battery pack is heated it spreads the fire to all neighbouring vehicles as happened with the recent ferry fires.

Geoff Buys Cars

A quick ‘Geoff Reacts’ video after an evening, night and morning of trawling the internet for evidence… but it doesn’t matter. The public reaction to the Luton Airport Multi Storey Car Park Fire just killed the EV Market.

In this candid video, Geoff explains why Karen and Keith have killed the EV market as they are nod in agreement this morning over their Weetabix before Keith goes out to cut the grass and Karen goes out to moan at supermarkets.

It’s over, basically.

Cars exploding at Luton airport London: Huge fire causes partial collapse of structure

One car appears to start the fire that caused the whole entire floor of Luton airports brand new multi storey car park to collapse.

From JoNova

By Jo Nova

All flights are currently suspended at Luton Airport, London after a major fire broke out last night at 9pm. No one at the BBC, apparently, can explain why it spread so fast (the mystery!). But everyone is grateful this was not an underground carpark below, say, a 20 story apartment building with babies sleeping upstairs, especially since part of the top floor of the carpark has collapsed.

The fire has, unfortunately demolished some dreams of carbon reduction.

UPDATE: Apparently the word is that it was a diesel car that started the fire. The question is then, if there were no EV’s on that floor, would it have spread just as fast, would the floor have collapsed, and would cars have exploded like popcorn in the microwave? Awaiting the BBC gurus…

UPDATE #2: Allegedly there were no sprinklers (which wouldn’t put out an EV battery fire anyway). Let’s try to imagine what kind of sprinkler system would contain those EV Fires — like drop-down glass-fibre spray that solidifies on contact or like jet sprayed asbestos?

UPDATE #3: As many as 1,500 cars were in the car park, it’s not clear how many survived. Fireman say all four floors pancaked in at least one part. *See the video of the supposed start of the fire. And footage where the car is visible. Seems like a very big explosion. Some are saying it was a hybrid diesel.

Let your imagination run …