Tag Archives: Georgina Wieden

Claim: Windfarms will Destroy the Australian First Nations Connection to Country

Jirrbal woman Georgina Wieden. Source ADH TV, fair use, low resolution image to identify the subject.

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

“…so many of our people are lost because they don’t have that connection to country…they don’t have a sense of belonging” – Jirrbal woman Georgina Wieden slamming the Chalumbin Wind Farm project.

A 57s clip of the video:

Watch the full ADH TV video here.

I visited Ravenshoe a year ago. Ravenshoe sits on top of a tropical highland plateau in Australia’s far North. It is a place of breathtaking beauty, full of unique species and natural wonders.

The thought of ruining such a place with mechanical monstrosities to satisfy the green energy fantasies of distant city based politicians is unthinkable.

Georgina has been fighting the green monstrosities for a while.

Proposed wind farm on Jirrbal Country a concern for some

Aleisha Orr – January 7, 2022

A proposal for a wind farm in North Queensland has raised concerns for some Jirrbal people who say the project does not respect the land and threatens native species.

The Chalumbin Wind Farm project would see wind farm developer Epuron construct 94 wind turbines and clear 1,132 ha of land near the town of Ravenshoe.

A number of online petitions to the project have been created which list concerns about the impact of a wind farm on vulnerable and endangered species including the northern greater glider, red goshawk and the magnificent brood frog.

Jirrbal woman Georgina Wieden told a community meeting in December the Country needs to be protected.

“My daughter she is a sugar glider, that is her totem, my son is a goanna, how do I explain that their animals don’t have homes anymore because we needed electricity.”

Read more: https://nit.com.au/07-01-2022/2656/proposed-wind-farm-on-jirrbal-country-a-concern-for-some

My heart goes out to you Georgina. I hope you win your battle against those who would trample your people’s ancient traditions, I hope you defeat the green energy despoilers of nature.

Update (EW): There is growing awareness of the devastation wind turbine projects inflict on nature.

Environmentalists on the Atherton Tableland (including Ravenshoe) in Queensland’s far North are waking up to the devastation :- https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/12/11/aussie-eco-warrior-fury-over-wind-farm-wilderness-devastation/

Queensland farmers objecting to power lines :- https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/03/19/widgee-say-no-to-the-lines-rally-meet-the-aussie-battlers-standing-up-to-big-green/