Tag Archives: Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck

Electricity import alarm in Germany: Low production, high costs and nuclear power imports

From The Blackout News

The Federal Network Agency published the latest electricity production figures on Wednesday. Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck was pleased and emphasized the importance of the upward trend in the use of renewable energies for the economy and the climate (Bundesnetzagentur, 03.01.2024).

In doing so, he ignores the high import of nuclear power since the shutdown of the last nuclear power plants in Germany.

Nevertheless, there are also worrying developments. Germany produced almost ten percent less electricity overall in 2023 and became a net importer of electricity for the first time since 2002. Imports increased by 63 percent year-on-year, while exports fell by 24.7 percent. This worries experts such as the FDP’s energy policy spokesman, Michael Kruse, who points to the dependence on foreign electricity in times of unreliable renewable energy sources.

Steep increase in French nuclear power imports and the challenge of high German electricity costs

Imports of French nuclear power increased by 233 percentage points compared to 2022, when many French nuclear power plants were out of service. About a quarter of imported electricity comes from nuclear power plants, while about 50 percent comes from renewables.

The low electricity production and high import quota are closely linked to the high costs of German electricity generation, especially due to the expensive LNG gas from the USA. According to Professor Christian Rehtanz of the Technical University of Dortmund, German electricity cannot be cheaper than in the USA as long as LNG gas is imported from the USA. This gas is often fracked gas and therefore harmful to the climate.

Controversy over the shutdown of nuclear power plants and the interpretation of current electricity data

The opposition has criticised the decision to shut down the remaining nuclear power plants and warned of rising electricity prices. Jens Spahn of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) describes the policies of the governing coalition as “ideological” and “irresponsible”. The Greens, on the other hand, defend the shutdown of nuclear power plants and emphasise the high security of supply and the expansion of renewable energies.

The latest figures from the Federal Network Agency thus show that the situation is complex and can be interpreted in different ways.