Tag Archives: EPA policies

How Green Energy and EVs endanger America

** FILE ** Cars try to navigate their way through New York City during a blackout that hit U.S. and Canadian cities in this Aug. 14, 2003, file photo. A year after the nation’s worst ever blackout, utilities have made improvements and New York has spent millions of dollars on new high-tech gadgets to avert the chaos that followed. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II, File)

from CFACT

By Larry Bell

Color scale with arrow from red to green. The measuring device icon. Risk level indicator. Colorful infographic gauge element. 3D rendering

This article draws upon narratives and information in the author’s book Cyberwarfare: Targeting America, Our Infrastructure, and Our Future, Stairway Press, 2020.

Consider some inescapable self-inflicted scenarios from hell that government “experts” never warned you about regarding utopian visions of carbon-free vehicles powered by friendly breezes and sunbeams.

So, imagine it’s one of those warm, beautiful days when the first news breaks about a big hurricane or tropical storm heading your way.

You immediately begin thinking about stocking up on food supplies that don’t require refrigeration and charging up your electric plug-in to get out of town in a hurry if necessary … just like, it seems, everyone else is doing.

Or maybe, with no warning, “poof,” all power goes off because the grid is down for suspicious reasons no one fully understands or can inform you about.

As it turns out, a foreign adversary cyberattack precludes either of those previous options, plus an added problem.

Along with knocking out all power transformers, the malign hackers also took remote control of both autonomous and operator-controlled electric vehicles, jamming exit highways with colossal human and metal crash wreckage.

In both cases, it’s already too late.

In the first scenario, there isn’t enough available electrical power to serve the broad hurricane zone. It has been in dangerously short supply since millions of EV cars and trucks have been added to an ancient grid that has depended upon natural gas turbines to balance fluctuating wind and solar loads.

It seems that shutting down those fossil companies through “net-zero” carbon policies didn’t prevent extreme weather after all.

Instead, extreme ideological EPA policies such as imposing costly, useless carbon capture requirements on those natural gas producers prevented energy companies from economically competing with heavily government-subsidized “green” fantasies.

A March 2024 ruling adding heavy-duty trucks to its original all-electric light vehicle mandate dealt another crushing drain on already slim power margins: each one of them consuming seven times as much electricity on a single charge as a typical daily home.

Sadly, your plug-in has no plug with any juice due to emergency rationing necessary to support medical care facilities and other critical services. And forget about any hopes of using municipal or commercial recharging stations, which have the same problem.

The situation soon becomes more expansive and dangerous as high winds have downed long transmission lines connecting remote wind and solar sites to the grid, sparking massive fires and extending regional power outages.

Deluges of rain have flooded metropolitan centers and small lowland communities, making them inaccessible for emergency rescue by now-useless electric ambulances, fire trucks, and police vehicles with depleted batteries.

Downed trees collapse local power lines, further blocking access and operations of similarly stranded maintenance crews.

Even then, circumstances could have been much worse with cyber scenario two.

Neighbors and friends with battery backup radios finally inform you that one of three power grids serving the entire nation has been disabled by hackers of unknown geographic origin, with transmission connections to the other two intentionally switched off to prevent universal overload collapse.

Darkness soon descends everywhere around you except where backup energy generators temporarily powered by batteries and purloined natural gas provide isolated pockets of light that are soon extinguished as well.

Hospitals are rapidly losing limited generator-supplied electricity to operate life-critical equipment. Meanwhile, primary power can’t be restored any time soon due to melted power transmission lines and damaged turbines at the few remaining conventional fossil and nuclear power plants.

Supplies of clean water are being depleted as well.

Whereas metropolitan areas with high water towers atop high-rise buildings will have enough gravity flow to supply most basic living needs for, at best, a few days, when that runs out, taps will go dry, toilets won’t flush, and emergency supplies of bottled water will become exhausted.

Mountains of uncollected waste, including human biological material, soon create a previously unimaginable unsanitary health crisis.

If you are fortunate enough to live within walking distance of a nondepleted grocery, plan to use cash because the credit card system won’t be operative. Ditto, any ATM machine.

In any case, those stores can’t be restocked because of stranded EV long-haul and local delivery trucks.

Meanwhile, police and fire responses who are busily engaged in rescuing people trapped in elevators and other emergency services have also become overwhelmed by widespread store looting by desperately hungry individuals and families.

As tens or hundreds of millions of others over many states share such chaotic dilemmas, there is no way of predicting when power will be restored. And whereas present weather and temperature conditions may be moderate, many of these regions – including yours – anticipate a coming winter home heating crisis that will put countless lives at risk.

There are few opportunities for people to leave for warmer climes. Personal EVs are useless, as are commercial EV buses and moving vans.

Contemplating either of such avoidably catastrophic scenarios might provide cause to seriously doubt those government experts who continue to warn us of climate change and extreme weather being our greatest threat, with the solution being to load our ancient, cyberattack-prone power grids with weather-dependent energy systems overloaded with voracious EV electricity consumption.

No, climate change isn’t nearly as great as the threat presented by their own policies, with the best solution of all…powerful winds of regime change sanity blowing through November voting booths before it is too late.

This article originally appeared at NewsMax