Tag Archives: Department of Prime Minister

Aussie Security Committee Madness: Spy Agency Chiefs Kicked Out, Replaced by Climate Head

 Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

Imagine if the CIA and FBI were disinvited from the US National Security Council, and replaced by the head of the EPA. Because this is the grotesque level of government incompetence Aussies are enduring.

Climate Change Department chief replaces heads of ASIO and ASIS on National Security Committee of Cabinet

Australia’s most senior climate change bureaucrat will have a seat at the National Security Committee after the Albanese government dumped the intelligence chiefs from a permanent spot on the premier security body.

Sharri Markson Sky News Host
March 19, 2024 – 8:45PM

The Climate Change Department Secretary is a new regular attendee to the National Security Committee of Cabinet, while our top intelligence chiefs have been removed as permanent members.

Sky News Australia can reveal that Climate Change Department Secretary David Fredericks has attended the premiere national security body, despite ASIO and ASIS directors-general no longer being automatic members.

Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen and the Labor Government declined to respond to questions about how often and why Mr Fredericks attends the National Security Committee of Cabinet.

A spokesman for the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet said it does not comment on national security matters.

…Read more: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/defence-and-foreign-affairs/climate-change-department-chief-replaces-heads-of-asio-and-asis-on-national-security-committee-of-cabinet/news-story/fb474d71eea38d423f82e0eb9045cf04

What a national embarrassment.

Did the spy chiefs try to tell the Prime Minister that Australia has problems other than climate change? We can only speculate what led to this absurdity.