Tag Archives: climate catastrophists

A climate of facts, not fear


By Duggan Flanakin

The great Democratic Party President Franklin Roosevelt famously said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

So why do the climate catastrophists – like the anti-nuclear energy crowd – use fear as their main tactic for browbeating an unwilling public into accepting their grotesque bans on natural gas, petroleum, and even nuclear energy (not to mention coal)?

The fear mongers used images to scare people into killing Eisenhower’s dream for the “peaceful uses of nuclear energy,” which died after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Fear was the message in the 1959 anti-nuke film On the Beach and the 1964 LBJ “daisy ad” that killed the Goldwater campaign.

While the official death toll from Chernobyl has been raised to 54, radical groups like the Union of Concerned Scientists (whose website does not list a single affiliated scientist) raised money by claiming up to 27,000 would die of additional cancers. Not to be outdone, Greenpeace in 2006 claimed that over 200,000 had already died from Chernobyl-related cancer.

Fear pays. The UCS, also a leading advocate for “green energy,” has an annual budget of about $43 million, while Greenpeace’s may be 10 times that amount. Other fear-mongering groups rake in collective billions – dwarfing the revenues of nonprofits who advocate for a balanced, far less disruptive approach to future energy use.

But even fear as a weapon has its limits when people begin to see clearly through the fog. The emperor really was naked. Chicken Little was a bit over the top. The Founding Fathers overcame the fear of failure to win America’s freedom from an oppressive monarch.

Perhaps it was the COVID pandemic that awakened millions across the globe to the reality that there are far more pressing issues today than “climate change” (barring an asteroid or other extra-terrestrial catastrophe or an unprecedented series of volcanic eruptions, both far beyond human control).

Many people resisted taking the COVID vaccines even after illegal mandates were imposed on them that cost jobs and lifelong friendships (even within families).

Fear has led to the neglect and downplaying of important, even urgent, human concerns and allowed the elites to begin restructuring world society to accommodate their belief (or tool for control) that carbon dioxide is an evil that must be eradicated. The carbon conundrum has even confabulated the field of geopolitics and turned allies into enemies and vice versa.

The carbon crisis movement builds on the lie that carbon dioxide, absolutely necessary for human and plant life, is bad for the planet. But Earth has seen widespread fluctuations in carbon dioxide levels, and the science shows that increased atmospheric (or greenhouse) carbon dioxide levels increase plant yields and thus enable feeding a growing world population while keeping the planet “green.”

The media have kept from the masses the confessions of the globalists that they use climate fear to attack the capitalist system. Their goal is to install a single, all-powerful world government with the power to dictate what we eat, what we wear, where we may travel, what jobs we may pursue, and how long we may be allowed to consume oxygen.

Across Europe, farmers are revolting against Commissar-like diktats that they slaughter herds or stop farming altogether. The globalists want to force people to eat laboratory-created “food,” worms, crickets, and algae. Not so secretly, they mumble about drastic reductions in the world human population, which some now believe they seek to accomplish through deadly viruses they are creating in laboratories on multiple continents.

The much softer sell is typified by former White House chef Sam Kass. His clever way to scare people into “climate action” is to host dinners featuring dishes he insists may soon disappear because of the “climate crisis” (rather than poor resource management).

His “Last Supper” (hmm!) features salmon, oysters, chocolate, coffee, and wine – all of which, he claims, “could” disappear altogether because of climate change. According to Kass, a political advisor to former President Barack Obama, “The reality is this is starting to play out right now.”

Lest anyone forget, grapes used to make wine are grown on every continent (Antarctica excluded) in a wide variety of localized climates. Entrepreneurs have for millennia found ways to adapt to changing climates, urbanization, and other intrusions that may force them to relocate to continue turning a profit. But of course, the market is bad – central planning is the only way!

Europeans are now questioning UN, EU, and WEF mandates that would force them into buying expensive heat pumps, electric vehicles, and other inconveniences while adapting to routine blackouts and brownouts resulting from the shuttering of reliable sources of energy. They also see how their leaders’ policies are benefiting the Chinese, whose own cheaper electric vehicles (made with slave labor) are flooding markets.

The global resistance movement is growing, even in Australia, which went into a total panic with lockdowns and arrests during the COVID pandemic. Brave souls gathered on February 6 to greet the new Parliament with a National Rally Against Reckless Renewables.

Many diverse regional communities directly and adversely affected by Aussie government policies demanded the country reestablish an electricity network that is efficient, safe, reliable, secure, and affordable. These policies, they asserted, threaten productive agricultural land, fisheries, and native habitats – worse, the government is subsidizing “greenwashed multinationals”.

Organizers, led by the National Rational Energy Group, condemned the 1,000-plus new “renewable” projects in the government’s “Powering Our Nation” pipeline, almost all of which will negatively impact coastal, farming, or traditional communities with small populations. In many cases, the right of these citizens to judicial review or appeal is being denied.

And what are their demands? First, a Senate inquiry to scrutinize the technical veracity as well as the excessive economic, social, and environmental costs of these “renewable” projects and the escalating risks to the national interest and security. The coalition also demanded an immediate suspension of all “renewable energy” projects until the Senate inquiry has reported its findings.

Imagine such an inquiry regarding the risks to national security of allowing the Chinese to dominate the world automotive marketplace because of their near-total control of the lithium battery market.

Imagine an inquiry as well into the real-world effects of the globalist demands for destroying herds, erasing farmland, and forcing people to purchase heat pumps.

Imagine an inquiry into the likely cost of electricity resulting from electric vehicle mandates and bans on natural gas, coal, and nuclear.

Speaking of nuclear, the coalition also demanded that Australia lift its 25-year-old ban on nuclear energy imposed in 1999 as part of a deal that led to the nation’s renewables-subsidizing Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

Nuclear has been revived as a favored option in part because of the $13 billion needed to build 10,000 kilometers of power lines to link up the plethora of renewable energy projects – which will cause havoc in rural Australia. Building modern-day nuclear plants on the sites of existing coal plants would require no new transmission lines at all.

Could the worldwide revolt against the smug globalists who have relied on fear to browbeat nations into adopting the absurd “climate catastrophe” agenda come from the stalwart Australians?

Isn’t it time for people everywhere to demand answers to the serious questions about the real-world costs of imposing the “renewables” agenda be laid out in full?

Torrential Rain, a 120-Plus Year Record from Kuranda, near Cairns (Part 1)

From Jennifer Marohasy

January 2, 2024 By jennifer

I was born in Darwin, and raised in the Tropics, knowing the sound of monsoon rains on a tin roof – so loud, like a heard of buffalo galloping overhead. Always wondering, as I lay in bed when it would end, whether it would flood.

Caused by deep convection this is also how the Earth cools: driving energy from the Earth-ocean surface where it has accumulated to the upper atmosphere where it can be radiated to space as infra-red emissions. That is also the water cycle, and of course, water vapour is a greenhouse gas. Quite a bit was let off recently with cyclone Jasper and all the flooding.

The rainfall record for Kuranda is more than 120 year long, providing more than 4 weather cycles of information on rainfall in the catchment draining to Cairns, that recently suffered such terrible flooding. Especially the northern beaches, home to both family and friends. I phoned my sister to offer commiserations, and of course, she had to add that it was all so ‘unprecedented – the rainfall’, she added.

I thought I would wait until the rainfall totals were in before making comment. And so it is with this new year that we have the rainfall totals for Kuranda, the longest records that I know of for that catchment, for the Barron River catchment.

Kuranda is a mountain village above Cairns – beside the headwaters of the Barron River. It’s known for the Kuranda Scenic Railway, which winds its way down to Cairns through tropic rainforest dotted with spectacular palm trees growing aside waterfalls that vary from a trickle to a torrent depending, of course, on the rainfall.

As the story goes 1882 was another unprecedented year of heavy rain. It cut the supply routes from the mining towns beyond the mountains to the coastal settlements including Cairns. Legendary bushman Christie Palmerston was tasked to find a reliable supply route for a railway to link the rich mining area to the sea. And so, the Kuranda railway was built opening in 1891, and with an official Australian Bureau of Meteorology rainfall record from 1896.

This record does not extend back to 1882, but we can see that 1911 is the wettest year on record with nearly 5,000 millimeters (4,921) of rain, followed by 1979 (4,657) and most recently, this last December nearly 4,500 mm fell (4,417). It is the case that this December is the wettest on record, with the heaviest rains in 1979 falling in January, and in 1911 it was in April.

It is unfortunate that there is no continuous temperature record for Kuranda, in fact temperatures have never been measured at Kuranda, at least not by the Bureau. They were measured at the Cairns post office from 1890 to 1952, and of course, this record shows cooling of maximum temperatures from 1920 to 1940, as do maximum temperature records from around the world.

Yet, curiously, climate change catastrophists and leading sceptics alike tend to deny this cooling and go on and on, variously about the one degree C increase in temperatures through the twentieth century.

They also like to claim that it is impossible to forecast rainfall, even my colleagues at the IPA. Of course, if you strip every historical temperature record of all meaningful cycles (particularly the cooling from 1920 to 1940) then reliable rainfall forecasting does become impossible.

To be continued.

The Era of Global Boiling Has Begun!? That Sounds Serious

The Heartland Institute

Can the climate catastrophists get any crazier? Old and cold: The hottest July in the last 120,000 years. New and hot: The era of global warming has ended, and the era of global boiling has begun.”

Heartland Institute President James Taylor was a guest of the great Tony Katz debunking these ridiculous claims that are causing real mental damage to those who are conditioned to trust their “superiors” in media and in government.

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres recently stated this: “Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it’s only the beginning. The era of global warming has ended, and the era of global boiling has begun.”