UK Climate Change Commission Urges the Government Spend More Money

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From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

The UK Climate Change Commission, a government body meant to oversee climate policy, has slammed the government for insufficient effort on climate adaption.

Climate change is accelerating – and the UK government is ‘strikingly unprepared’

Published: March 30, 2023 2.20am AEDT

Sam Fankhauser
Professor of Climate Economics and Policy, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford

The CCC criticised the government’s national adaptation programme for its lack of vision, ambition and reach. Sector by sector, the report lists failings in the government’s planning for climate change, or where plans exist, in their execution. 

Thirteen sectors, from infrastructure and the built environment to health, nature and managed lands are forensically analysed, highlighting that “fully credible” planning is only in place for five of 45 key risk areas, while evidence that the country is becoming less vulnerable to climate change is “lacking across the board.”

…Read more:

Countries are not doing enough to cut greenhouse gas emissions – or prepare for their consequences. Bilanol/Shutterstock

The official British national debt is 100% of GDP (£2,445 billion) according to the ONS. But I’ve seen multiple claims this figure is calculated using non standard accounting processes, such as excluding off balance sheet liabilities such as unfunded public sector pensions from their calculation.

In 2021 the Taxpayer’s Alliance used standard corporate accounting practices, as opposed to the government’s accounting fiddles, and determined the true British national debt is around £9-10 trillion.

So the big question, if the British government were to step up its climate preparation, where would the money come from? Cutting benefits for poor people or the elderly? Slimming down the NHS? Adding even further to Britain’s already unmanageable national debt? Opening the doors to even more mass immigration, to support the narrative there will be enough tax revenue available in the future to service the ever growing mountain of government debt?

I think we all know the answer to that question.