New Study Indicates North American Pacific Coast Sea Levels Declining From 1952-2014

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From NoTricksZone

By Kenneth Richard on 16. January 2023

Sea level changes along the Pacific coast have not been cooperating with an alarmist narrative.

New research reveals sea level rise has decelerated from ~5 mm/yr from the 1970s to 1990s down to about 1.5 mm/yr since the late 1990s along the Peruvian coast.

Further, the entire North America Pacific coast has undergone “statistically significant negative trends” (-0.11 to -33 mm/yr) in sea level change over the 1952-2014 period.

Image Source: Jigena-Antelo et al., 2023

Historically, this region of the world had sea surface temperatures about 4°C warmer than today throughout much of the last several thousand years (Salvatecci et al., 2019). Temperatures have been declining precipitously in recent decades (as indicated by the black star markings in the below study).

Image Source: Salvatecci et al., 2019

Boretti (2022) indicates the IPCC has been using “inappropriate” methods to claim rising greenhouse gas emissions will lead to 15 mm/yr sea level rise rates by 2100.

The actual rate of sea level rise from tide gauges is globally less than 1 mm/yr, and “the present acceleration is small.” Subsidence and uplift are up to 10 times more determinative of relative sea level variability than eustatic change.

Image Source: Boretti, 2022