Despite ostracism, name calling, and billions of dollars, nearly 4 in 10 globally are climate skeptics

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By Jo Nova

Even though climate deniers are the most hated, reckless, planet destroying people, who are excluded from dinner parties, and hounded from office, there are somehow still a lot of them.

As many as 37% of the population of 30 countries were still willing to tell a pollster that they think climate change was “mainly caused by natural phenomena”.

The poll was conducted by EDF, the French state owned electricity giant.

This clearly is not what the IPCC has been hammering home for 30 years.

Chris Morrison, The Daily Sceptic

Global Poll Shock

According to a worldwide IPSOS survey covering two-thirds of the world’s population, nearly four people in every 10 believe climate change is mainly due to natural causes. The degree of scepticism over human-caused global warming will shock the ‘settled’ science green catastrophists, who use constant scare tactics to promote the command-and-control Net Zero agenda.

EDF seems rather bemused by its findings. It suggests that populations are noting the occurrence of what it calls “extreme climate events”, but this is not making them “more concerned, nor is it convincing them of the human origins of the phenomenon”.

Decades of relentless climate catastrophising, characterised by far-fetched predictions and forecasts that never materialise, is starting to take its toll. Perhaps, people are just getting tired of being scared all the time, all to no avail. Global warming ran out of steam at the end of the last century, despite the upward adjustments made regularly by corrupted surface temperature datasets. This year in particular has been a disaster for doomsters with coral growing back in record amounts, Arctic summer sea ice and, possibly, the Greenland ice sheet increasing in mass, and annual hurricane energy falling by 33%. Living by the sword means dying by it, although of course there is a constantly moving conveyor belt whipping up new hysteria about ‘extreme weather’ events.

Things are changing fast as energy bills bite:

EDF notes that climate skepticism has grown by six points over the last three years, while skepticism in France grew by eight points in a single year.

It takes an industrial wall of censorship of keep the simple truth from reaching most people

Imagine how big that number would be if Sixty Minutes interviewed people like Harrison Schmidt, who walked on the moon fifty years ago, and asked him why he was skeptical? Or Ivar Giaver, who won a Nobel Prize in Physics? If Channel Nine played documentaries on historic heatwaves, or thermometers next to blistering tarmacs, or exhaust vents, the Bureau of Meteorology would fix those sites in a flick, and trim their hyperbolic heatwave emergencies. If the BBC ran debates on climate change, and actually found the best people from both sides to put their reputation on the line in public, the science wouldn’t look so settled.   Without relentless bullying the whole faith system would unravel in a few weeks.

After propaganda that starts in primary school  and climate porn bushfires and floods in the news every year, if people aren’t already sold on it, they’re not going to be:

 Populations are not reacting in the same way everywhere. 55% of Australians (+24 pts) mentioned the flooding that hit their country this year. Nevertheless, their sense of being confronted with climate change is still lower than elsewhere and is not growing.

Climate change is a rich mans fashion:

The environment is still a priority for the upper categories: while it ranks 2nd (44%) among the most affluent households, just after the increase in the cost of living, it ranks only 6th among lower-income households (36%), behind poverty and inequality (49%), unemployment (44%), the health system (41%) but also corruption.

Interestingly age is not the predictor of belief that it used to be?

Age does not appear to be a divisive criterion on this subject: the level of climate-skepticism is very similar in all age categories. Political tendency is more decisive on the other hand: in the seven countries where this political question was asked[2], 28% of supporters of the left turned out to be climate skeptics as opposed to 50% of supporters of the right.

The young rebels against the dogma must be rising.