Israel: Why Have Only 20% Of Doctors, Nurses Gotten 4th Jab After 96% Got 3rd Dose?

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Diminished trust. Something to ponder here…

I hear it from lots of other people here in Germany as well. Many enthusiastically got their first round of shots, but now are saying “enough is enough”.

Hat-tip: Henning Rosenbusch.

Yet, I still know other people who have had three shots and twice COVID, and will definitely get the 4th this autumn. One person even told me, “Now that I’ve had 3 shots and COVID twice, I feel really protected!”

Logic doesn’t work discussing this topic with the COVID vaccine junkies.

Mysterious heart deaths explained

On another note, the mysterious sudden deaths of healthy young people have now finally been explained. 

Too much joy! (/sarc)

via NoTricksZone

By P Gosselin on 31. July 2022