“Germany Poised to Become LNG Powerhouse”???

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Guest “I do not think that word, powerhouse, means what you think it means” by David Middleton

Germany Poised to Become LNG Powerhouse With Law to Cut Red Tape
Legislation set to cut approval time for import terminals
Nation is among EU states seeking to reduce reliance on Russia

By Vanessa Dezem, Arne Delfs, and Anna Shiryaevskaya
May 10, 2022

Germany is set to become a liquefied natural gas powerhouse within a year as it fast-tracks new import terminals to slash its dependence on Russian fuel.

Germany’s Federal Cabinet gave the green light to draft legislation to cut the approval process for such facilities to a 10th of the usual time. The government is planning four floating terminals, allowing it to replace at least 70% of Russian gas imports and marking a significant u-turn in energy policy after years of resisting costlier U.S. LNG.


Germany has long snubbed American LNG — touted as “freedom gas” by the Trump administration — miring past efforts to build terminals in lengthy bureaucracy. Its buyers have favored cheaper pipeline supplies, while the government has been concerned that bringing in U.S. cargoes — the product of fracking — might harm its environmental credentials.


Source: Graph created by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, based on data from Eurostat and the International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers (GIIGNL) annual liquefied natural gas trade reports
Note: Due to reporting requirements, some volumes of pipeline-imported natural gas are not attributed to a source country.

How does importing more than 80% of your natural gas qualify as a “powerhouse,” irrespective of the sources and nature of the imported gas?



This is what “poised to become LNG powerhouse” looks like:

DECEMBER 9, 2021
U.S. liquefied natural gas export capacity will be world’s largest by end of 2022

U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) export capacity has grown rapidly since the Lower 48 states first began exporting LNG in February 2016. In 2019, the United States became the world’s third-largest LNG exporter, behind Australia and Qatar. Once the new LNG liquefaction units, called trains, at Sabine Pass and Calcasieu Pass in Louisiana are placed in service by the end of 2022, the United States will have the world’s largest LNG export capacity.


Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, database of U.S. LNG export facilities

via Watts Up With That?

May 13, 2022