Best of WUWT

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Looking for longtime readers and Internet search wizards to help us identify our “best of category” posts for the following items:

  1. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming
  2. CO2 and Climate
  3. Climate Models
  4. Alarmist Predictions 
  5. Sea level Rise
  6. Climategate
  7. Extreme weather
  8. Climate Economics
  9. Intermittent Wind and Solar
  10. 97% consensus
  11. Polar Bears
  12. Ocean Acidification
  13. Ocean Heat Content
  14. Global Temperatures
  15. Electric Vehicles
  16. Glacial Cycles
  17. Ice Sheets
  18. Coral Reef Health

Note: Some, but not all of the above, correspond to our blog categories. Others are new and combine multiple site categories.

List your links to our all time best posts below.

via Watts Up With That?

October 25, 2021