Hot Air Coming From IPCC At Tropical Storm Levels: Typhoons Trending Down Since 1951

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From the NoTricksZone

By P Gosselin on 13. August 2021

Typhoon trends contradict alarmist claims made by the IPCC’s latest report

By Kirye and Pierre

The latest IPCC AR6 report claims there is a likely link between extreme weather events and human activity, particular so-called greenhouse gas emissions.

The media wasted no time in spreading panic and magnifying hysteria. But is it true that extreme weather events like heavy rains, storms, droughts are linked to CO2-induced climate warming?

If the link is true, then man’s activity has been desirable

Today we examine the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) data for Pacific typhoons going back to 1951. First we look at the trend for the number of typhoons formed in July. The IPCC Summary Report would like to have everyone believe that tropical storms are becoming more frequent and intense.

Data source: JMA.

Yet, as the above chart shows, the number of typhoons formed in the month of July has been trending downward. Using IPCC science claiming there’s an anthropogenic link, then we’d have to say that man has had a desirable impact on typhoon formation.

But that’s only one month, July.

So, next we look at the JMA data for the number of typhoons formed from January through July going back to 1951:

Data source: JMA.

Here as well the trend has been downward – in stark contrast to the baseless hysteria we’ve been hearing from the media over the past few days.

Annual typhoon trend is down

Next we examine the trend for the number of typhoons formed each year, since 1951.

Data source: JMA.

If there’s a link to humans, then us humans must be doing something right in terms of typhoon management. Of course everyone knows that IPCC science behind a link is bogus.

No trend on Japan typhoon landfall

Finally we look at the number of typhoons making landfall in Japan:

Data source: JMA.

Indeed we see there’s been no trend going back to 1950. In terms tropical storms, the amount of hot air coming from the IPCC is at typhoon levels.

via Watts Up With That?

August 15, 2021