Not an April Fools: Green economy incredulous over Nigel Farage’s new green finance job

This news has set the cat among the pigeons in climate obsession circles.

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Green campaigners and clean energy experts have expressed shock at the appointment of broadcaster, former politician, and long-time critic of climate action Nigel Farage to the advisory board of a European green finance firm focused on the fast-expanding carbon offset market, says Business Green.

Dutch Green Business Group, a firm focused on financing nature-based carbon offsets, announced on Sunday it had appointed Farage to its new advisory board, arguing he had “unique abilities to communicate relevant ideas to a global audience”.

Former Green Party leader Natalie Bennett, Green Alliance executive director Shaun Spiers, conservation campaigner Miles King, and BloombergNEF founder Michael Liebreich were among those to express incredulity at the news in light of Farage’s long record of climate scepticism.

In the past, Farage has criticised Greta Thunburg and Prince Charles for promoting “alarmism” on climate, derided wind energy as a “collective economic insanity”, and told the European Parliament climate concern was “one of the biggest and most stupid collective mistakes in history”.

But today, Farage – a long-time ally and promoter of climate denier Donald Trump – said he was looking forward to helping to stimulate and grow the rapidly-growing carbon offset market.

“I am very excited to be joining DGB who are on a mission to save our forests, plant millions of trees and harness the burgeoning carbon offset market which is rapidly transforming the financial dynamics of the green arena,” he said. “I know I can make a real difference to the speed and progress of this ambitious business which is delivering unique free market, nature based solutions.”

In a separate statement on Twitter, he said it was time to “take back the environmental agenda from climate alarmists”.

Full article here.

via Tallbloke’s Talkshop

March 29, 2021 at 09:15AM