Temporary Setback on Hydroxychloroquine Experiment

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Yesterday I reported that I had “Just Started Taking Hydoxychloroquine Prophylactically.”

Well, I started the regimen last Thursday, and today (Wednesday) when I checked, my blood pressure had shot through the roof. (182 over 89).

I checked with my doctors and they theorized that this has to do with my body’s response to the hydoxychloroquine. However, it might have to do with the zinc instead. Or maybe both. (My body doesn’t always respond to chemicals in what is considered a ‘normal’ manner.)

The the doctors suggested that I go off both the hydoxychloroquine and the zinc for a week. Then add the hydoxychloroquine back into the mix and see what happens. If that seems to go okay, then add in just half of the recommended dose of zinc, and see what happens then. And then … well, that will be decided then.

So that’s what I have done. Will keep you updated.


Here’s what I wrote earlier:

With so much disinformation out there about Covid-19, how does one know what is true? I’ve therefore decided to become a human guinea pig, and have begun taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure. I will keep you updated as to how it turns out.


(* See disclaimer below.)

I’ve Just Started Taking Hydoxychloroquine Prophylactically

Robert Felix

The idea of allowing myself to be vaccinated with an experimental mRNA vaccine that has not yet completed the testing stage really concerns me. And when I see hospitals essentially having to bribe their medical personnel to take the vaccine, I realize that I am not alone in this regard.

Perhaps I could have accessed hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) on my own, but since I’m posting this online, I decided to do it in a responsible manner.

I therefore talked to, and corresponded with, many people whom I trust in this matter. This includes several primary care physicians, physician’s assistants and nurses. Some of them have already been vaccinated, while others (more than you might believe) have decided to wait for more test results.

Anyway, I scheduled an in-person appointment with one of those doctors. After talking to me and checking me out physically, he sent a prescription for a month’s supply of HCQ to my pharmacy.

A month’s supply may sound like a lot, but it is actually only eight pills; two pills per week.

Because I have had elevated liver enzyme levels in the past, the doctor insisted that I go in for blood tests to establish a base level, and then repeat the same tests in 30 days. At that point, we will compare the results and decide whether it appears safe for me to continue the regimen.

And a regimen it is. The doctors (yes, there’s an ‘s’ on the end of that word) because several doctors suggested that I take the following supplements daily:

  • 50 mg of zinc (25 mg in the a.m., 25 mg in the p.m.)
  • 4,000 i.e.u. of vitamin D3
  • At least 2,000 mg of vitamin C (I’m  actually taking 4,000 mg/day)

Those supplements were no surprise, because I’d already been taking them anyway.

But this next one was a surprise.

  • The doctors (yes, again, several doctors) recommended that I add 250 mg per day of quercetin to the mix.

As I said earlier, I’ve already been taking the zinc, D3 and C for years, so the only addition was the quercetin.

I had never heard of quercetin before, and a couple of grocery stores I visited had never heard of it either. But I found it at a local pharmacy later that same day.

Quercetin is an herbal supplement, non-prescription, and once one knows what to look for, is easily found on the web.

What does quercetin do?

According to a National Institute of Health report that I just found, “quercetin (is) a flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables. (It) has unique biological properties that may improve mental/physical performance and reduce infection risk. These properties form the basis for potential benefits to overall health and disease resistance, including anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, and (other) activities.”

Anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant. Not a bad combination.

And it appears to be safe. According to a different N.I.H. paper, “adverse effects following supplemental quercetin intake (up to 1000 mg daily) have been rarely reported and any such effects were mild in nature.”

According to the doctors, the above four herbal supplements could give me up to 75 percent of the protection that I’ll be getting from the hydroxychloroquine.

For me, this has been a no-brainer.

And if it turns out that I’m not a suitable candidate for HCQ, I’ll most likely continue taking the above cocktail of herbal supplements.

By the way, as near as I can tell, taking HCQ prophylactically will not prevent me from catching Covid-19, but quite possibly could render its effects much less pronounced.

Stay tuned: I’ll keep you updated as to how this all turns out.

* Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor do I have a medical background. I am therefore not suggesting that you do, or do not, begin taking hydroxychloroquine. That’s between you and your doctor.

However, A.C. Osborn just sent this link describing 195 studies touting HCQ: https://c19study.com/

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The post Temporary Setback on Hydroxychloroquine Experiment appeared first on Ice Age Now.

via Ice Age Now


January 27, 2021 at 07:36PM