Federation Failure

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Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Federation Failure

  Opinion by Viv Forbes

Australian Climate Sceptics Blog

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25 August 2020

Federation Failure

Federation in Australia gave three essential tasks to the central Government – maintenance of free trade between states, defence, and quarantine.

But state borders are closed, defence is enfeebled by gender-agenda and poor equipment choices, and they have failed to protect us from foreign pests and viruses. Moreover, Canberra’s green dreams, targets and subsidies have made a monster mess of electricity generation and cost.

These colossal failures suggest that it’s time to restore federalism. Start by getting Canberra out of energy and the environment. At least some states would manage things better and provide a role model for others.

(98 words) 

Viv Forbes
Washpool Qld, Australia

Posted by Geoff on August 25, 2020 
