COP29 Host Nation President: “Having oil and gas … It’s a gift from God.”

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From Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

h/t strativariusBreitbart; Greens are once again pinning their hopes on a November climate conference hosted by a nation whose President plans to boost gas production.

COP29 Host Azerbaijan Says Its Fossil Fuel Is ‘Gift From God’

  • President Aliyev commits to boosting investments in gas
  • Country also touts its rollout of green energies this decade

By John Ainger
26 April 2024 at 8:24 PM AEST

Azerbaijan, host of this year’s COP29 climate summit, will continue to invest in increasing gas production in order to feed demand from Europe as its president said that its abundant fossil fuels were a “gift from God.”

President Ilham Aliyev said at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin that oil and gas would be needed for “many more years” as the country prepares to host the 29th United Nations’ Conference of the Parties, or COP29, in Baku later this year. He highlighted an agreement reached with the European Union to scale up supplies of natural gas to help make up for Russian shortfalls after its invasion of Ukraine.

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Are COP hosts chosen on the basis of how much the choice will upset greens?

Can you imagine what it must be like to be a green climate true believer? To believe that concerted global action is the only hope to save the world, to build up hope every year, only to see those hopes dashed, as each COP conference attempts to outdo the last in farcical mockery of climate tropes?

How can COP30 possibly top this comedy moment? Ask General Aladeen of Wadiya to host a COP conference? Obviously there is a minor problem that General Aladeen is a fictional character, but what better person to host a fictional climate conference?