You ‘no longer’ have ‘a choice’! Watch: Kerry’s daughter Vanessa Kerry: ‘We must accept that there is no other way forward than to phase out our reliance on fossil fuels. Simply mitigation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions — is no longer a choice’

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From Climate Depot

By Marc Morano

The WHO ‘Special Envoy for Climate Change & Health Vanessa Kerry: “We can and must make different decisions. We must accept that there is no other way forward than to phase out our reliance on fossil fuels. Simply mitigation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions — is no longer a choice.”

Dr Vanessa Kerry appointed as WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health – “We are delighted to have Dr Vanessa Kerry join WHO as our Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. Her extensive experience and dedication to public health make her an invaluable asset in addressing the health consequences of climate change. Together, we will work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for all,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, WHO.

Climate change is emerging as the greatest health challenge of the 21st century, impacting various aspects of human well-being. Extreme weather events, noncommunicable and infectious diseases, as well as health infrastructure and workforce capacity, are all being significantly affected.

“I am honoured to serve as the WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. The climate crisis is a health crisis – it poses a fundamental threat to global health, and urgent action is needed to mitigate and adapt against this complex challenge. Climate change is already wreaking havoc across the world – from the cholera outbreak in Malawi to heat-related illness in India – we must invest in strong health systems now which are resilient against these impacts. I will work with WHO and its partners to drive awareness, develop solutions and build consensus for action for a healthier future for everyone on this planet,” said Dr Kerry.

Both John Kerry and Vanessa Kerry also serve as “agenda contributors” to the World Economic Forum.


‘The climate crisis is a health crisis,’ Declares WHO’s ‘First-Ever Special Envoy for Climate Change & Health’ Vanessa Kerry

December 3, 2023 – John Kerry’s daughter Vanessa Kerry: “There’s a very real opportunity for us to have a health-centered approach to climate change.”

John Kerry’s daughter has a new job! Dr. Vanessa Kerry appointed as WHO Dir-Gen Special Envoy for Climate Change & Health

World Economic Forum ‘agenda contributor’ & John Kerry’s daughter, Vanessa, deliberate on how to leverage the ’emotion’ from the ‘pandemic’ to help advance the ‘climate crisis’ narrative, using ‘storytelling’

September 27, 2023

Vanessa Kerry, the World Health Organization’s special envoy for climate change, spoke on a World Economic Forum panel to discuss how to successfully prey on the public’s fear and emotions following the pandemic to push the “climate crisis” narrative.

World Economic Forum ‘agenda contributor’ Jemilah Mahmood: “The pandemic was an opportunity, I think all over the world, people realize how important health was… now do we take that emotion…of the health factors so critical but guess what guys, the climate crisis is creating more health issues than you can ever imagine, but no one has been able to make that link in the past.” …

Vanessa Kerry: “Covid taught us all these lessons learned, and we should be incorporating that….and the climate crisis is going to be so much worse.”

Jemilah Mahmood: “We were just talking about it earlier: ‘have people forgotten about Covid?’ So, I think it’s about the storytelling element.  I think that a lot of the things we see on health are very doom and gloom very, very much, even on the climate issue,  right, the extent that people feel ‘I can’t deal with this anymore …I can’t do this.’ But telling, you know, really inspiring stories about what is possible if we work together.”