NYC Pizzerias versus Climate Change Busybodies

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From Watts Up With That?

There is a storm brewing in the New York City food scene, a storm born out of seemingly well-intentioned climate change regulations. Yet, the key question remains, is it a storm we need to weather?

According to a recent article from The Post, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has proposed new rules targeting decades-old baking methods in pizzerias. Specifically, the department is cracking down on coal-and-wood-fired ovens, demanding a 75% reduction in carbon emissions. DEP spokesman Ted Timbers explains,

“All New Yorkers deserve to breathe healthy air and wood and coal-fired stoves are among the largest contributors of harmful pollutants in neighborhoods with poor air quality.”

While the desire for cleaner air is something we can all get behind, the overall impact of these regulations is questionable at best. A city official admitted that less than 100 restaurants would be affected by the mandate, leading us to ask, is it worth it?

Paul Giannone, owner of Paulie Gee’s in Greenpoint, reportedly spent $20,000 on an air filter system in anticipation of the new rules, a price that many small businesses can ill afford. Giannone summed up the situation, stating,

“Oh yeah, it’s a big expense! It’s not just the expense of having it installed, it’s the maintenance. I got to pay somebody to do it, to go up there every couple of weeks and hose it down and you know do the maintenance.”

Another anonymous restaurateur, furious at the proposed rules, exclaimed,

“And for what? You really think that you’re changing the environment with these eight or nine pizza ovens?!”

Adding to the controversy, many patrons argue that the change would alter the taste of the pizzas baked in these traditional ovens. Brooklyn Heights resident Saavi Sharma lamented,

“I’m all for responsible environmental practice but tell Al Gore to take one less private jet or something. Give me a break!”

Dave Portnoy weighs in.

While DEP officials claim they consulted with restaurateurs to develop the rules, the responses suggest the opposite. The truth of the matter is, these regulations not only threaten the authenticity and taste of New York City pizza, but they also place an unnecessary burden on small businesses already hit hard by COVID-19 pandemic.

As the anonymous restaurateur pointed out, if this mandate is about making a significant difference in environmental impact, then it is utterly misdirected.

To echo Sharma’s sentiments, let’s focus on the real culprits of environmental pollution and not meddle with our slice. The flavor of authentic New York City pizza, baked in a coal-and-wood-fired oven, is a legacy we should preserve, not regulate out of existence.