Danish Mask Study Finally Published – Masks Don’t Work

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Recently I posted posted that the largest study on masks done yet was rejected by 3 medical journals because the outcome did not support the continuing fear-mongering attempts to force people to do things that don’t work: https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2020/11/06/danish-newspaper-reveals-largest-study-on-masks-has-been-rejected-by-3-medical-journals/

It was finally published herehttps://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817

Please read it for yourself.

In a nutshell, it shows what we’ve known all along: masks make no difference in cases or level of COVID transmission. Period.  End of story.
But this information isn’t new or shocking – despite the mask religion being thrust on people globally.  Here’s why:
  1. Cases have continued despite extremely high mask-wearing rates:  https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2020/09/20/coronavirus-cases-hospitalizations-soar-in-hawaii-since-indoor-and-outdoor-mask-mandates/ This is proven especially when you look at the military with 100% compliance:  https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2020/11/17/pro-mask-study-withdrawn-after-virus-spread-in-counties-analyzed-by-researchers/
  2. The study showing a supposed benefit from masks was withdrawn due to numerous flaws: https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2020/11/17/pro-mask-study-withdrawn-after-virus-spread-in-counties-analyzed-by-researchers/
  3. Unlike previous modeling studies used for mask mandates, the Danish study is an actual randomized trial to determine mask effectiveness in the community on transmission and number of cases.  Think of this difference as being in vivo (real life) instead of in vitro (in a contrived lab setting).  In real life people touch and wear masks repeatedly, are not properly fitted, and often don’t wash them.  Not to mention the fact viruses are smaller than the fabric used in masks and it only takes ONE viral particle to infect you.
  4. You can hardly sniff at a study that observes 6000 people with half in the control arm and half in the mask group using surgical masks (which are better than cloth). The primary outcome was number of infections after one-month.  Only 53 in the control arm and only 42 in the mask group got infected.  BTW: More drop-outs occurred in the mask group – which makes complete sense.  There was no difference in infection rate.  Let me repeat:  no difference in infection rate.  No matter how you try and spin this – the masks didn’t keep any less people from becoming infected.
  5. To the criticism of mask usage data being self-reported, even if you take out the 7% who didn’t adhere, it still doesn’t make a tittle of difference.
  6. Also, there was  no difference in infection with other respiratory viruses either.
  7. The fact that most people were not wearing masks at this time in Denmark, giving them supposedly greater virus exposure, only strengthens the study’s finding.
  8. In order to get published it is obvious the authors were forced to continually capitulate by underestimating their findings by repeatedly referring to limitations and caveats.  Bowing down to external forces to suppress and downplay results that don’t fit the accepted narrative is the ‘new norm’ in science.  Prepare for more of it.  We must continue to be vigilant and call out biased, flawed work.

For more on the ineffectiveness of masks:

Wearing masks all the time is actually dangerous:  

Despite this, WI Governor Evers continues to order statewide mandates & lockdowns:  https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/wisconsin/2020/07/30/heres-what-we-know-wisconsins-mask-mandate/5548036002/  Once again, he states he’s “following the science.” Violating the mask order could result in a fine up to $200. The order is here:  https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/WIGOV/2020/07/30/file_attachments/1507337/EMO01-FaceCoverings.pdf

Please let him and our other pubic ‘authorities’ know that masks don’t protect people and isolating a healthy population has consequences:  https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2020/07/22/a-years-worth-of-suicide-attempts-in-four-weeks-the-unintended-consequences-of-covid-19-lockdowns/

Time for an appropriate response:  https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2020/10/06/covid-experts-there-is-another-way-please-sign-the-declaration/

November 20, 2020

via Madison Area Lyme Support Group