Quantifying Futility: an estimate of future Global CO2 emissions — Watts Up With That?

Reposted from edmhdotme Following the thinking of the late Prof David Mackay using “back of the envelope calculations”, this post makes estimates of the likely future growth in global CO2 emissions to put the efforts at CO2 emissions reduction in the Western World into the context of a probable and inevitable future for Global CO2…

über Quantifying Futility: an estimate of future Global CO2 emissions — Watts Up With That?

Licorice Root tincture effective against Coronaviruses? — Ice Age Now

“Licorice has also been shown to stop the reproduction of HIV in lab studies.” – Caroline Snyder ____________ Licorice Root tincture effective against Coronaviruses? Caroline Snyder Right now, I am making my own Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) tincture, as Licorice has been found to be one of the most effective agents against Coronaviruses. The commercial…

über Licorice Root tincture effective against Coronaviruses? — Ice Age Now

Japanese IWJ News Site Reports Polar Bears, Snow Cover, Increasing… No Real Climate Science Consensus — NoTricksZone

Experts: polar bears and winter snow on the increase The online Japanese Independent Web Journal (IWJ) reports on a leading figure in polar bear research, Dr. Susan Crockford, who says “polar bears will not become extinct due to climate change” and that “in fact, polar bears have increased rather than become extinct!” Crockford’s findings contradict…

über Japanese IWJ News Site Reports Polar Bears, Snow Cover, Increasing… No Real Climate Science Consensus — NoTricksZone

Global confusion: Turns out global warming doesn’t cause wandering Jet Stream “extreme weather” — JoNova

It’s a flip on a flop. After all the media headlines, a new paper suggests that some climate scientists are not just wrong, they got cause and effect mixed up, and that the wandering “blocking” jet streams are not caused by warmer arctic, but may be causing the temperature changes instead. “”The well-publicised idea that…

über Global confusion: Turns out global warming doesn’t cause wandering Jet Stream “extreme weather” — JoNova

The mad rush to electric vehicles — Ice Age Now

Did you know that Bernie Sanders has championed a multi-state effort to end the sale of vehicles with internal combustion (IC) engines? Whatever happened to the word ‘freedom’? State and federal ruling classes might be surprised at how liberty and opportunity-loving Americans respond. _____________ “Tesla’s incredible stock market value, news stories, and endless predictions and…

über The mad rush to electric vehicles — Ice Age Now

Tesla darf weiter roden — finger’s blog

(Hambi darf nicht geroden werden – Reinhardswals darf gerodet werden – Grünheide darf gerodet werden! Rate warum das eine gut -das andere schlecht ist! L.J. Finger21022020) Mit der Niederlage der Umweltschützer vor Gericht stehen die Zeichen für die Autofabrik nun wohl auf Grün – eine Analyse der Gründe. Grünheide Die Tesla-Manager und die Befürworter der […]

über Tesla darf weiter roden — finger’s blog

Flashback Friday: The Politics of Polar Bears CBC documentary from 2014 — polarbearscience

Worth watching if you haven’t seen it – and a second look if you have – a rare balanced documentary produced by the CBC in 2014 on polar bear conservation, with interviews with biologists Mitch Taylor and Andrew Derocher. „In The Politics of Polar Bears, Reg Sherren will pick his way through the message track […]

über Flashback Friday: The Politics of Polar Bears CBC documentary from 2014 — polarbearscience

5 Gründe gegen TESLA – Zwei Teslafahrer packen aus – Alles schlecht, oder doch nicht? — Solar Roofers

[ad_1] Gabor und ich haben die Kritiken unter früheren Videos zu Ungunsten von TESLA zum Anlass genommen dieses Video zu produzieren. Bei TESLA ist nicht alles Gold was glänzt. Wir sprechen die Top 5 Negativ Punkte gegen Tesla an und teilen unsere Erfahrungen. Bleibt es beim Versuch? Seht selbst. Viel Spaß! Auf vielfachen Wunsch könnt […]

über 5 Gründe gegen TESLA – Zwei Teslafahrer packen aus – Alles schlecht, oder doch nicht? — Solar Roofers