Fake News: “The idea that “greenies” … would oppose measures to prevent fires … is simply false.” — Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to the New Daily, it is inconceivable that greens would oppose measures to prevent fires and improve fire safety. How Rupert Murdoch is influencing Australia’s bushfire debate Damien Cave10:05pm, Jan 9, 2020 Deep in the burning forests south of Sydney this week, volunteer firefighters were clearing a track through…

über Fake News: “The idea that “greenies” … would oppose measures to prevent fires … is simply false.” — Watts Up With That?

Bristol Energy launches three new renewable energy and green gas tariffs — Energy Live News

Bristol Energy has launched three new renewable energy and green gas tariffs, largely powered by local wind and solar power plants. The city, which was the first major urban hub in the country to announce a climate emergency. now has around a decade until it reaches its 2030 carbon-neutral target and says the new offerings…

über Bristol Energy launches three new renewable energy and green gas tariffs — Energy Live News