Progressive „House of Cards.“ Their Entire Foundation is Based Upon Awful Divisive Lies — CO2 is Life

The unfortunate reality is that Democrats are 100% dependent upon minorities and women for having any chance what so ever of winning an election. Because of that absolute dependency, they have chosen the most despicable tactics to exploit the fears, vulnerabilities, and insecurities of Women and Minorities. Instead of promoting America as the Nation that […]

über Progressive „House of Cards.“ Their Entire Foundation is Based Upon Awful Divisive Lies — CO2 is Life

More Real Data Totally Contradict Fake Media… Show Scandinavia, Ireland NOT WARMING Over Past Decades — NoTricksZone

By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Global warming alarmists like to tell us the planet is warming faster and faster. Yet, when we look objectively at the untampered data, we see this is not the case at all at many locations. Today we look at the (untampered) data from the Japan Meteorology Agency (JMA) for some…

über More Real Data Totally Contradict Fake Media… Show Scandinavia, Ireland NOT WARMING Over Past Decades — NoTricksZone

In US, climate anxiety churns up psychological storm — Tallbloke’s Talkshop

This is fun if you’re not one of the climate botherers claiming we’re all doomed. If so you’re probably in the „well-educated conservative white men“ group, says In the melting Arctic, communities are racing to maintain their way of life. In the rising Pacific, residents are sounding alarm bells. And in Rhode Island, Kate […]

über In US, climate anxiety churns up psychological storm — Tallbloke’s Talkshop