Oldbrew & Tallbloke: Jupiter’s dance with the Sun

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Scientist Rhodes Fairbridge noted in an essay that D.G. King-Hele had in the 1960s pointed out a pattern of solar-planetary significance:
‚King-Hele was able to identify a cyclical process referring to the return alignments of Jupiter, the center of the Sun, and the center of gravity of the Solar System (the barycenter).‘

Although some of King-Hele’s conclusions may have been based on no longer used ephemeris data, the basic pattern is still there for us to see today.

The Solar Simulator shows that the Jupiter-Sun line passes through the solar system barycentre exactly 19 times every ~179 years, equivalent to 9 Jupiter-Saturn synodic periods of 19.865~ years each (aka the Jose cycle).

On one, or sometimes two (depending on the chosen start date) of the 19 crossings the line appears to hover around the barycentre for a variable period of up to a few years. [Example: 1789-95]. These events are counted as one Jupiter-barycentre-heliocentre (JBH) alignment.

Now to the numerics:
9 Jupiter-Saturn synodic periods = 18 half J-S periods, i.e. 9 conjunctions (J&S together on same side of Sun) and 9 oppositions (J&S directly opposite each other with Sun inline between them).

1 Jose cycle + 18 J-S/2 = 19 = number of JBH alignments in the period (~179 years).

Kepler’s trigon – the orientation of consecutive Jupiter-Saturn synodic periods, showing the repeating triangular shape (trigon).

Turning to the Jupiter-Saturn precession cycle period of ~2503 years, it contains:
14 Jose cycles
252 J-S/2 (18*14)
211 Jupiter orbits
41 revolutions of 360 degrees of the synodic axis of Jupiter-Saturn (see Kepler diagram)

Further calculations arise:
19 JBH (per Jose cycle) * 14 = 266 JBH
211 + 41 = 252
252 + 14 = 266
266 JBH – 211 (J orbits) = 41 + 14 = 55

Mean period of the JBH crossing:
2503.0909 tropical years / 266 = 9.410116 TY

Since 252+14=266, 9.410116 TY is also the axial period of the Jose cycle and the J-S/2 period, i.e:
(Mean JBH) / Jose, + (Mean JBH) / (J-S/2) = 1

Mean period of the JBH-J cycle:
2503.0909 TY / 55 = 45.510743 TY

Since 41+14=55, 45.510743 TY is also the axial period of the Jose cycle and of one precession cycle of the J-S synodic axis, i.e.:
(Mean JBH-J) / Jose, + (Mean JBH-J) / J-S axis cycle = 1

Variation of the time between JBH crossing periods from the 9.41 year mean can be quite large, up to a few years +/- that value, although the majority of crossings tend to be in the +/- 1.5 year range from the mean. The overall period of 19 consecutive JBH crossings does not appear to vary more than +/- a few months from the expected mean of 178.79 tropical years, at least on the randomly selected test cases to date.

The longer JBH events may be linked to the modulation of solar angular momentum. For example, this graphic clearly shows the late 1960s event, referred to in the text of the paper it came from as a ‚distortion‘.

[Credit: Gerry Pease, Gregory Glenn]

Although the graphic on the right from the Solar Simulator only shows one date, this alignment of Jupiter, the barycentre and the Sun started in 1967 and continued into 1971.

An anomalously lower solar cycle (SC20) compared to its neighbours occurred at that time. The Dalton minimum occurred soon after the 1789-95 JBH alignment.

via Tallbloke’s Talkshop

January 21, 2022, by oldbrew