Thanks, Washington Times, For Presenting the Unalarming Facts About Global Warming

The Washington Times published an article yesterday – on Earth Day – presenting the true facts about climate change. The story was refreshing because it cited data, not computer model speculations, to discuss what we currently know about the state of the climate.

In the Washington Times article, James Taylor, president of The Heartland Institute presents unalarming facts, not fear, in the article titled “Economy-destroying climate plans target nonexistent ‘crisis.’”

“Make no mistake, measurable scientific evidence makes it clear that global warming is not going to cause the world to end in 10 years, 100 years, or 1,000 years,” writes Taylor. “In fact, a warmer world has always been a better world for human health and welfare, and this is not going to change in the foreseeable future.

“The notion of an imminent climate crisis is a carefully crafted delusion, plain and simple,” Taylor continues. “The more that objective science has debunked alarmist climate claims, the more that climate activists and their media allies have ratcheted up their rhetoric and sought to deflect attention away from real scientific evidence.”

Taylor then proceeds to refute many claims made by climate alarmists that a warmer world is bad for humanity, and that global warming will increase extreme weather events.

Concerning global warming’s impact on human health, Taylor writes, “Colder climate periods have typically been associated with more famines, plagues, and severe extreme weather events, as well as with reduced crop yields and declining human populations. Warmer climate periods have typically resulted in comparatively fewer famines, plagues, and extreme weather events. They also usually have higher crop yields and are more likely to produce golden ages of higher human population numbers and living standards.”

Data presented in numerous Climate Realism articles – for example, herehere, and here – demonstrate Taylor is correct when he states modest warming has been good for human health.

“Data show alarmists’ doomsday predictions have consistently failed to materialize,” Taylor observes. He backs up this claim citing the  U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s reports, which state the organization has “low confidence” that climate change is having any measurable negative global impacts regarding hurricanestornadoesdroughtsfloods, and other natural disasters.

“Predictions of future climate catastrophes are no more credible than past predictions that failed to materialize,” writes Taylor, concluding, “Policymakers should resist the urge to fix a “problem” that doesn’t need fixing, especially when it involves government policies that will inevitably cause more harm than good.”

That’s an admonishment the Biden administration, Congress, governors, state legislators, and regulatory agencies should take to heart, especially on Earth Day.

The post Thanks, Washington Times, For Presenting the Unalarming Facts About Global Warming appeared first on Climate Realism.

via Climate Realism

By H. Sterling Burnett -April 23, 2021