Sky News to broadcast ‘The Daily Climate Show’

Does Sky think it has a ready-made successor to its daily Covid news bombardment? Welcome to the world of dodgy climate data, viewers.
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Starting this week, Sky News will get deadly serious in its coverage of climate change by highlighting every night the time we have left until the planet overheats, says I-news.

The figure is already less than 12 years, and the on-screen ticker will be counting down, second by second, as we head towards the ominous limit of 1.5°C hotter than when the Earth’s temperature was first comprehensively measured in 1880.

That ceiling was set in Paris at COP21, the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference, and Sky News has made its bold statement as we approach COP26 in Glasgow in November.

The ticking clock, built by Concordia University in Canada, will feature on a giant dashboard that will be a permanent studio fixture on The Daily Climate Show, which begins on 7 April as the UK’s first prime-time news show dedicated to the environment crisis.

John Ryley, head of Sky News, had the idea for the show while mulling the role that hard data has had in our understanding of the Covid pandemic.

He said: “In today’s world, the public and consumers understand data. It dawned on me during the pandemic that we can use data very effectively in tackling the climate story.”

The data wall on the new show, hosted by Anna Jones, will include “dynamic” numbers from the University of Oxford’s Global Warming Index, revealing how the Earth’s temperature is steadily rising in fractions of a degree (it’s already above 1.1°C hotter than in 1880), and a running total of global CO2 emissions in millions of tonnes.

Another stat, from the National Grid, will show the evolving split in UK energy use between fossil fuels, nuclear and renewables.

Continued here.

via Tallbloke’s Talkshop

March 29, 2021 at 01:27PM