Advance Briefing for Glasgow COP 2021

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Ideas like carbon capture, green hydrogen, monster batteries and so on merely tell us the obsession with a ‘net zero’ future is impossible to achieve – apart from being absurd anyway.

Science Matters

Presently the next climate Conference of Parties is scheduled for Glasgow this November, Covid allowing.  (People used to say “God willing”, or “Weather permitting”, but nowadays it’s a virus in charge.)  Actually, climate hysteria is like a seasonal sickness.  Each year a contagion of anxiety and fear is created by disinformation going viral in both legacy and social media in the run up to the autumnal COP (postponed last year due to pandemic travel restrictions).  Now that climatists have put themselves at the controls of the formidable US federal government, we can expect the public will be hugely hosed with alarms over the next few months.  Before the distress signals go full tilt, individuals need to inoculate themselves against the false claims, in order to build some herd immunity against the nonsense the media will promulgate. This post is offered as a means to that end.

Media Climate Hype is…

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via Tallbloke’s Talkshop

February 10, 2021 at 05:15AM