Decrees serving to isolate, humiliate, and impoverish

How long are we going to stand for this?


Decrees serving to isolate, humiliate, and impoverish

How long are we going to stand for this?
Robert Felix

I’ve just begun reading a fascinating detective novel by Daniel Silva entitled The Rembrandt Affair.

Silva describes some of the horrendous atrocities that took place in Holland during World War II, atrocities committed against the Jews.

At first, the German’s simply began issuing a few benign-sounding orders as to what Jews could and could not do. But the noose kept tightening with a cascade of new decrees serving to isolate, humiliate, and impoverish.

As I continued reading, it struck me as to how some of those decrees looked startlingly similar to those being issued around the world today, not just to Jews, but to much of the human race. Of course these rules don’t apply if you happen to be an “essential” government worker or one of the chosen ones.

Do any of these decrees sound familiar to you?

  • forbidden to enter hotels or eat in restaurants
  • forbidden to attend the theater, visit public libraries, or view art exhibits
  • children barred from schools

Is this just the beginning of a purge of we useless eaters?

What new rules are on the way? Churches are already closed. In many states bars are closed, restaurants are closed, fitness clubs are closed. One state, Ohio, has imposed a 10pm to 5pm curfew. Another state has issued a mandate that you must wear a mask even in your own home. What next?

Here is a quote from chapter 17 of The Rembrandt Affair. Do you see any similarity to the Covid-19 rules being issued today?

“Hitler decided that the Netherlands would be run by a civilian administration. He gave the job to Reich’s commissar Arthur Seyssa-Inquart, a fanatical anti-Semite who had presided over Austria after the Anschluss in 1938. Within days, the decrees began. At first, a benign-sounding order forbade Jews from serving as air-raid wardens. Then Jews were ordered to leave the Hague, Holland’s capital, and to move from sensitive coastal areas. In September, all Jewish newspapers were banned. In November, all Jews employed by the Dutch civil service, including those who worked in the educational and telephone systems, were summarily dismissed. Then, in January 1941, came the most ominous Nazi decree to date. All Jews residing in Holland were given four weeks to register with the Dutch Census office. Those who refused were threatened with prison and faced confiscation of their property.

“The census provided the Germans with a map showing the name, address, age and sex of nearly every Jew in Holland. We foolishly gave them the keys to our destruction.”

“The census was followed by a cascade of new decrees that served to isolate, humiliate, and impoverish the Jews of Holland. Jews were forbidden to donate blood. Jews were forbidden to enter hotels or eat in restaurants. Jews were forbidden to attend the theater, visit public libraries, or view art exhibits. Jews were forbidden to serve on the stock exchange. Jews could no longer own pigeons. Jewish children were barred from “Aryan” schools. Jews were required to sell their businesses to non-Jews. Jews were required to surrender art collections and all jewelry except for wedding bands and pocket watches. And Jews were required to deposit all savings in Lippmann, Rosenthal and Company, or LiRo, a formerly Jewish-owned bank that had been taken over by the Nazis.

Again I ask, “Do any of these decrees sound familiar to you? Do you see any similarity to the Covid-19 rules being issued today?”

Who is behind this? What is their ultimate goal? I don’t think their goal is friendly.

Rules are issued by rulers. Do we really want our government employees to rule us? Or do we want them to serve us?

And again I ask, “How long are we going to stand for this?”

The post Decrees serving to isolate, humiliate, and impoverish appeared first on Ice Age Now.

via Ice Age Now

November 20, 2020 at 03:40AM