New Climate Summary Debunks Polar Bear Fears

New Climate Summary Debunks Polar Bear Fears

Polar bear populations are increasing, not decreasing, as the planet modestly warms, reports a new climate summary at the website Climate at a Glance. Moreover, polar bears have survived and thrived in warmer historical climates than the present. The new summary, Climate at a Glance: Polar Bears, documents these and other truths that eviscerate the alarmist Climate Delusion regarding polar bears.

According to the new summary:

  • Polar bear populations are increasing dramatically during recent decades as the planet has warmed.
  • The estimated polar bear population has quadrupled since 1950, rising from 10,000 bears in 1950 to 39,000 bears today.
  • Polar bears evolved between 6 million years ago and 350,000 years ago, surviving and thriving in much warmer climate than today.
  • Speculation that polar bears are facing imminent demise defy polar bear evolution, polar bear history, and the present state of polar bear populations.

The new summary, like other topical entries at Climate at a Glance, presents a short, easily digestible summary and a powerful illustrative graph after these bullet-points. The summary is perfect for policymakers as ammunition against “gotcha” leftist media questions, and is also compelling for educators, students, and the general public.

The post New Climate Summary Debunks Polar Bear Fears appeared first on Climate Realism.